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Max Manus anyone?


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Did anyone see this one? :smile: Good? Bad? Hollywood?
Interested to see a Norwegian flick, disappointed that they didn't pick this one for the theaters here in Finland, but what the hey, the wait for the DVD is now over. Might be a bit war'ish & nationalistic for hippie, but i love war movies, so i'm gonna watch this tonite.

If u don't know what i'm talking about:

Trailer, with eng subs.

8.4/10 with 2,619 votes, not bad :smile:



Yeah I really want to see this one.....two other good ones are "svidd neger" and "slipp jimmy fri" ...black comedy at its best :)


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Hennie's wig.

Hennie's wig.

Took some time to follow up:

Not a bad movie.. But i'm reading the book by Manus now and it's really different from the movie, kinda like Papillon, where some important scenes have been left out and some stuff is overdramatized. Like the winter war fight scenes, while intense and very well done, according to Manus, never happened like that. Also they changed the bombing of Donau quite a bit, altho that's understandable, the original scene would have taken too much time in a movie that's almost 2hrs already. But it kinda does suck, cause it takes away from the authenticity of the story. Also there was some dialogue that was kinda obvious and pointless, like the fight amongst the rebels before hitting up the Donau. Also the romance between Max and Tikken was kinda useless for the movie. So were the scenes between Fehmer and Solveig. I bet there are scenes taht were cut from the final that would have made their story make more sense, but i wasn't feeling it. 1st scene she was *just doing her job* ..An hour in the movie she was already balling with the nazis, even after she got pissed with the guy for executing the dock workers and lying to one of their mothers about rtying to save the son, no explanation on her turn of hearts (other than the charisma of Fehmer/Ken Duken, who btw did an awesome job, and delivered his norwegian lines almost better than the norwegians in the movie :)), or i blinked and missed it. Anyways, felt kinda weird. Or is it just women? :)

Now on to my biggest flaw and grief with the movie: the portrayal of Finland. If u never heard of Finland and judged it only by this movie, u'd get blood, snow and bullets. There were also some lines like "we are not in Finland anymore" when the guys were acting stupid and about to get em selfs killed fucking with the germans.. So thanks for that. I guess we deserve it :)

Most positive thing about the movie is the production, it looks and feel like the 40's, the nazi shit is off the hook, love how they did most of the sets with real stuff, not just computer effects and gimmicks like Hollywood.
The acting ranges from ok (Hennie, maybe it's the wig) to very good (Duken)
And even @ 2hrs of mostly drama and some action, it's not too long and keeps u interested. Just DON'T read the book before u watch the movie..

I would like to recommend this for war drama fans and movie buffs:

And if i missed sumtin, wouldn't surprise me, i was high on bubble hash :)
Back to the book ->:woohoo:


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