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Multi-Cut Perpetual


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Here's a new diary for all my new cuttings. The dna headband/orig diesel has rooted today, along with the purple kush, so i now have them rooted, and the killaqueen, chem d and pyschosis x sour diesel. Weirdly, the cutting i thought would root first, is the only one yet to root. The goldfinger......in my limited expereince with sat heavy x's, i allways found they rooted faster than indicas. Still, i'm mega chuffed all them 5 have rooted, its going to be all cuts, no seeds from here for a while, apart from the whitewidow x black doimina's and power plant x lemon skunk i allready have going.

Got one spare autopot now i chopped another exo x nl, but want to get the other 3 that are still in flower down soon, so i can pot the cuttings into them. I'll let the cuttings root well first, then i think with the 4 autopots ill have to play with, the kq, pk, diesel and chem d will be the ones. I'll let the pyschosis x sd and goldfinger go in regular pots this run.

Same old system really, coco/perlite in autopots with airdomes. Biobizz coco, canna coco a+b, cx regen-a-root & headmasta, pk13/14 and drip clean.

Here are some pics of the exo cheese x nl5 at day 56, chopping her down tonight.




Here's some pictures of the 2 moham rahms / whitewidow x black domina's ive on the go. The first one looks normal, potted in an autopot, the 2nd, is a weird looker. She never had a proper growing tip. Instead, the tip is just a leaf, the nodes below it never appeared, instead, two heads are growing from the main stem, at what looks like where the 2nd or 3rd node would usually be. So its a naturally topped plant. Do you think i should top it again, or let it go natural? I'm thinking let it stay the shape it is, as ive never seen one like it before, and its allready naturally topped from the start, so should produce nice buds.



Here is the nightmare kush also in an autopot, starting to grow a bit now.


And here are 2 exo x nl that ive topped and pruned a few times to keep their size down and hopefully turn them into monster bushes for the autpots.


And lastly, a pic of the 2 res tanks i now have running. The one on the left is the plain water res, feeding the tangerine dreams and the last exo x nl. The tank on the right, is the nute tank, setup today, which is feeding the power plant x lemon skunk i stuck into flower earlier.



Active member
Thanks all, gotta spread some rep round cos it wont let me plus most of ya.

I'm pretty darn chuffed to be growing these ones. Was allways pretty confident they would root, as i havnt lost 1 cutting in so long i cant remember, but its nice to see them actually come through, cos i know the fames on now, gonna have some serious dank. I'm expecting huge improvements on stuff like the exo x nl with most of these. I'm pretty cheesed out tbh, grown it for years, and its all that seems to be everywhere for the last few years. So having these new flavours is a bloodu blessin.


I will be watching closely as well mate, lovely pics of your nelly buds mate :)


Well-known member
Following your grow mate...

I a got a Maroc in me greenhouse like your weird looker, mine has four branches shooting off the first node. Very slow growth, but I suppose she'll be growing at quater of the speed, nice looking plant though.

Anyway big up and nice looking plants.


Active member
The goldfingers have now rooted, so in all, all the cuttings have rooted now after 14 days, so i've 2 cuts of each of, lv purple kush, pyschosis x sd, malawi gold x flo, killerqueen, chem d and dna diesel. Has anyone grown the malawi gold x flo aka goldfinger before? I'm wondering if i can stick it into flower after just a few days of veg, and it will grow quite big due to its genetics. Am i right in assuming that? I dont want to end up with any massive plants again, 2-3ft max is what i'm after.

I am also assuming that the rest of the cuts will about double to triple in size max during flower, so if i grow them around 10-12 inches, i'll end with with a plant between 2 and 3 foot. Anyone who is growing any of these cuts got advice for me? I'd like to have as level a canopy as possible, even though i will have 6 different cuts in there, plus two seed plants. Any help madly appreciated.

So, back to an update. I chopped the first of the tangerine dreams today. I clipped the better one of the two, which was at day 60 today. Smell is really piney/citric, very astringent and "sticky" smell. Not really my cup of tea, and defo no tangerines. lol.

Left the other exo x nl which is also at 60 days, and the beast tangerine dream which is approaching 70 days now in flower. Will take both them down this week sometime, so will have 4 spare autopots to stick cutting straight into. Will handwater the rest.






Active member
Back, dam, been a weird couple of months. Started taking loads of valium and other benzos and drinking alot, which lead to me missing probation and never paying fines, so i was dragged back to court and given a month and more fucking probation, and i still gotta pay the fines. Fuckers.

