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Need Advice First Grow - AUTOFLOWERS


New member
I have 3 months to cultivate as much cannabis as possible. I decided to go with building a greenhouse, using 6 mil plastic and pvc/plywood/rebar foundation. I’m going to plant 16 autoflowers of 3 different strains. These seeds will be living in 5 gallon fabric pots. For medium i’m whipping together some nice super soil (peat moss, compost, perlite, vermiculite at the recommended ratio) and a solo cups worth of 50/50 Fox Farm Happy Frog and Ocean forest to speed up seedling stage. I’m feeding with cal mag and general hydroponics flora grow, bloom and micro. I have electronic ph/ppm tester, distilled RO water and ph up/down. I’m going to feed according to feeding schedules which an experienced grower recommended. He told me to use the full dose it recommends but i’m going to start off with 1/2 anyway let me know what you think.

The greenhouse is going to have 2 box fans sitting 2.5 feet off the ground blowing air through the plants to keep the leaves constantly moving and air vent on the other side to let the old air out.

This is my FIRST grow so PLEASE lay down any advice you’ve got. Ask any questions i will respond asap. I need as much professional/scientific advice as possible. :biggrin:


🦫 Special 🍆
with high nutrient value mix you will not speed up seedling stage with autoflowers more likely the opposite will happen.


New member
high nutrient value mix i think you’re speaking on the 50/50 hp and of mix? i’m only using a cup of each just to submerses the seed in, my plan is that the roots outgrow the hp/of but the mycorrhizae transfers with the roots to the super soil. I read that super soil is the best soil for autos because it’s easy to grow in and doesn’t supply too many nutes.


🦫 Special 🍆
for those who know what are they doing, could be good.
i gave an advice, you are trying tocorrect me xD
now who needs advice ? :D


New member
how am i correcting you? i just told you my thinking and plan and looking for any specifics i don’t know about. what do you recommend? should i start the seeds straight into 5 gallons of super soil without the little handful of 50/50 hp/of?


🦫 Special 🍆
with the supersoil myco thing, that is not working that way.
you have lack of info about autoflowers and about supersoils too.

this will be a disappointing run at the end. supersoils need preparation for months before those could be used, and important fact supersoils need additional nutrients to correct when needed.
believe me( or not) i have some experience w autos.

read how to easily maximaze the autoflowers yield. i made a thread to read.


after you read it, maybe some will be more light how af s like to behave


New member
with my conditions and the worlds current state, i will not be able to obtain the amendments you listed. i took my advice from royal queen seeds guide to best soil for autoflowers and thought that was the best route, i can also obtain the ingredients (the manure is composted, cured and lab tested, sphagnum peat moss from canada, little bit of perlite and vermiculite.) i’ll scratch the much/ig from my notebook. thank you.


🦫 Special 🍆
there are alternates for everything. even in local gardenershops, i bought humic/fulvic stuff for 1/5 like in growshops, or epsom salt or whatever overpriced scams.
best route is different for everyone.

personally i prefer to grow only in hydro. but in basic concept there is no difference how do you grow, every method has advantage /disadvantage against the other.

goal is to provide the most optimal enviromnent for your plants.


New member
correct, do you believe my super soil, 5 gallon fabric pots with very low feeding in the optimal conditions humidity/temp and air flow will yield say 3-4 oz per plant? if not, what do you recommend i do? i need to get these in the ground asap. With the money i make i’m planning on building an indoor grow room using dwc to obtain higher yields.


🦫 Special 🍆

i can show you a very impressive supersoil grow.

but this guy is a very passionate supersoildesigner, with decades of experience to make it



🦫 Special 🍆
i recommend you to try different methods, because it is your first run with autoflowers, if it was possible, i would make 2-3 seedlings with all the methods we are discussing here.
plant some directly to their final pots
plant some with the method you read on rqs site, and plant some with the way we found out here on icmag.
be prepared if one fails. and never let yourself without harvest :D


New member
unfortunately, i cannot simply experiment. I have one chance to make a successful harvest worth my time or i have no money to fund the next grow and my personal life goes to shit.

that super soil looks perfect, mimicking the natural environment of the species, looks like some forest ground. If you could link the specifics of that post that’d be great i’d love to see his mix.

i think i’ll go very light on feeding and just focus on LST and maintain optimal environment. gonna use the super soil as the medium for success sake. or i can order whatever you personally know from experience would harvest outdoor in a greenhouse the best. let me know


🦫 Special 🍆
don t worry, we will work out the best method and you can make different methods without risking anything. is your seedstash limited ?

i can give link, but i need to search it. i send it to reputation message, ah i can t, gave out all reps in last 24 hrs.
50 comments needed to unlock private message and a week passed after reg i think.


New member
My plan is solidified already for all the equipment. Super soil in 5 gallon fabrics fed by cal mg and flora series according to feeding chart.


🦫 Special 🍆
finally, i put the link i mentioned in your reputation, long read for sure.