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Medical cannabis in Spain


Well-known member
They were about to make a cannabis as a medical drug in the end of 2022. As I read now, nothing will happen before the election. Yeah, still getting used to live there by myself : p

Spain Confirms No Movement On Medical Cannabis Framework Before Election, But Hope Remains It 'Will Be Regulated In The Next Legislative Term, For Sure' - Business of Cannabis

Honestly looking forward for medical movement in Spain. Looking forward to connect my job with the industry someday : D Also, wouldn't mind having access to Canadian grows with the constant quality in pharmacy.

Feel free to update the topic with your experience living in Spain when comes to medical usage of cannabis.


Well-known member
Agree, you can have up to 3 plants in house (or not visible from the outside), but for me working in IT moving to any legal cannabis business related to growing legally here is impossible.
Appreciate it as a hobby, but that's all that we can have now and that's sucks imo.


Active member
Sorry for bumpinig in to bring bad news.

I won't say you are right by saying you can have up to 3 plants in Spain. Actually you can't grow any marihuana plant. However, for the police to prosecute you they will need evidences and a judge who approves them to prosecute you. Judges in Spain are usually not prosecuting people with a number of plants which is for personal usage. That's why Spain seems cool for smokers as much as because most people don't care about it. However, if you are not getting on well with some neighbour and he/she decides to take you to the court, you might get problems.

Will try to find the right law (in BOE) and will try to share it in here.




Well-known member
To be precise. Since 2015, grow for personal use has been decriminalised. So now when case ends in corse I expect that you have to proof, that it is for personal use only.
Again, having it as a medical substance would help in this field.
Still, interesting to read the article if you manage to find it, thanks : )


Active member
Hi again @Piecho,

Here is the link to an article. it referenciates the laws and regulations which apply.

seems quite actual but I think it hasn't change in a good way for the last 20 years.

the fact of decriminalising only affects to getting only a fine instead of going to jail if it is a self consumption. If not wrong it does not mean it is depenalized so you will get fined if you get cought.

of course I am on the side for decriminalising it, but does not seem to be a short term fact.

never the less, Spain is a tolerant place.


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New member
España es uno de los pocos países europeos donde todavía es ilegal incluso el uso terapéutico de cannabis.
Pero la Agencia Española del Medicamento concede licencias de cultivo a compañías farmacéuticas de EE.UU y Canadá. Así el año pasado España exportó más de 20.000 kg. de cannabis. ¿El cannabis es perjudicial para la salud de los españoles pero no para los extranjeros? Qué hipocresía.
En el vecino Portugal los pacientes tienen acceso gratuito y en farmacias de cannabis medicinal. ¿Qué diferencia a un paciente portugués de un paciente español?
Otro tema es el maldito DROGOTEST que no diferencia entre CBD y THC y que detecta la sustancia DIAS después del consumo, cuando ya no hay ningún efecto ni afecta a la conducción.
España se queda atrás y como siempre llegamos tarde.