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Illinois revised timelines and guidelines


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I thought might be best if a new thread was started beginning with the implementation of the new law, with all updates as they occur.

Let's start with the most recent, and something many of us have awaited; The timeline of implementation and acceptance of license applications.

The Medical Marijuana Act has been signed by the Governor but it does not go into effect until January 1, 2014. The Department of Agriculture is charged with licensing and regulating the 22 cultivation centers allowed in the law. The Department has 120 days from the effective date (January 1) to write the rules and criteria that will apply to these facilities. At that time (approximately May 1, 2014) these rules will be filed with the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) for review and public comment. The JCAR review and approval process will then follow state law, including public comment and input, and typically will take 3 or 4 months. Realistically the Department will not be accepting applications for a cultivation center license until the fall of 2014. Further information on the legislation, HB1, including the full text can be found on the Illinois General Assembly website (ilga.gov). Also at this site is a link to the Joint committee on Administrative Rules which explains their role and procedures.

As new developments, statements, and guidelines are released, we can all add them here.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Thanks Julian.
Perhaps you should reserve the next several posts for when you post updates to the timelines and guidelines?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Submission for ID Cards in IL for all qualifying residents whose last name begins with the letters A-L will begin Sept 1 - Oct 31, 2014. Application fee $150.

Submission for ID Cards in IL for all qualifying residents whose last name begins with the letters M-Z will begin Nov 1 - Dec 31, 2014. Application fee $150.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Thanks, I was out this weekend since Friday and didn't get a chance.

Update on February 7 2014

The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Department of Revenue and Department of Agriculture have posted online draft administrative rules for the Illinois Medical Cannabis Pilot Program. The rules address regulations for medical cannabis dispensaries, taxation and cultivation centers. Comments and suggested changes to the draft rules are welcome and encouraged, and should be sent electronically by Thursday, February 27th.


I know the initial reports and reviews is they contain some fairly ridiculous requirements. (Such as $100k annual renewal for dispensaries)

Edit: I believe is in the $25k range renewal. I still am, and have assistants thoroughly reviewing. It is quite detailed and rather extensive (177 pages I believe these drafts)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I can say after initial review, the only who initially will win (as long as not firearm owners) are the patients, as, of course, it should primarily be......and consultants....

The proposed a true reflection of Illinois.....and Chicago :smoke:......City officials complaining for lack of control, (control of...take your pick :smoke:)...local municipalities curious if they can add their own fee's.....Cultivation proposed fee's $225,000 for license app and registration...(all non refundable)....

There are some very interesting things addressed within which will actually greatly benefit the patients, the industry...more so than any other state....Aside from the firearm issue, the patient(s), truly, are the winners here...

(My concern only that they are making it very difficult for the patients to be served.....through restrictions on dispensaries....through prohibitive costs for entry for dispensary and cultivation.....through restrictive zoning for dispensaries....(and patient access)....
The costs to get into the industry are staggering. With 200k application fees, no refundable, like you mentioned. An additional escrow account of 200k, plus there are sure to be more hoops to jump through, and I've barely skimmed over the Ag regulations. So that's half a million before anything even starts...

Gotta love IL!! :D


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
That is incorrect, continue skimming :smoke:.

$25,000 application
$200,000 registration (upon application approval, as with dispensary. Application fee, then upon approval, additional to "register".)
$100,000 annual renewal

(Dispensary $5,000 application, $30,000 registration, $25,000 annual renewal I believe)...

Escrow or surety bond (under latest proposed revisions subject to change) $2,000,000, surrendered if applicant individual or organization unable to execute.

Due to zoning restrictions attempting to be imposed by City/City Council, all Chicago dispensaries (13) no choice but South of North Ave/Chicago Ave....with the rest (majority) of the surrounding suburbs in metro area as a whole attempting, as Chicago, to assign all dispensaries to industrial areas.....

Of course, yes, the rational, reasonable argument can be had that it is, indeed, fine to have the sick obtain their prescription drugs, such as opioids from every Wal Mart, in the presence of children, but to utilize cannabis, send the very same into industrial and manufacturing areas...(As the aldermen protest their inability to capitalize (My mistake....control)...the dispensaries and process......)

Welcome to Chicago :smoke:......

The latest versions much more interesting than the above.....:smoke:......quite the assortment of requirements proposed....

My latest advisory to many, not what most would expect :smoke:....
Haha skimmed it quick and missed a decimal point! I will have to get through it with a fine toothed combed when I get a chance

I've seen a few different cities council meetings all of which bring up industrial zoning. Capitalize, control, clean the pockets. It would also make it much easier to monitor the flow and possibly target those coming to or from dispensaries, looking for overages, violations, etc. Much harder to do this in a commercial area with lots of people coming and going.

