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OG s1 x GSC + Chem D x GSC Testers

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Are you getting a kind of sweet smell from any of your OGs1 x GSC hybrids?

Hi Bobbo! Maybe it's not a petrol fuel smell it just penetrates the nose in a similar astringent way, it's almost like a tart smell with bitter apples, very hard to compare to everyday smells, I can only compare it to OG!

But there is also another standout pheno in the OG hybrids which is the sweetest smelling fruit I've ever had from a growing plant. Like artificial sweetner sweet! The kind of smell when you open a bag of haribo. Not apparent in any of the Chem D hybrids but there in full effect in this one plant from the OG hybrids.

I don't want to get too excited yet as I've had plants in the past smell great but do not have the same flavour when it comes to smoking them. Fingers crossed we can retain some of these aromas in the smoke!

But yeah, I think OG is one of the hardest flavours and smells to describe, but is also one of the most wonderful, so if you've never had real OG you're in for a treat with these plants!



Active member
Yeah, it defs penetrates the nose in like an astringent way-very pungent.

My #3, has a sweet on sweet smell! Fruity up front, with a rank overpowering fruity smell.

Thanks!, can't wait myself!
have you got any full plant shots was thinking of grabing some was wondering how branchy they get for my SOG thanks
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Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
What's happening johnny?

I'll be grabbing some shots over the next few days so will get some for you then. The way I grew them, without training or pinching, they grew straight beanpole which was perfect for me as I run SOG. The downside to this meant it was difficult to take cuts before the flowering stretch took place, and even then, I wasn't able to take decent cuts of all phenos and have had to try and root buds on a few.

Saying that though, other people testing these have got them to bush out so it all depends how you grow them. But I'd say they're perfect SOG plants from seed.


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴




Here we have four of the OG s1 x GSC at about 56 days. Some real interesting smells emanating from them now, all smell dank and are saturated with resin. Ranging from candy sweet to typical OG funk. Got my eye on at least three of the phenos to run again. Couple more weeks to go and we're good! I'll be giving a breakdown of each pheno once chopped and ready to smoke.


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Thanks for the love everyone, and thanks to ojd for the genetics. These cookie hybrids are all looking spectacular in every tester's grow. Real low maintenance plants that pretty much grow themselves and blossom into beautiful specimens. Really hope they smoke as good as they look, I'm pretty confident they will!



ICMag Donor
hey piff Rhys Jones

great update

looking very forsty , nice work
and they all look good, hard to pick a keeper by looks
these cookie x's are coming out real nice
i hope they keep the smells like you are saying the descriptions sound very tasty

look forward to next upate


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴



Chem D x GSC pheno 3 at 69 days. This is the first one to come down as I can't wait any longer! The rest should come down over the next few days. Straight chem funk with an underlying sweetish OG smell on this plant. More chem dominant this one in smells and looks. Completely saturated in resin. Even the lower buds are solid and frosted out.

Can't wait to smoke her!



Active member
That's what I'm talking about! Very nice job!, great work! Looking like they were dusted, or dipped in sugar!