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Nature Lovers' Thread


ICMag Donor
cool thread :yes: :cool:
been searching for a 'nature' thread... (cheers kov) :D

red-tailed bumblebee doing its thing :wink:

peace dLeaf


New member
hey, bongasaurus. been a while. i found out why my orchid kept dropping buds. turns out i was underwatering. fixed that prob and had a nice double branched with many flowers. bought a new one when i figured out the prob and it's starting it's second flowering of the season. i'll get pics when the flowers open. it looks like your pic of the white one with purple lower central petals. the flowers are bigger than my yellow one. btw, nice pics, all. and great thread. :D


a flower & a wild turkey





ICMag Donor
Tawny Mining Bee

Tawny Mining Bee

Tawny Mining Bee (female)

a 'Solitary Bee',,, common on blossom in spring...

this little bee was quickly given her freedom :wave:

(Im gonna roll with the bee thing :cool: )


Active member
I'm a romantic type o' guy. These hearts (Dicentra spectabilis) started blooming in my garden one month ago.


Never have seen this kind of bird ever around here until now. So cool, but shitty ass picture

This is an ocean bird on the Atlantic, not even a tropical zone. So cool!
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king of the dinosaurs
i think i discovered the problem... double threads... kinda weird, this is the first time ive seen this thread. i started a Nature lovers continuation a month or so ago. didnt even know you were registerd NKOTS, good to see ya.

maybe a mod can merge the 2...?



Active member
Climate in my region (South Serbia) is somewhat similar to Southern Oklahoma, or, in Europe, maybe like Burgundy in France.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Hey guys! I heard U wanted to get a thread like this up bong, looks great!

Here is a Pacific bleeding heart(Dicentra formosa),

they are both wild and native to my home of southern Oregon, they have been blooming for a month now and are ready to peter out it looks like.
Tripco-I think there is a real similarity between your climate and mine, as I am on a similar latitude to yours, and am also a ways inland from the coast(Pacific Ocean).

Here are some pics from this years hiking/fishing so far, and also a waterfall pic from 2 weeks ago, all from the southern Oregon Cascades(the fish are mostly Rainbow trout, with some Brook trout).



Active member
Everybody's in the place? O.K. good to be back.
Spreading Seed, this undetermined succulent is probably some from the genus Sedum.
Backcountry, yes, my climate and yours defenetly have some similarity. I have a friend in British Columbia who traveled through southern Oregon and she told me, it's all like Serbia, but the western part of Serbia, 'cos you defenetly have more humidity than we, in south Serbia. We are too far from Atlantic ocean, and too far from Adriatic sea. We didn't seen the rain 10 days already (and May is usualy the rainiest month of the year around here). Temp. forecast for tomorrow: +35C (95F).
But, let's go to view some animals. In the very early April i visited vineyard of my father-in-law. I found these two lizards fighting over territory (winner gets the whole of the concrete plateau of the water tank). They were so occupied with the fight, so i almost could touch 'em. The species is, i presume, Lacerta muralis.
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Mourning the loss of my dog......
Tripco-Sounds like your region is more like the Sacremento valley of California. We just got done with some dry/hot weather here, the first 18 days of May were dry as a bone, and the last week of it saw temps rise into the upper 80s and 90s, we had one day were it was 97 or higher in some parts of the region.

Here are some pictures of some Trilliums I found on a scouting trip, White is the most common color, and purple ones are often found in the more remote areas, but the purple tipped ones are a new one to me. Trilliums are a damp/shade loving wildflower in the Lily family.

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follow the pink rabbit!
oh well... i had no idea NLT has been created elsewhere..
point me that way, bongasaurus :)
i am still missing og and wasn't determined enough to explore all the hideouts here at ICM...


Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
I went to this park last week and it was awesome. I loved the place. It was nice smoking a swisher in the woods.