I'm surprised everything in Chicago is going south. While I understand the economic diversity and zoning drives a lot of it, I would think north would have quite the market and a bit more cash to throw at the dispensaries to at least warrant a couple... There's gotta be a few industrial spots up there right? You also mention 13 in Chicago, is the state going to spread out the dispensaries in a way similar to the CCs or let them figure it out themselves?

I also thought I saw that construction drawings and site plans were required along with any CC permit applications. Are any applicants starting these design processes already or are they still trying to get their other ducks in order? As far as all the jumping through application hoops goes, this does seem like one of the more entertaining and interesting portions for us here.

Thanks for the info as always Julian


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Haha skimmed it quick and missed a decimal point! I will have to get through it with a fine toothed comb when I get a chance
There is no other way to go through it......it's quite detailed and complex.....for every matter....(and not even the final(s) yet.....
I've seen a few different cities council meetings all of which bring up industrial zoning. Capitalize, control, clean the pockets. It would also make it much easier to monitor the flow and possibly target those coming to or from dispensaries, looking for overages, violations, etc. Much harder to do this in a commercial area with lots of people coming and going.
Yes......all of the "emergency" meetings quite ridiculous, and, I find the statements made by these city officials not only amusing, but also terrifying, as the majority of the above illustrate that those calling for the very same, have yet to read a single letter of the law....(such as small suburbs speaking of how to control "all the cultivation facilities and dispensaries", when in reality, they will not get one :smoke:...(But, if they cared to spend a moment reviewing that which they are actually up in arms about, well.....they'd know that :smoke:.......)

Why anyone would possibly go on record, and speak to the media in an official capacity but not be well read and versed on that which they speak of, yes....scares me.......)

Yes.....Vernon Hills would be my first choice of location for an IL cultivation facility.....the perfect location....or Highwood...or Batavia........yep......why choose anywhere else...

Guess they never took a moment to look at the ISP district maps....or read the bill......or the revisions.....or....
I'm surprised everything in Chicago is going south. While I understand the economic diversity and zoning drives a lot of it, I would think north would have quite the market and a bit more cash to throw at the dispensaries to at least warrant a couple... There's gotta be a few industrial spots up there right? You also mention 13 in Chicago, is the state going to spread out the dispensaries in a way similar to the CCs or let them figure it out themselves?
The south designations for the City of Chicago directly relate to the zoning specifics they are imposing. (The overall zoning requirements, per City, do not support the North Side. (School, residential limits). They met, tried to establish zoning, and essentially, cut out the entire North Side....As with the suburbs.....the absurd fear they are displaying over this matter is of great concern.....That is what it all is......Fear......it's based on fears...(unfounded, unreasonable, irrational fears......)

Actually, the latest revisions by IDFPR completely outline the placement of every dispensary. (Found at the MMPP link above, I believe the Feb 21st revisions).
I also thought I saw that construction drawings and site plans were required along with any CC permit applications. Are any applicants starting these design processes already or are they still trying to get their other ducks in order? As far as all the jumping through application hoops goes, this does seem like one of the more entertaining and interesting portions for us here.

Thanks for the info as always Julian
Actually, those are the least of the requirements and to be expected.

For dispensary or cultivation, essentially, the entire operation must be turnkey on paper upon application submission. This not only includes the above (drawings, site plans), but , well.....everything. Each and every single detail related to site, design, zoning, staffing, day to day operation(s), location and community issues (Found within the Dept. Ag latest revisions also).

I have, as of late, refused to address these in exchanges with any sot of time limitation. (People expect that the entire process, requirements, strategies can be gone over and addressed in an hour...)

There is much more to it actually, (entire process, start through finish and all prep), and, there are several areas which may arise in the near future (state guidelines) which will create even more serious issues for applicants....

I can share something which I have found quite interesting the past year:
In the majority of operations nationwide, often, the entire staff of an operation is somewhat well versed on the rules and regs which they operate under. CA has always been a very good example. This actually applies to any industry. Most always being aware as to what the limitations are they operate under. Even someone working at a liquor store usually a command of what they legally can, and cannot do....I have seen personally a lack of in IL...Very few, if any I have addressed had a total and complete command over that which they are pursuing....and I find it quite odd.....

To date, IL has now 400+ pages available. (HB001 (223? pages), plus Feb 7, 21st (177 pages) revisions, the latter which address additional specifics of requirements and app process and requirements)....

I have yet to address a single individual besides my assistants who have read, re read, highlighted, and noted every single page....