So my grow went a bit upside down. Did have someone keeping an eye on it and they did ok in the sense i still have all cuttings alive and well. But they are all over the place. 2 foot plants in 1/2litre pots and dam the chem d stretched on me alot more than i thought she would.

Do the killerqueen and orig diesel stretch the same? They are still in veg with the purple kush which i am hoping aint a stretcher.

The ones in flower are chem d at about 3 weeks, the nightmare kush at about 4, the goldfinger at about 5. And ive a moham rahm at about 6 and a power plant x lemon skunk at 9. The nightmare kush seems to be having a great time, looks really lovely. The chem d looks great but as i said has stretched, and the poor old goldfinger was left at right out the way, so the yield from that is going to about a 1/4, though its only about a foot tall and grows just fat little buds at the top of each stem. Smell lovely mind.

I bought a new hood which should be here tomorrow. Bearing in mind i am going to be buying a new 1.2 metre tent, a new 150L1 rvk and a new 600 ballast, digital hopefully, i didnt get the blockbuster, as i aint got the cash right now, so have got the new air-cooled diamond reflector from eco-technics. I intend to use the 150L1 rvk to suck the hot air right from the bulb and out into a carbonfilter outside the tent. (this will also provide extra heat in the winter, lol). And i'll use my old 125rvk as an inlet fan using one of those air socks to spread it out evenly.

Will be sticking with the autopots. But will have to drop some cuttings and just grow 1 or 2 so i dont end up with canopy issues all the time.

Any advice on the stretch of killerqueen and orig disel and purple kush apprecited. Peace. Solid.


Active member
Bam! And im back as quck as i was gone. Big respect to cheesey, that nightmare kush i pulled the otherday at dat 74 is pure chornic. Best kush ive ever seen, smoked or wanted. Aint tried the las vegas purple kush yet though, so reserve juement on topdog tilll then.

Goldfinger turned out to be some cheese cross, so someone must of got mixed up there. Chucked it and my cheese x nl. Fed up to the back tetth with cheese now.Pyschosis x sour diesel is the girl for that kind of stinker.

Got lonetstars killerqueen, original disel and purple kush in my old tent right now at about day 35 or so.

In my new uber setup, in my new area, i have a larger tent. A 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.00m budbox. The new version with aircoooled ports and larger airsock poirt at bottom.

Upgraded to a 600watt compact ballast. Did want a 100watt adjustawatt, but couldnt afford it, so this will do till then.

The 600watt bulb is in my new air-cooled diamond hood, which is attached to my new 6inch L1 fan, which then attaches to a filter outside the tent. A 4inch fan is blowing fresh air in from the top, and once my old area is cleared the 5inch fan from there will be used to attach to the airsock. So cool air coming in from the top anbd bottom and bei8ng sucked out by my uberfan in the middle. Perfick!

Currently in there are 2 x pyschosis x sour diesel and 1 x purple kush. In veg are cuts of everything, plus i have a skunk kush/pot of gold, whatever you want to call it, as they are the same compamy from seed too, as ive had some decent results from the 1st one. Or my mate did anyhow,

Recently chopped down chem d aswell, as while its a good smoke, i wouldnt call it outstanding. Reminds me of skunk kush or mr.nice shit to be honest. Is a nice smoke though. Probably not a keeper for me though. I'll be defo keeping pyschosis x sd, killerqueen, nmkush and orig diesel or purple kush, and maybe even skunk kush!.

Hope all the lads are good. I'm pretty chuffed as i got my new setup ro9cking lovely. Still autopots with coco/perlite and working great. Was gonna try the plagron coco nutes instead of canna, as ive heard canna is pretty weak. It either that or cx coco nutes.

Oh, by the way, got myself a guarddog for my new place. Nothing too crazy, just a tipperary jack russell. Basically a jack russell but black and tan, not tri-colour. Called her Meg, and she a right charecter. And a barking dog should stop most theives.

Respect and love all. Solid & Meg....lol.


Active member
The room is great, Need a caeram pronto, as i really want to show of the 2 pyschosis x sd and purle kush in there. They look much larger and more healhy than the plants under the regular 400watt.

I could take one with lights off if i hooked up an envirolite and shone it in there to get one, but not really sure i want 2 do that. Might though, ive opened the tent before for a few minutes during lights off and its been cool.

Got 2 autopots to fill. And im not sure which cuts to put in the. As i havnt yet smoked the killerqueen or original diesel, purple kush or pyschosis x sd, im not sure which to go for. I've smoked the chem d, which is growing on me. Wasnt that fussed to start. And ive smoked wehat was supposed to be goldfinger, but was some sort of cheese something, so cutting mixup there on delivery.

