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NFL 2018


In my empire of dirt
happening brother! hope you had a great weekend
week one of the preseason is in the books and what a week its been
brown suffers from bad feat and dosent like the fit of the new hats, but you have to wear a helmet to play
he tried threatening if he got hurt wearing the new helmet it would be the leagues fault
/talk about if a lawyer and hr couple met... then had a baby.. this reeked of shifting liability
how about if he wears his old hat and gets hurt, would that mean the nfl has no liability for any injuries he sustains from here on out?
ultimately he dosent have any bullets in his gun and if he doesnt play we wont get paid
the 9rs looked pretty good spreading the ball around on offense
rams looked flat on offense but the D came up with a couple big plays form one of their new S
i dont exect to see goff or gurley play much this preseason but we should still get a feel for the team


Horse-toothed Jackass
Yeah, AB is being pretty obstinate about his helmet, and his agents or lawyers are probably making those arguments on why he should be allowed to keep it but not realizing the flip side of those arguments, like you said.

In his defense though, if the league is banning helmet models that are 10 yrs or older, that seems pretty strict. I guess the league's logic is that newer models have more safety features built in, but is that necessarily true? Im not sure it's possible to make a helmet that will slow the brain inside the skull from getting bashed around.

Ah yes, it was the blake bortles show for the Rams. And then the 3rd and 4th string qb's for the rams. So no wonder they scored 3pts. But the rams really do treat preseason as tryouts for their bench guys, so they might go 0-4 in the preseason.


In my empire of dirt
0-4 sounds about right
a lot of teams dont play their ones in the preseason, instead giving the new guys a chance to show what they have
i hear one of the problems the league has is there arent many models of ab's helemt around to test
he put out a post on the internet today asking if anyone has one of the them made after 2010 to trade him
i hear they discontinued the model in 2011 so there might not be a whole lot of them left in circulation
plus, who knows how the helmet has been cared for for the past decade
if you ask me its all sounds like lawyer talk and most likely has something to do with the concussion settlement
/if the helmet can pass the standards why should it matter when it was made?
so how much is dak worth? im hearing he is expecting to be paid more than willson, some places are saying up to 40m a season?!?
while i think he is a pretty good qb and still has room to grow i dont think he is worth anywhere near russel wilson money
hope you are having a great week and are ready for the second week of the preseason


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ive read that Brown can submit his old helmet to see if it meets the new standards but that it's highly unlikely that it would pass. I think the NFL has higher standards than NOCSAE, the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment, so even though his old helmet meets NOCSAE it wouldnt meet the NFL's stricter requirements.

I guess maybe the newer helmets are thicker? AB is complaining that the new helmets restrict his vision more, so im guessing theyre thicker and restrict his peripheral vision more.

Theres been some reports that Dak's agents are starting off demanding 40M/yr, which is of course ridiculous when Rodgers and Wilson just signed 33-35M/yr deals in the last year. But I guess when youre negotiating you shoot for the moon and settle for less, maybe this way he gets 32M/yr and both sides can say they won the negotiation?

Tomorrow we have 5 games on Thursday, including raiders/cards on espn. Friday a few more, including bears at giants. And then more football Sat, Sun and Monday night on espn, niners at denver.


In my empire of dirt
a lot of good game coming up this week
raiders/ cards should be fun and im hoping to get another look at k.murray
he should get some reps in this week against the raiders and next week vs. min
i dont really know whats the difference between the old helmets and the new ones; most likely a better design and padding
i understand starting off high in a negotiation and working your way down, but 40m sounds outrageous
/especially when you put it in the context of what the elite qbs are making
hope you are having a great summer baba; i cant believe how fast the year is moving
my friends kids just started middle school this week and next week mrsChicky flies out with the girl to get her settled in before her school year starts
the autos are doing good and im hoping to bring the rest of the seedlings over this weekend
we still have some summer left but fall is just around the corner


Horse-toothed Jackass
I think they use a different type of foam padding in newer helmets, something about it's more cushioning over a wider range of temperatures. I guess those helmets get pretty hot inside when these guys are running around.

Ive heard that mahomes would be the nfl's first 40M/yr player when he signs his extension next year, but he had a 5k yard, 50td, MVP season and Dak hasn't had a 4k yard, 30 td season yet, so yeah his demand sounds outrageous but maybe it's typical negotiating tactics. Shoot for the moon and then 'settle' for less.

School's back in session, summer's ending. Still been pretty warm and humid lately but not as bad as July. I havent dont as much grilling/smoking as i thought i would but hopefully even as it gets cooler ill still do it, especially for football weekends.

Hopefully your girl gets acclimated to school, makes some nice friends, has fun but studies hard and goes to class. Scary being so young and completely (sort of) on your own, it's almost too much freedom for someone who's really not a grown up yet...