I've met trimmers in CA who could recite the overviews...(let alone owners, operators, etc)....

I would say for any who wish to be a part of any IL operation, in any capacity whatsoever,do so.....and one will already be leaps and bounds ahead of 99.9%....(of all)...

The Cultivation overview and revisions contain far more than anyone could ever begin to imagine :smoke:....Very interesting read :smoke:.....

Answer to question above:
No......people are much more behind schedule than they should be. They are not nearly prepared at this point as they should be. They are not as far along as they should be.

(All my humble opinion....and, as above (being well versed), not only are they as above, but lack of knowledge of each and every letter of the proposed makes them that much more so...

I do apologize for being vague on much of the above :smoke:....there are several reasons why....(more than several)....

IL application process will be a merit based point scored process, as well as a limited timeline for submission, with a closing date...which further complicates all issues above for anyone working on said applications/with said organizations.

No. Most are not prepared, nor I believe receiving adequate guidance, nor where they should be.

Repeat: For those in IL wishing to serve in any capacity, read every page. It will already put you above the majority.
Thanks for the write up!
There is no other way to go through it......it's quite detailed and complex.....for every matter....(and not even the final(s) yet.....

Yes......all of the emergency meetings quite ridiculous, and, I find the statements made by these city officials not only amusing, but also terrifying, as the majority of the above illustrate that those calling for the very same, have yet to read a single letter of the law....(such as small suburbs speaking of how to control "all the cultivation facilities and dispensaries", when in reality, they will not get one ...(But, if they cared to spend a moment reviewing that which they are actually up in arms about, well.....they'd know that

Why anyone would possibly go on record, and speak to the media in an official capacity but not be well read and versed on that which they speak of, yes....scares me.......)

The small town meetings are a bit scary for sure. But that's what our government does... Speak on issues that they don't fully comprehend ;)

In all seriousness, the last one I saw had a rather intelligent sheriff who seemed well versed on the fact that the small towns will probably not see any dispensaries or CCs... He actually referred to the plant as cannabis while the trustees were raging over the pot shops and how there would be large open air grows right next to their schools! Probably meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but it was nice to see someone halfway informed on the subject in a position of power while these other elected officials blow hot air.

Yes.....Vernon Hills would be my first choice of location for an IL cultivation facility.....the perfect location....or Highwood...or Batavia........yep......why choose anywhere else...

Guess they never took a moment to look at the ISP district maps....or read the bill......or the revisions.....or....

The south designations for the City of Chicago directly relate to the zoning specifics they are imposing. (The overall zoning requirements, per City, do not support the North Side. (School, residential limits). They met, tried to establish zoning, and essentially, cut out the entire North Side....As with the suburbs.....the absurd fear they are displaying over this matter is of great concern.....That is what it all is......Fear......it's based on fears...(unfounded, unreasonable, irrational fears......)

Actually, the latest revisions by IDFPR completely outline the placement of every dispensary. (Found at the MMPP link above, I believe the Feb 21st revisions).
I will have to look at their placement more carefully, because I am quite curious to see how those without a dispensary near their neighborhood will respond. Especially a place like northern chicago with quite a bit of disposable cash to throw around.

Actually, those are the least of the requirements and to be expected.

For dispensary or cultivation, essentially, the entire operation must be turnkey on paper upon application submission. This not only includes the above (drawings, site plans), but , well.....everything. Each and every single detail related to site, design, zoning, staffing, day to day operation(s), location and community issues (Found within the Dept. Ag latest revisions also).

I have, as of late, refused to address these in exchanges with any sot of time limitation. (People expect that the entire process, requirements, strategies can be gone over and addressed in an hour...)

There is much more to it actually, (entire process, start through finish and all prep), and, there are several areas which may arise in the near future (state guidelines) which will create even more serious issues for applicants....
That makes sense, it would seem like a hired full time consultant would be required for those unfamiliar with the industry and technical side of indoor growing, at least to start. I can only expect that these people coming in to quickly gloss over the material aren't familiar with process of going from seed to harvest, let alone doing it in a facility that will need to supply an extraordinary amount of herb.

Now because it's expected to be a turnkey operation, I can't expect there will be much room for variation in terms of media/growth methods. Care to address this at all on which way applicants might be leaning? I envision large warehouse rooms packed with tables, rockwool slabs, and hoods. Anyone leaning towards organics, cause I would assume there is another whole bunch of hoops to jump through there? Which doesn't take into account security, storage, and cleanliness, and transportation which will also play a big part in every location.

