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Looking for currrent grower under old MMAR program wanting to switch to new system


Well, I'm my discussions with the guy I've been talking to at HC is if you bring on a DG from the old system, as long as they are not just a employee, you can use their proprietary strains....

If just an employee then you must start from scratch...
Am I wrong? Please correct me if I'm wrong, because we are putting a lot of value on that aspect as we believe quality and different strains will be expected by the market

I read the MMPR and it really seems that to use an MMAR grower you would have had to had the deal done before March 31. I think now that the MMAR is extended, this does not change the March 31 end date for transfers of starting materials. Unless it was in the injunction I doubt MMAR growers will help now. I would start trying to find an alternative to MMAR growers for strains.


New member
We have a business plan ready to go, but what we've realized is one of the key positions will be the actual "master grower". Through our own research as well as talking to others in the industry that are considering it, it's a win win. We have the business side / sales / production schedules etc down....what we lack is someone who's got experience, passion and a great foundational knowledge of how to grow quality vs quantity.

We would be partners, all the managment team / owners therefore it's not just a job per se.

We have interested parties for financing, venture capital firm from Ontario, Private investor from US as well as a well known US company that is in the ancilliary (but very lucrative and they're a first mover) product that wishes to invest in new start ups in this industry here in Canada.

As we have a solid business plan / financial analysis and industry research to tell us that it's a no brainer....we really would like to move ahead with someone who's already been producing, has a bank of strains and the passion to further research and develop not only better strains / different but also incorporating that growth knowledge to help with the eventual expansion to other parts of the market, the obvious being edibles when (and they will be) legal to sell in Canada....but by that time dispensaries will be part of the market legally, so that's something we've also incorporated into our plan...vertical integration eventually...but focused on getting things started ASAP . We do plan on having a agricultural specialist on board to help with QA as well as R&D, but believe that someone who grows and wants to continue is both more strategic for quality and production knowledge as much as a sound business decision financially, in that the risk level is considerably lower than having someone with great academic knowledge but no hands on, especially for years as some of you have been growing for.

If interested, please PM me or e-mail me as [email protected]. It's time sensitive too, as the venture capital contact has a big meeting with the company from the US market this coming Thursday May 8th, 2014....with our "teaser" prospectus for them ready, if we even have someone in discussions at that time, it would mean talks would continue with the VC firm. There doesn't have to be a nailed down plan, just broad strokes and the entering of a LOI (Letter of Intent) to discuss.

I really hope there are those out there that feel they could benefit with some top notch financial / business acumen with our team and the growing and production you can provide. Financial management is an absolute in the first few years, especially with a market that could be in the 100's of billions in 10 years......but natural growth is possible if structure of initial capital and talents are used properly!!!!!!
You may be serious? I've NO operation but my own 2-closet grow, but if you're able to get a grow established with your obvious $$$ power & yapper, I've been growing OD for 14 years &
medical grades since 2011; I have 3 strains of Fem. seeds - Blueberry, Northern Lights & Jack Herer (yes!) plus 5 different F1 strains developed, ready for feminizing, pollen collected fresh this week and I come with an innate knowledge of the symbiosis of plant/grower!

I am a wizard of specialty-strain growing & have a grasp of the balances required for individuals varying needs.

But sorry - I have no Capitalist standing or value that you can steal and pervert to a get-rich-never victimization!

Peace Light Love Truth i am adavida


New member
Seeds of Freedom....i agree totally and out plan is to have someone (or two now that u pointed that out)...who has a stable of strains they've done themselves....want to be different, not the Wal Mart of the industry....so it's important that we have our own strains....

The R&D is also a huge part of our business....breeding (assuming u mean combining current strains to create new ones???) but we also want to focus on legitimate medical trials in conjunction with Dr's and other health professionals so that we can have some scientific data (as we heard this week, the CMA is not backing it due to this fact)....this Research and testing would provide two distinct pieces of info....that the drug DOES HELP As well as hopefully identifying strains that work better for certain medical conditions....thereby legitimizing it and also showing that yes we're a business, but at the end of the day it's important to be trying to help people that are ill while also creating a legitimate profitable business
How do you create a "business" that is legitimate if it takes profit from those in need?

How is it "legitimate" to profit from illnesses CAUSED by Capitalism/Fascism? You are one confused man! What kind of off-strain skank-weed are you smoking, you poorly directed, intellectually-bankrupt moron?