In my empire of dirt
i worry about how shes going to transition to the big leagues too sometimes
but her and her mom have a great relationship and i try and do the best i can
at some point she has to go out and experience the world on her own
im sure there will be some bumps along the way but thats all a part of growing up
the mrs and her have been doing a lot of shopping for cold weather gear, the mrs is from back east so she knows all about how to deal with the cold
im not expecting dak to see the 40m/y he is asking for but who knows
mahomes is most likely to test the upper limit of what a qb can get paid, especially if he has another year anywhere close to the one he had last season
i can see the west putting two teams into the playoffs; kc led by its offense and the chargers riding on the D'


Horse-toothed Jackass
AB didn't play but he was running some routes before the game last night, looks like his feet are ok and his helmet issue is over. Maybe he'll get some reps in the 3rd preseason game.

Mike glennon made some good throws last night, fwiw. Raiders should be better on both sides of the ball so should definitely win more than 4 games, not sure about playoffs especially with the chiefs and chargers in their division.

Kyler kept getting called for false starts when he would start to clap his hands but then stop. I know in college QBs often clap their hands to snap the ball, havent really seen it in the pros, i would think it would clue the defenders to get a good jump but maybe it doesnt make much difference. He kept getting pressured though, and thats the thing with running 4 WR as your base set, sure you can throw the ball down the field but it makes it harder to protect the QB.

As long as you try to give her good advice, tell her about the common mistakes youve made when you were her age, that's pretty much all you can do, Pop. And of course she has to be willing to listen. When you're young and dumb, you think youre indestructible, nothing bad can happen. We were all young once...


In my empire of dirt
its friday brother! im ready for the weekend
im not saying kyler was exposed by the raiders but he dident look half as good as he did in week one against the chargers
speaking of the chargers, d.james is going to be out for an undisclosed amount of time with a foot injury
it sounds like hes going to miss at least the first few games but lynn said he hopes he will be back this season which means it could be a little more serious
/fwiw, it was foot injuries that took out lt and gates; sometimes you just never get it back like it once was
so my friend has accepted the jags as my dark horse team this season
hes still banking on the riaders
we will work out what the bet is going to be but its all in good fun so im not trying to milk it
/probably something fun like he buys a pizza we share or some beers
we arent getting any younger baba and i still feel young for my age, but yeah ive grown up a lot since i was her age
im sure she will have a great time at penn state and go on to a great life
/some people seem blessed and she is deffinitely been dealt a great hand in life
so amazon had a state on college gear today, so i got us all matching penn state hoodies
hiope you had a great week my man! any plans for the weekend?


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ah, so she's a nittany lion? Guess you'll be watching some college football games then. Maybe she should get season tickets, i think theyre pretty cheap for students.

Im sure she'll be fine. Work hard, play hard, stay out of trouble, try not to do anything TOO stupid.

Yeah, i heard derwin broke a bone in his foot, hopefully it heals quick but you cant really rush these things. Good thing the chargers signed weddle in the offseason, maybe their D will still be stout while derwin heals up.

Keenan allen i think also has some injury keeping him out of practice, but he'll probably be ok for week 1.

Andrew Luck has some sort of ankle/calf injury that's kept him from practicing as well.

I think the raiders were blitzing murray a lot, and he got sacked a couple times, once for a safety. They just kept getting into 3rd and long situations with the penalties, so bad start all around but i still feel his mobility will help him evade pressure more often than not.

So if the raiders win more games than the jags this year he wins, or is it who wins more games over last year's total? I think last year jags won 5 games and raiders 4?
Should be a fun bet, it's hard to tell how good a team is in preseason but both squads should definitely be better than last year.


In my empire of dirt
happening baba'
hope your weekend is off to a great start
got some boneless chicken thighs in some seasoning going and i might end up frying them later today

i think his original bet was how the raiders are going to be a playoff team
i thought that was crazy and said i would bet they dont finish better than 8-8
/2x KC 2x chargers = 3 losses right there
but to match his dark horse i said jax was going to turn it around
maybe you are right and we should get the details ironed out
im saying the riaider dont make the playoffs and wont even finish above .500
jax is turning it around and while im not saying they are playoff bound, i see them doing better than 5-11
lotta injuries around the league and we will see when james can come back
rams play dallas tonight but i dont expect to see any goff or gurley play
/did i mention i got a goff jersey the other day?
kick ass my man and have a great weeeknd!


Horse-toothed Jackass
Love chicken thighs, to me theyre better than breast meat. More tender and juicy with the perfect amount of fat and skin. This dude says this Goya marinade is the bomb:

He makes it sounds so good I might pick up a bottle when I get a chance, but it seems mostly citrus based (lemon and orange juice, garlic, onions and spices) so you can probably make a substitute fairly easily.

