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marijuana causes brain abnormalities

paper thorn

Active member
I would consider the source of the article.

Well, it's not BS because Fox news reported it, so did the rest of the media. It is based on a report of a study done by Northwestern University. Problem is that Dr Gilman said her findings did not show causation and she was surprised that it was reported like that. Also they used a very small sample group that of course included schizophrenic marijuana users. Bigger problem for me is that the study was sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. They obviously have an anti mj agenda.

Also if you read the report on the northwestern website, you will see how they spin the study findings to give the impression that mj is the worst stuff ever.


New member
Assume for a moment that medicinal marijuana can take the place of some medicines, such as anti-nausea and painkillers. Medical marijuana patients assert it does wonderfully well. Big Pharma certainly wouldn’t like that; OxyContin, a powerful opiate painkiller, was a $3 billion industry unto itself.


Active member
What were you doing on a fox news site?
I always laugh when I hear fox and news together like that...


I've heen smoking for about 45 yrs. I only have my memory affected WHILE I'm stoned off my ass. (Or is that effected? I forget)! LOL! :)


Active member
been smoking 38 years and my computer is fine....my processor and memory are fine...DJXX


ICMag Donor
1st time smoked in mid 60's, have built several successful business's from nothing since then, own several homes, world traveler at one point, happily married for many years. Libertarian.

Yeah, abnormal.


Well-known member
it absolutely does things to your mind! every time that I am high & hear some thick-skulled asswipe run his mouth about how addictive it is, I get the urge to bitchslap them so hard that their head spins around like Daffy Ducks does when the shotgun goes off! and I'm NOT a violent person normally...:tiphat:

What you guys think? I thought short term memory loss was established already.

I thought this news story was from a credible non-biased news source and then I saw it was from "Faux News"....

Brain Damage my @$$....what about the pharmaceutical drugs that cause people to overdose and have kidney failure. It's funny how Faux News comes out with their propaganda at the same time in an attempt to side with their Pharmaceutical Corporate interest.


Active member
The study establishes no cause & effect relationship.

Does weed create space cases, or do natural space cases just love to smoke weed?

Their methodology can't answer that question.



What you guys think? I thought short term memory loss was established already.


New studies show Cannabinoids will soon be a main treatment for Alzheimer's disease.


From Projectcbd.org.

Others including myself grow high CBD plants for are parents that are in need of a natural medicine with amazing healing abilities.

Peace and happiness.

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