I can share something which I have found quite interesting the past year:
In the majority of operations nationwide, often, the entire staff of an operation is somewhat well versed on the rules and regs which they operate under. CA has always been a very good example. This actually applies to any industry. Most always being aware as to what the limitations are they operate under. Even someone working at a liquor store usually a command of what they legally can, and cannot do....I have seen personally a lack of in IL...Very few, if any I have addressed had a total and complete command over that which they are pursuing....and I find it quite odd.....

To date, IL has now 400+ pages available. (HB001 (223? pages), plus Feb 7, 21st (177 pages) revisions, the latter which address additional specifics of requirements and app process and requirements)....

I have yet to address a single individual besides my assistants who have read, re read, highlighted, and noted every single page....

I've met trimmers in CA who could recite the overviews...(let alone owners, operators, etc)....

I would say for any who wish to be a part of any IL operation, in any capacity whatsoever,do so.....and one will already be leaps and bounds ahead of 99.9%....(of all)...

The Cultivation overview and revisions contain far more than anyone could ever begin to imagine :smoke:....Very interesting read :smoke:.....

Answer to question above:
No......people are much more behind schedule than they should be. They are not nearly prepared at this point as they should be. They are not as far along as they should be.

(All my humble opinion....and, as above (being well versed), not only are they as above, but lack of knowledge of each and every letter of the proposed makes them that much more so...

I do apologize for being vague on much of the above :smoke:....there are several reasons why....(more than several)....

IL application process will be a merit based point scored process, as well as a limited timeline for submission, with a closing date...which further complicates all issues above for anyone working on said applications/with said organizations.

No. Most are not prepared, nor I believe receiving adequate guidance, nor where they should be.

Repeat: For those in IL wishing to serve in any capacity, read every page. It will already put you above the majority.
Lots of assumptions on my part as I ask you questions, but a big thanks for all the info Julian. I had a feeling this was the case. Now I just need to get to reading so I can speak intelligently on the subject!


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
In all seriousness, the last one I saw had a rather intelligent sheriff who seemed well versed on the fact that the small towns will probably not see any dispensaries or CCs... He actually referred to the plant as cannabis while the trustees were raging over the pot shops and how there would be large open air grows right next to their schools! Probably meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but it was nice to see someone halfway informed on the subject in a position of power while these other elected officials blow hot air.
I saw a quick something on the police chief of Mundelein (sp?, I always forget :smoke:), something to the effect of "3 years from now we'll be sitting here discussing full blown legalization, so, etc, etc"...(I had to look it up, I was curious.....

I see such behavior (the negative side) as a direct reflection of the speakers intelligence personally.....an identification system , and verification required.....are there 10 year old walking into pharmacies?.....12 year olds into liquor stores?.....exactly how would a 55 year old terminal patient under a prescription lead to "into our childrens hands" :biglaugh:.....

Not to mention the age old argument which any child, of any race, age, and income can procure cannabis easier than the valid patient's as it is currently! ......

But these commentaries nothing new, contributing nothing new, and lead nowhere......(what the above parties fail to realize ....)
I will have to look at their placement more carefully, because I am quite curious to see how those without a dispensary near their neighborhood will respond. Especially a place like northern chicago with quite a bit of disposable cash to throw around.
Yes, the IDFPR (dispensaries) revisions spell out in earlier pages the exact geographic assignment of all dispensaries.....(Page 8-10.....I will try a cut and paste, but dont think it will work without the doc references, etc......)
That makes sense, it would seem like a hired full time consultant would be required for those unfamiliar with the industry and technical side of indoor growing, at least to start. I can only expect that these people coming in to quickly gloss over the material aren't familiar with process of going from seed to harvest, let alone doing it in a facility that will need to supply an extraordinary amount of herb.
I don't want to combine interests, as that would be in poor taste I think, but, indeed, not only for industry matters...(hire consultant)...but operational as well.....

You have individuals and groups (even worse when several involved).....and literally dozens to coordinate, and hundreds of matters that also must be..........daily.....until completion.....I've yet to come across any single individual to state that is something they would love to do :smoke:.....(especially given the fact that the majority are investors, professionals from other industries, with their own matters to attend to daily........)

(The stories to date I could tell.......)

Again, quite a bit addressed in current material available.....much more than the above.....IL proposed quite extensive....and some interesting matters contained within.....I think many in for quite a few surprises along the way.....(applicant individuals/groups/organizations)......
Now because it's expected to be a turnkey operation, I can't expect there will be much room for variation in terms of media/growth methods. Care to address this at all on which way applicants might be leaning? I envision large warehouse rooms packed with tables, rockwool slabs, and hoods. Anyone leaning towards organics, cause I would assume there is another whole bunch of hoops to jump through there? Which doesn't take into account security, storage, and cleanliness, and transportation which will also play a big part in every location.
Well, turnkey referring to every single aspect of the operation from start through finish...as later addressed above.....not specifically cultivation methods only......