Raiders might finish better than 8-8, their 3 1st round rookies look like they can contribute right away, plus Antonio brown is still elite. They have tyrell Williams, who could be a good secondary receiver/field stretcher. It’ll be interesting to see how they stack up against the chiefs and chargers, usually divisional games are tough matchups.

Derwin james is going to have surgery on his broken foot and is projected out for the whole season, with the possibility of being back for the playoffs. So yeah, not good for the bolts. And I was mistaken before, weddle signed with the Rams not the chargers.

You got the Goff jersey with the current color scheme? Pretty sweet, ive actually been thinking of taking him as my fantasy QB. He’s probably being drafted outside the top 10 QBs, even though he finished QB7 last year. Those first 10-11 weeks he was legit MVP level, could be a steal with all those weapons back, gurley is running fast again, cooper looks recovered from his acl.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Almost didnt want to come in here,I had to open the fridge first to see if the wife went shopping.Im throughly convinced theres a direct correlation between popping in this thread,and my yearly weight gain come Septemberish. :tiphat:


Horse-toothed Jackass
Heh, I thought it was all the chicken tendie subs from Wawa that put on those extra lbs, NE.

How do you feel about Brady possibly being a free agent next year? His latest contract makes him an unrestricted FA after this year, maybe he's looking to play elsewhere?


In my empire of dirt
glad you stopped by NE
if a chicken tendie sub is what i think it is, it sounds ginding!
/can you get it with white cheese and tomatoe sauce on it?
maybe all that extra weight is from all the rings your pats are winning

i dont think brady is looking to leave the pats
i also dont see him looking to make more money, i think hes just playing things year to year for now
im not sure how old he is but hes getting up there (possibly late 30's) and is ancient when it comes to football player
that sauce sounds dank and i can see it working with almost anything
like you said, it seems to be the onion, garlic with a lot of sour with some sweet (with the lemon and orange)
i bet you could use the goya adobo with some citrus to get a simular taste
i would still go ahead and get some just to try it
yeah the goff jersey is in the new gold and blue and i might be looking for a throw back yellow and blue at some point
/not goff but prob donald
if goff is projected to trade around qb10 i would jump on that in a heart beat
/that means the 10th qb drafted (but not #10 player); so he would be in the late teens-early twenties as far as actual players picked goes??
the rams have a stud backup rb, so we might see gurley get very limited use during the season
this means they are going to be going air heavy with their crop of first class receivers
/also keep an eye on them
d.james is most likely going to miss most of the season it turns out and we will have to see how he looks when he returns
i dont see the raiders playing .500 ball this season
playing in the afc west i could see them losing 5 games in the division alone (den/kc/bolts)
plus they have a pretty tough schedule playing the vikings, bears and colts; you can see how the loses are adding up here my man
plus there is so much drama going on with the team that i feel like that is worth at least another loss or two
but who knows...
cant wait for the season to begin
dont know if youve been keeping up with the plant in fiddys thread but she is growing really well
stop by if you get a chance or maybe i will cross post some pics before we start the new thread

im totally ready for the new season to begin!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey guys these North end pizza shops that's been making pies since the 1920's dont help out the wastline.For years I've been sporting Jean's with a little red tag on the back saying Levi's or Wrangler or whatever,I'm afraid if Brady stays much longer I'll be sporting camo double stitched polyester with reinforced zippers.Not sure how to convince the wife Coleman is making pants ! lol

I cant see Brady going anywhere,I hope.Having Giselle doesnt hurt the family bank account I'm thinking.Which has been a godsend for us fans,freeing up what he should be getting to allow Kraft,and dilly dilly Billy to plug in the pieces around him each year.Not very many out there that values winning over money the way he does.Although reality hit last week when his House went on the market.
For I think it was a mere 37 or 38 million lol,knowing him he'll put out a FaceBook post saying something about "if ya act today,I'll throw in Jules".He has a pretty good sense of humor off the field anyways.Gronk has an announcement later this month in New York when I heard that,well you can imagine what a Pat's fan thinks when they hear the words New York,but I digress.
I think it may be a movie announcement or maybe WWE.
God bless him though,walk away while ya can still walk.I am so psyched for the season this year more than any other.A welcomed break from the crap news on the boob tube day after day.
Good Luck to all your teams,and may they stay healthy !


Horse-toothed Jackass
Ive never been to a Wawa’s but ive heard the subs there are pretty good, it’s a grocery chain I think mostly in the northeast but they do have a deli counter where they make food. We’ve got a grocery chain called Jewel-osco in the Midwest, their deli serves fried chicken and wings and potato wedges (jojo’s). You come right at meal time and everything’s fresh from the fryer, it’s as good as anything I’ve ever had from kfc or popeye’s.
Speaking of which, I tried the new chicken sandwich from popeyes last week, it’s better than chick fil a. White meat breaded filet, really thick and juicy. I got the spicy and regular version, think I prefer the regular (the spicy just had a somewhat spicy mayo sauce on it, not bad though).

