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Jeanne Assam, hero security guard who stopped the church gunman



Fat Albert said:
Not for nothing, but if you're even slightly religious and there are people murdering others inside your house of worship, wouldn't you tend to attribute that to evil/Satan? To call her 'brainwashed' is insulting and offensive, IMHO.

Fat A :wave:

Whatever bro...that statement wasn't the only reason i called her "brainwashed"...it was the whole interview and trust me she sounded out there

"wouldn't you tend to attribute that to evil/Satan?" myself, i would attribute that to being mentally unstable/chemically imbalanced, etc....i don't think satan had anything to do anything....since "satan" is a product of the human mind and doesn't really exist...IMHO

[edit]the woman i am talking about is not the security guard but a parishioner of the church
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Mr. Nevermind

med_breeder said:
I feel that she is a hero.
Thou shalt not kill is a translation of "thou shalt not murder."Self defense is allowed in Christianity. It hurts me that people will take this heroic act and use it to justify their anti-Christian hate. Had she not done anything, he would have entered the building and killed an untold number of innocent people.
I only wish that someone had blasted that mall shooter from last week,
and that kid from Virginia Tech.
The more times these shooters get there faces blown off,chances are these shooting sprees will end.

what ever happened to a time when depressed people just took sleeping pills or slit their wrist?
This generation feels that they must take as many out with them before they go.They think they will become "famous"

try out for a reality show instead.


No, its not though shall not murder, it is and always was though shall not kill. However to suit their needs and make themselves feel better man has decided to change words to fit their actions.

'Thou shalt not kill any living thing,' for life is given to all by God, and that which God has given, let not man taketh it away. ~Jesus, Gospel of the Holy Twelve, (earliest known recorded words of Jesus)

"Thou shalt not kill." ~Exodus 20:13 Authorized version of King James

"You shall not murder." ~New International Version

Your translation is just a new translation but it doesnt change what the word of god ( not man, you are supposed to follow gods word right?) actually is.

What about this one?

Live by the sword, die by the sword" is a metaphorical expression meaning that living one's life in a certain way will, in the end, affect one's destiny. The proverb comes from the Book of Matthew, verse 26:52, which describes the apostle Peter drawing a sword to defend Jesus against Roman soldiers, but is told to sheath the weapon:

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
—Matthew 26:52

So again showing that even in defense Jesus didnt think tooo kindly of the whole killing of gods creation thing.

Sorry but your translation dont change the teaching. Which she dont follow. Jesus told paul to put the sword away in his defense even if he lost his life, he would rather die than to lose his beliefs



Active member
well It seems like this whole argument is now over.
upon autopsy it shows that the shooter killed himself.
So no one was killed except the victims and the killer.
he shot himself.
he ended offing himself like all those other cowards.
Assam might have shot him,
but he "murdered" or "Killed" himself,
and 4 others.


Not quite ..... yes he killed himself with a shot to the head, but only AFTER Jeanne Amman brought him down with her own shots


"The death of Matthew Murray has been ruled a suicide," the El Paso County Coroner's Office said in a statement.

"It should be noted that he was struck multiple times by the security officer, which put him down. He then fired a single round killing himself" the statement said.

Police Sgt. Skip Arms told The Associated Press that Murray shot himself in the head.
Maybe this will help ease the trauma that Jeanne would no doubt be going through at the moment, knowing that it was the gunmans bullet that actually ended his life, not hers. (Another act of god I guess) ;)
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Active member
This might piss some people off but...

What gets me is these people bveing called heroes. I won't even refer to this specific case. Think of all the policemen and firemen who, when they do their job, are called heroes. Why are they heroes? They're doing their job. They're not going ABOVE AND BEYOND.

Are they called heroes because they did something that the person calling them a hero wouldn't do in the same situation? Well, if that's the case, then the person saying that needs to check themselves because they would refuse to do the 'right thing'. But just doing 'the right thing' or doing your job doesn't make you a hero.

As far as these sheep saying it was god saving them from satan.. that just makes me laugh. These people take that same sort of polarized thinking into every aspect of their lives. Any problem they have in their lives is 'god testing them'.. anything good that happens to them is 'a blessing'. Any time they have any doubt about anything, it's time to 'pray about it'.

These are people who put a very opaque layer of religion over their own reality. Any time I meet these kinds of people, I steer clear of them. I give them a wide berth. I can't talk logic with people who are one step away from banging pots and pans at the moon to ward away evil spirits. (Then again, some of them do.. or talk in tongues, worship with snakes, get 'healed', see the virgin mary in a cheese sandwich, etc)

It's like.. how do you take someone seriously when they truly believe theres some dude with a beard somewhere 'up there' judging them 24/7 and answering their requests and listening to them, etc... If Jesus was executed today, people would be wearing little electric chairs on a chain and making the sign of the chair before praying...
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Active member
Mr. M. Yass said:
Yes, most definitely a hero. This is just case number 256 for your average, everyday citizen to go armed. Bottom line. [...]

How does the scary world look from inside your darkened living room, peeking out from between your blinds, one hand on your 9mm, watching for "the crazies"?