Everything....(down to the copies of the labels of your proposed nutrient lines )

Yep.....you read that right.....copies of the labels of all the products to be utilized (cultivation)....


Transportation?......yep.......who, what, where, when, how, how much, what's their background check, resume, and so on....

Everything :smoke:......
Lots of assumptions on my part as I ask you questions, but a big thanks for all the info Julian. I had a feeling this was the case. Now I just need to get to reading so I can speak intelligently on the subject!
It's actually interesting reading if one truly interested....(simply fascinating)....and, as above, I think a very important step.....and, frankly, shocked , as above, at how few have actually read every word...(and we're talking principles, potential key employee's, etc.....)

For me....has been a little difficult......(being sOoOoOo friggin hardcore :biglaugh:)...and have had very little patience for anything......(anything......)

I could provide quite the extended commentary......about many things.....

Let's try this cut and paste below, see how it works out (if it works, it will be there, if not, it won't)

It's so hard addressing this limited to only 5 smiles/winks....
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Note: The heading 287 to the ending 397 are the line/sidebar....pages 8-10 (I'm going to see right now how quick I can edit it out, but, pages 8-10, lines 287-397)

It can be noted in the below areas clearly North of the above referenced boundaries (North of North /Chicago, etc), but when taking into the zoning restrictions, one has a problem (such as in Lakeview, Rogers Park, etc, regrding residential and schools, etc).....

(400+ pages of this?......well.......can you really hold it against the non reader? :smoke:....and that's the edited version :smoke:.........it's really easy reading though, I assure you :smoke: :biglaugh:.....especially the cultivation......("fun" to me :smoke:.......)

(Cultivation, ISP District map an easy one......)

Section 1290.20 Dispensing Organization Districts

a) To implement the Act’s requirement that up to 60 dispensing organizations be geographically dispersed throughout the State the following dispensing 290 organization Districts are created with the accompanying allocation of registrations:

1) That part of the State, outside of the Chicago metropolitan area, shall be allocated 21 registrations as follows:
A) Illinois State Police Districts 1, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 297 21, and 22 shall each be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration each,
B) Illinois State Police Districts 8, 9, 11, and 16 shall each be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated two registrations each.
2) That part of the State within the Chicago metropolitan area but outside of Cook County shall be allocated 15 registrations as follows:
A) DeKalb County shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
B) DuPage County shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated three registrations,
C) Grundy and Kendall Counties combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
D) Kane County shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated three registrations,
E) Lake County shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated three registrations
F) McHenry County shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration
G) Will County shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated three registrations.
3) That part of Cook County outside of the City of Chicago shall be allocated 11 registrations as follows:
A) Barrington, Hanover, and Palatine Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
B) Elk Grove and Schaumburg Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
C) Maine and Wheeling Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
D) New Trier and Northfield Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one 344 registration,
E) Evanston and Niles Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
F) Leyden, Norwood Park, and Proviso Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
G) Berwyn, Cicero, Oak Park, River Forest, and Riverside Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
H) Lemont, Lyons, and Palos Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
I) Calumet, Stickney and Worth Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
J) Bremen, Orland, and Rich Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
K) Bloom and Thornton Townships combined shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration.
4) The City of Chicago shall be allocated 13 registrations as follows:
A) Jefferson Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall have two registrations,
B) Hyde Park Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated two registrations,
C) Lake Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated two registrations,
D) Lakeview Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated two registrations,
E) North Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
F) Rogers Park Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
G) South Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated one registration,
H) West Township shall be a dispensing organization District and shall be allocated two registrations.
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LMAO at your smiley hardships

Running out the door now and busy most of the weekend (green beer!), but I will comment more in depth and perhaps finish the chicago map and dig into the regs sometime next week when I have a second. I hadn't even dug into the dispensary regs yet, so that last post had me running off to visualize it, as it was all new info.

I'm a very visual guy ;)

Feel free to use it if you find it useful


Can't edit, so another post it is...

The first map shows all the state police districts, so you can imagine one cultivation center in each of those bold red boxes as well :D
OK I lied, most of the red boxes outside the chicago area and suburbs are state police districts. A few counties up north east were further subdivided for dispensaries, so my last statement is inaccurate.

Need an edit button already...
Cook Co. split of dispensaries (boundary lines, especially in chicago, are estimated but should still provide a good idea of the dispensary split)