Aswell as all them, ive also a skunk#1 x hindu kush mother from seeds from either sensi or flying ducthmen. So its either pot of gold of skunkkush, and is regarded highly round here now after a couple of crops. I've only just got the cut, even though i went half on the seeds, so havnt grown it either. I have smoked it though and it was wicked, old school flavour.

What would those in the know stick into the 2 autopots? I want biger yielders, so i think purple kush and nightmare kush are not going to make it, and wont be chem d either. So its either killerqueen, orig diesel, or sk#1 x kush, as ive allready 2 pyschosis x sd on the go.

Think im going to go with 1 sk x kush and 1 of the other 2.

Also going to be swapping over to plagron coco a+b for the next grow, as ive seen and tasted some great crops from it, and its full of much more stuff than canna coco a+b.


Active member
I don't know how I would choose between those strains, too hard, I think my head would implode!

Feel free to send me the ones that don't make it, haha!


Active member
I went to area 1 the a couple of days ago. Not where my new setup is, but the old one. In there is 1 killerqueen, and 1 original diesel. There was a purple kush in a normal pot in there, but my son raided the tent and snapped the shit out of it. Good job i have a new area with no kids in it., lol.

Tell you what though, they killerqueen and original diesel both smelt AMAZING. The killerqueen has the more bubbly bud structure at the moment and looks like it will yield, but so does the original diesel, it just seems like it will take a week or so longer.

After that visit, i cant see either of them going, so could well be those two and pyschosis x sd i keep, and maybe drop the purple kush cos ot doesnt yield. Allready keeping nightmare kush bar a mirical anyway, so that my kush sorted, nmk yields allright.

Still might keep my pot of gold / skunk kush mother 2 if iut yields enough and is different to the others.


Active member
Area 1 is now allmost finished. Only the original diesel left in there, and it looks like a great yielder. Smells kind of lemon at the moment. Its at day 62 today. I hear it goes 77-80, which seems alot for this plant as its buds are fat now. But i will defo let it go the distance as its supposed to be alot better given the extra time.

Chopped the killerqueen yesterday at day 66. Lovely plant, bubbly buds, hardly any leaf. Doesnt quite smell how i imagined. Alot sweeter, kind of like some sort of fruit candy. Defo a keeper, wont be going anywhere, nor the original diesel.

Chem d has peraps my preferred aroma/flavour being more dank earthy/weedy. But it certainly wasnt as good as i thought. I've had similar smokes from mr.nice shit, and any skunk/ghani cross. Still, it defo deserves another go as its my kind of taste.

The goldfinger as i think i said wasnt goldfinger, but some sort of cheese x, which i have thrown, along with my nelly cheese. All cheesed out and fed up of it now. The pyscosis x sour diesel will be taking over from cheese. They look and smell the business, day 35 or so in flower today, along with a purple kush, which i have to admit, has the only really different high i can remember having. Most weed just makes me blockup, this wa a dreamy, trippy wicked buzz, so im reluctant to get rid of that even though its supposed to yield shit.

Then i got the nightmare kush which yields well, and is knock out smoke, but less aroma/flavour and wicked high as the lv purple kush. Also got a pot of gold mother, which if gives me even more of a danky good yielding soke could pip the chem d to a place.

Cant keep all of them unfortunately. Dont have the room, and want to just keep a few fav headstash and cashcrop cuts.

The new setup is working like a dream. 3 plants in there. 2 pyschosis x sd, 1 lv purp kush. They have filled out the new bigger tent and are drinking 12+ litres of water a day between them, which i have never known any of my plants to do. So if thhe roots are drinking that much, surely it should equate to yield.

Also swapped over to plagron coco a+b. Reading up on canna a+b, there are pretty crap and weak with not half as much beneficial shit as others like plagron, h&g or cx.

Still no pics as no camera. I'll take some dry bud shots of the kilerqueen when it dry with my phone. But it dont work under the hps.

Peace all.


sounds like you've been having fun m8

look forward to seeing those pics



Active member
Yea its been kind of interesting trying all these "elite" cuts. Has made me think that ive had more keepers in my time that i thought i8 had, and ive had a couple i would put above any of the ones ive got. So seeds are good, and i will be alot less judemental on my seed plants from now on. I have thought all these elite cuts were as good as it gets, but you cn get some great ones from seed yourself without havihg to grow all the cuts on earth.

roll it large

very true mate it all starts from a seed, im not liking the nelly one bit for growing but the psychosis looks promising and the casey jones blue meanie lol

ive got a load of seeds to pop and cuts to try myself im gunna pop those in the new room once ive got my strains down to four favorites gunna be hard work lol


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