New member
Hey ron does it even help to have an MMAR guy now since you can't use their strains anyway? Have you found any holes in the system to acquire seeds/clones legally?
If you started with seeds, soon enough you would have top quality, yet a totally different product than the competition(all the same clones). The most important part is a crew of people skilled enough to make great selections from many seeds. The MMPR doesn't allow smoking as testing either and that's a problem as well. If we could overcome these things the MMPR could allow for such an amazing breeding program.
What ARE you saying/asking/talking about? Smoking is NOT testing for medical cannabis!

I would urge you to get a grip on your flatulence - smoking is not a medicine! Smoking helps to ease the minor symptoms of many serious conditions and so does 'aspirin', but ingestion of cannabinoids as a dietary supplement is the true medical mode!

Many of our cannacommunity are as ignorant of the truth of this Divine key to all Life on Earth as are your own Docteurs! adavida


How do you create a "business" that is legitimate if it takes profit from those in need?

How is it "legitimate" to profit from illnesses CAUSED by Capitalism/Fascism? You are one confused man! What kind of off-strain skank-weed are you smoking, you poorly directed, intellectually-bankrupt moron?

I am not crazy about big business either, but please respect your ICmag brothers and sisters. Big business is the way of the world, it is the consumer that creates it. Do you want to pay extra for a well made product or want it cheap? You sound like you want it free!
I see your concern for patients, but I think Canadians should push for medicinal marijuana to be covered by insurance/disability as most medications are. Then let the market control the price, just like all legitimate industries.


What ARE you saying/asking/talking about? Smoking is NOT testing for medical cannabis!

I would urge you to get a grip on your flatulence - smoking is not a medicine! Smoking helps to ease the minor symptoms of many serious conditions and so does 'aspirin', but ingestion of cannabinoids as a dietary supplement is the true medical mode!

Many of our cannacommunity are as ignorant of the truth of this Divine key to all Life on Earth as are your own Docteurs! adavida

Concentrates are still illegal for medicinal use in Canada, so how do you consume your medicinal herb? This is a thread about a business under MMPR, if you want to spew negative nonsense please open a thread for it.


What ARE you saying/asking/talking about? Smoking is NOT testing for medical cannabis!

I would urge you to get a grip on your flatulence - smoking is not a medicine! Smoking helps to ease the minor symptoms of many serious conditions and so does 'aspirin', but ingestion of cannabinoids as a dietary supplement is the true medical mode!

Many of our cannacommunity are as ignorant of the truth of this Divine key to all Life on Earth as are your own Docteurs! adavida

Start your breeding program without smoking your herb, and I will smoke mine , lets see your strains compete! We both will do Cannabinoid and terpene tests, and I do smoke tests. I am a recreational and medicinal user. These MMPR businesses will end up in the recreational business soon enough. My strains will work for both, your strains probably taste like hay.


not in BC bro {owen smith case}

You are correct, and in the near future this will change for all of Canada. I was just tying to get our angry friend(krush) here to see why any breeding program would be better off test smoking herb as well as the normal lab tests. Even high CBD strains can be bred to taste good when smoked. As long as the strains have the overall cannabinoid and terpene profiles required for the medicinal application in question, then why not also make them taste good and enjoyable to smoke! Then let the consumer decide whether to smoke, juice, make oil,etc.
What ARE you saying/asking/talking about? Smoking is NOT testing for medical cannabis!

I would urge you to get a grip on your flatulence - smoking is not a medicine! Smoking helps to ease the minor symptoms of many serious conditions and so does 'aspirin', but ingestion of cannabinoids as a dietary supplement is the true medical mode!

Many of our cannacommunity are as ignorant of the truth of this Divine key to all Life on Earth as are your own Docteurs! adavida

Off is the direction in which you can fuck. I HAVE to either smoke or vaporize for my condition. Tested tons of strains grown in tons of different conditions and in every possible method of ingestion. I need large fast acting doses of specific cannabinoids (not THC) to treat my chronic migraines. Maybe you should do a little research before you open your mouth. I've heard this from doctors who refuse to even consider marijuana as a possible medicine purely on principle and it pisses me off to no end.
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Off is the direction in which you can fuck. I HAVE to either smoke or vaporize for my condition. Tested tons of strains grown in tons of different conditions and in every possible method of ingestion. I need large fast acting doses of specific cannabinoids (not THC) to treat my chronic migraines. Maybe you should do a little research before you open your mouth. I've heard this from doctors who refuse to even consider marijuana as a possible medicine purely on principle and it pisses me off to no end.