Does new England have it’s own pizza style? Greek style pizza with a lot of olive oil? Reminds me of Detroit style pizza, there’s a chain called Jet’s they have a few locations around Chicago, they serve a rectangular, deep dish pizza with an oily, chewy crust. Good stuff.

Brady is 42 so he’s breaking new ground as far as high level play now. Favre had a good season with the Vikings when he was 41(?) and Warren Moon played well at 41 as well but both those guys hit a wall at 42. Then again, they didn’t have the protection of all the new rules that brady has, and they probably weren’t as strict with diet and training either.

I’m going to try that sauce out next time Im grilling chicken, secret is to only crisp it up over direct heat for the last few minutes so you don’t burn the marinade.

QB’s are plentiful in supply (u only need one starter per fantasy team, as opposed to 3wr’s and 3rb’s per team) so even elite qb’s like mahomes and Rodgers wont get drafted till round 3-4 in a typical draft. Although some people might reach for mahomes in the 2nd round based off what he did last year.
But goff as the #10 drafted qb might last until after round 6-7 (out of 15 or so rounds). If he can produce top 5 QB numbers with a mid round or later pick that’s good value. And like you said, Pop, with woods, cooks and kupp, he’s got three top 25 receivers to throw to.

Saw a bit of the first Hard knocks with the raiders, gruden was his typical intense self, everyone is saying all the right things about winning. Brown is still acting nutty over his helmet, I guess his issue is that the new helmets restrict his vision so he can’t see blindside hits coming? They really need brown to play well this year for this offense to get on track, Carr has been good at times but isn’t as consistently elite as you’d like, he’ll need all the talent they can get around him if they want to put up points with the chiefs and chargers. Ive been checking out fiddy’s thread but don’t feel I have much to contribute without growing, but maybe that will change soon…

NE, they should make maternity pants for guys, with a little elastic in the waistband to contract and expand after mealtime. Maybe even an elastic belt too.

When you’re trying to sell a 30M+ home the market for buyers is really small so im sure it’ll take a year or 2 to sell. It was just interesting that brady structured his deal so he’s a free agent after this season, and he and Giselle own a home in NY, as a fashion center I guess it’s close to her work and like you said, she’s the real bread winner in the family. Would he play for a NY team next season? Darnold and Jones seems to be the franchise qb’s there, maybe if garappolo doesn’t work out in SF he’ll play for them, I think he grew up in Cali a niners fan?
People are saying Gronk will unretire but even if he does maybe he should still out half the season and only come back for the stretch run and playoffs to avoid most of the punishment. He was pretty much a shell of his former self last year but still came up with big catches in big moments so there’s that.


In my empire of dirt
grocery stores have really stepped up their game in the prepared foods department
i dont know if you guys have stater brothers out there but their fried chicken is the dank!
for a while there i was going crazy for the stuff and would pick up a box every time we went
/@$6 for an 8pc you cant beat it
it wasnt anything too fancy, just good fresh friend chicken
dude, you are so right about ab acting nutty about his helmet and its starting to go too far
i actually like the guy but hes really coming off like a total diva
i hear he showed up to practice today with a approved model but for reals, he needs to get over it
one thing that came up today was how much would a custom helmet cost him to make?
why dosent he go to the manufacture of his choice and have them make a custom model that conforms to league specs but meets his requirements?
im sure setting up the mold would not be cheap, but for a guy who stands to make 10's of millions of dollars a season why not
/lets say it costs $10k to set up the mold
press out a dozen or so and be over it
or even better, market your own line of helmet (he could even call it the AB air head)
i never really thought about how many starting qbs there were compared to the typical number of players in a fantasy league
goff will be a top-10 passer this season no doubt, if you can get him late that would be a good deal right there
i would also avoid gurley, unless you can get him in the late rounds too
the rams have a rookie rb who is looking pretty good so far, d.henderson
i can see them giving him a lot of touches during the regular season so they can keep gurley fresh for the second half
ive been hearing good things about the popeyes chicken sandwich too
a good piece of meat with pickles and a little spice on it
i spent some good years down south and like popeyes chicken so i bet their chicken sandwich is the bomb
the crillo sauce might have some sugar in it , its the sugars that burn form being on the heat too lone
/maybe its the oj, but i would like to read the ingredients list on the store bought sauce

im curious about ne style pizza too new england
/if the mrs was home i would ask her about it
but maybe you could shed some light on it for us
if anything baba' it would be "poh-taa-gee*" style, but i have no idea what that would even mean
i wouldent be surprised if gronk dosent get into the wwe at some point, at least a guest ref or something like that

*we have a neighbor who is from portugal and the mrs says there are a lot of portugeese in mass

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