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Japanese growers


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hotcooter said:
I don't know if Yakuza are doing anything about the demand for cannabis on a significant scale, anyone know the answer to that question?

They will buy up just about anything you can make. I don't think they are very proactive about it but I know some of them are getting into growing, or at least setting people up to grow. This past summer some teenage girls were caught growing in a greenhouse that they had broke into. It was discovered they had yakuza boyfriends. They say that about 1/3 of the GNP is in the black market in Japan and controlled by the Yakuza. Tokyo is filled with kids from the country who come here to make it big; something like kids going to NY in the states and most of them find out that they can't get by and end up taking part time jobs in different Yakuza controlled business so there is a huge supply of desperate kids willing to grow. Once the know-how becomes more accessable it will explode I think.


New member
well, growing weed is better than many of the things the yakuza could force you to do....

As far as what per % the underground economy constitutes GNP, that sounds like an accurate number for Japan, I know the U.S. is about 24%, and countries like Mexico 60~70%.

Seems like I could train some Japanese here and send them back over to Japan and create an empire...har har


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Somebody has translated some of the stuff on this site and the old OG into japanese at a famous Japanese site called 2channel that deals with all kinds of shit. The japanese cyber police are there all the time though and I wouldn't suggest even visiting that place.


New member
Japanfreakier, how aggressively do the Japanese police go after such things? Do they spend time building cases? Do they execute and bust people based on what they gleaned from the internet?


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hotcooter said:
Japanfreakier, how aggressively do the Japanese police go after such things? Do they spend time building cases? Do they execute and bust people based on what they gleaned from the internet?

They don't seem to be very aggressive, for the most part they just do their regular patrols and wait for stuff to happen. Their cyber police are more aggressive I think but with all of the suicide pack sites and the major Japanese language drug sites I think they have their hands full.
Of course they are more aggressive about catching pushers than they are users. I think I've read that there are 2,000 plus cameras just in one area of Shinjuku where a lot of crime happens. The number of cameras is growing and the pushers are spreading out further into the suburbs to avoid the hot spots.
They don't have the DEA and other federal agencies who's jobs depend on catching drug users so it's better in that sense.


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This is my latest harvest. Just finished a run with chronic from seed. I got 2 males from the 4 seeds started and got about 7.5 oz out of them on a 2 week veg/63 days flower indoor run.


japanfreak- hisashi~
I see you went for something different from the blueberry this time. I like your turnaround time on your harvests.
I`ve been preparing some new outdoor plots. I wish it would warm up quickly so I can get started. I`ll be starting the first batch of seedlings inside soon. :headbange

ps. I bought one of those mushroom jars for stash too. :rasta:


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Hey Saibai, hisashi

Yeah I want to get 4 harvests a year out of each of my setups so I try to go for strains that will finish under 70 days. Anything longer than that is a waste in my case. The blueberry is actually better I think as far as the high goes but chronic is a good solid buzz. It's like Heinz is to ketchup. Nothing fancy but not bad.


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How oblivious are the average nihon-jin to what Taima actually look like?
While I was there I never saw it or was offered it. It amazing how common speed use was. Salary men hopped up on speed really triped me out.
While I was there, a Canadian Jet teacher got pinched for growing poppies. The funny thing is, at the time, I would not have known what a poppy flower looked like if I were riding my bike through a field of them.
My eyes kept getting distracted by the Japanese maple trees. To my untrained eyes, they appeared to be huge cannabis trees.
Much respect to all those that grow in Nihon. I hope to be one of you soon.
peace out
ja ne
bye bye.


Active member
It's depicted in a lot of their art and I know that in the country side people know enough to inform police when they see somebody growing it so you'd be surprised how many people actually know what it looks like.

You'll find that a lot of Japanese have a false sense of security, when you come here just stick the the rules of growing and you should be fine.
hey japfreak.i going to be visiting japan pretty soon and im def not going to try and buy it there. not going to try and smuggle bud or any hash.way to paranoid of getting caught... so i was thinking of making some strong STRONG cookies(strained so chunks of green aren't poking out) and bringing it over will that work? i would feel so paranoid smoking anywhere in japan lol...


Active member
I've seen news reports of people being caught at the airport bringing in space cake before but I believe they were coming back from Amsterdam. Just the other day the Police seized 180 kilos of grass which looks like it was smuggled in by chinese students so they are probably going to be checking a little more carefully than before.

Personally I think it is less risky to buy from a pusher because they are Iranian so you know they aren't police. Of course you will probably end up paying a 100 bucks for shitty grass but it's relatively safe.


whn i was in jail in japan for growing i asked many of the officers that i came in counter with and asked them why marijuana was illegeal and most of them said that it mainly had to do with controling the flow of money o the yakuza but that was about the best reason that they could come up with... most yakuza that i know in japan are more keen on selling other things than some petty herb..

i think that its rad how japan is having to face this growing "problem" of exploding numbers of increased marijuana use... but at the same time it creates far more problems for the existing smokers... forgive my rambeling... to many brownies.... :bashhead:
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