A little harsh, but absolutely true.This plant can provide relief for so many ailments, that for anyone to think there is one correct way to use it, is absurd. Each condition will require a certain approach. I also need to smoke for medicinal use, as I have problems with my gastrointestinal system. I know people also need to use concentrate or edibles. I respect any use of Cannabis, recreational or medicinal, we need to try to stay open minded.
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That was harsh. I apologize. I probably could have said that more politely.

I got my card well before they were widespread and I was very young when I got it (19). I faced an incredible amount of derision, dismissal and prejudice for years because of it but couldn't stop because I truly, legitimately need it for my condition. Classic genetic migraines rarely respond well to the currently available prescription medications and the way neurologists have to treat them is literally to just play "pin the tail on the donkey" starting with the prescriptions with the fewest side effects and working their way up. Before I got my card I was taking epileptic level doses of Depakote which turned me into a zombie and made me gain 50 pounds and was still having migraines a few days a week. Never found an abortive that would touch em and I tried EVERY available class of drugs for them over a 2 year period. Imitrex injections did a little bit for them but not much and I'm phobic of needles. I'd get panic attacks when I started to feel a migraine trigger because I didn't want to get another shot.

Long story short this is a touchy subject for me but it still doesn't excuse my rudeness. Please pardon.
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New member
You are correct, and in the near future this will change for all of Canada. I was just tying to get our angry friend(krush) here to see why any breeding program would be better off test smoking herb as well as the normal lab tests. Even high CBD strains can be bred to taste good when smoked. As long as the strains have the overall cannabinoid and terpene profiles required for the medicinal application in question, then why not also make them taste good and enjoyable to smoke! Then let the consumer decide whether to smoke, juice, make oil,etc.
I can say for sure that after anyone tastes my products, happiness rules - I'm not out to rain on parades, it's just the blindness of people to their own confusion!

The belief that governments are there for our benefit and that our actions need to be regulated is how we got into this sorry state in the first place!

Anyone who wishes to SHOULD buy through licensed, government-approved growers, yup!

I should not be forced! Nor should you!


New member
That was harsh. I apologize. I probably could have said that more politely.

I got my card well before they were widespread and I was very young when I got it (19). I faced an incredible amount of derision, dismissal and prejudice for years because of it but couldn't stop because I truly, legitimately need it for my condition. Classic genetic migraines rarely respond well to the currently available prescription medications and the way neurologists have to treat them is literally to just play "pin the tail on the donkey" starting with the prescriptions with the fewest side effects and working their way up. Before I got my card I was taking epileptic level doses of Depakote which turned me into a zombie and made me gain 50 pounds and was still having migraines a few days a week. Never found an abortive that would touch em and I tried EVERY available class of drugs for them over a 2 year period. Imitrex injections did a little bit for them but not much and I'm phobic of needles. I'd get panic attacks when I started to feel a migraine trigger because I didn't want to get another shot.

Long story short this is a touchy subject for me but it still doesn't excuse my rudeness. Please pardon.
SirStynk -

Tis I sir, who owes the apology - saying something in haste often means saying shit!

I meant simply that the full medical benefits of cannabis cannot be realized by only smoking or vaporizing; a regimen of ingesting cannabis is the only way of getting the full spectrum of benefits available.

You are presently smoking to combat migraines and it is obviously a huge relief for you - without offence, may I ask have you tried 2 or 3 months of eating, either with butter extraction, RSO or BHO? Perhaps you might - if you wish, I'd give you my email address.

My serious COPD (only 30% lung capacity) was defeated in a few months with a vaporizer AND ingesting RSO @ .66 grams daily - I beat Arthritis as well, a heart murmur (diagnosed in 1962), fatty liver, liver spots and skin melanomas. Moles and warts have been disappearing for 2 years. It's still 30 years before my 100th. birthday, but I plan to get there on my feet! Peace Light Love Truth adavida


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Poor rongillis, didn't see this coming eh? Like watching wall eyed kids lick windows on the shortbus.


New member
I can say for sure that after anyone tastes my products, happiness rules - I'm not out to rain on parades, it's just the blindness of people to their own confusion!

The belief that governments are there for our benefit and that our actions need to be regulated is how we got into this sorry state in the first place!

Anyone who wishes to SHOULD buy through licensed, government-approved growers, yup![FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
I should not be forced! Nor should you!
As I said, a sound finanical plan and business approach is needed to survive in this industry I believe.
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