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Looking for information about Big E OG?


New member
Hello! I hail from Sacramento and I was excited to hear about a new Kush variety, called Big E OG making its rounds in dispensaries in Northern California. However, when I take to the internet, I am hard pressed to find any information.

Does anyone here know of the history or genetics of this super potent strain?

Thank you all! :tiphat:


i have just popped 8 big E from franchise . there has been mention of hermi problems with his last lot of gear . not going into this one too confident . hope for the best prepare for the worst i guess .

anyone grown it yet ??

update : got bad germ rate on the big e. hate paying good money for average germ rate . white looking beans . like how hard is it to grow your beans to full maturity . asking good money or not .
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New member
pittymick, I have a few going right now...they're clones not seeds though, but I can post pictures? Should I get a grow thread going?


yeah sure do a thread , no ones got too much info by looks.

or just post them here , you started the thread .i,ll tag along
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New member
ehh...well this round stretched out a bit too much on me to make it worth time taking pictures...maybe next time....

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