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Active member
where is the black hash or any hash for that matter in mass?...havent seen it in years man..:blowbubbles:

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Since we cut off drug trade with the middle eatern countries for hash there is no ready source available in the US like the hash producing countries.

I LOVE hash but the only way to get it where i'm from is to make it. Even then its not the same as getting it from the hash producing countries. Occasionally you'll find someone who may have some hash, but usually growers who make it, keep it to the head.

O what i'd do for some nice hand rub or temple balls, time to go back to Europe to indulge in the fine arts of hash smoking...


decriminalization also helped to effectively kill what was left of the hash market here as it isnt included in the bill

keeping hash illegal while bud is semi legal
Saw some black gummy BULLSHIT headache hash for 10 a gram around last harvest season

Smoked some real good B-grade + A-grade bubble all through the winter/spring :rasta:


Active member
watch out for that shit.
might be soapbar.

i grow six small plants
grow bags still worth it?
have to give it a shot.

best regards