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If the State of Florida passes a mmj bill?


I have a business plan ready to present. Feel free to add constructive advice as to rather or not this would work and how I might go about getting started. We currently have a clear deed to 23 acres zoned agriculture. Rather than actually apply for a license to cultivate I would rather focus on gaining approval to cultivate in that area then lease a portion of my land to someone else who has a license to cultivate.

I will provide a large warehouse with power, water and central heat and air. The entire area will be fenced for security.

It would be great if I could already have a contract ready to go so if any are interested please respond appropriately.


Have you been able to find all the exact rules?? I feel like the prop still doesn't have an idea on how the state of Florida will handle it.. But it's definitely worth a shot to plan ahead.. I believe it will pass this time around.. So ridiculous they needed 60% to pass last time..


Well-known member
Chances are more than good that only a handful of nurseries will be licensed to grow. There are 5 that are in line now, and an amendment passed in Dec. 2015 expanded that number to 20. Google "FL MMJ grower license" for some more info.

Here are a few links to get you started.
Office of Compassionate Use

Florida Medical Marijuana Lawyer

Health News Florida

Nothing is settled yet. Get your dollars together because it is going to cost you a lot before you stick the first cutting.


Rick Scott is neck deep in this! Only 5 growers were already awarded the grows. The qualifying status was 30 years min in a licensed horticultural business, that produces 500,000 plants annually. Then post a 5 million dollar bond. Only a hand full of nurseries qualified(think Disney) and everyone of the 5 were past donors to Rick Scott. So no you will not be allowed to grow even one plant. PLUS the conditions to qualify take years to assess, and only if your almost dead! FUVK THE SUNSHINE STATE!


Well-known member
Getting cancer in Florida let me appreciate the compassionate use act of California. I imagine that Rick Scott will come up with similar for corporations.


Active member
I would put my money in something else. Florida will fuck it up. It will not be fair. The Government is lost and doesn't understand Cannabis. Like in NY. You can't legally buy buds in dispensary. Only concentrates if I am correct.

I know a bunch of people who tried to prepare the last time it was on the ballot.
All lost every cent.


Most Loved
Rick Scott is neck deep in this! Only 5 growers were already awarded the grows. The qualifying status was 30 years min in a licensed horticultural business, that produces 500,000 plants annually. Then post a 5 million dollar bond. Only a hand full of nurseries qualified(think Disney) and everyone of the 5 were past donors to Rick Scott. So no you will not be allowed to grow even one plant. PLUS the conditions to qualify take years to assess, and only if your almost dead! FUVK THE SUNSHINE STATE!

i keep going over the text of the ballot. and i see nothing that says "you cannot grow" i see language that says the department of health...or some department of writing out bullshit figures and regulations....i think it might actually just say "regulating committee" but anyway they. the infamous "they" get to choose what constitutes a dispensing center, a treatment center, and production facilities.

but...it clearly states that this bill doesn't authorize you to smoke, use or grow weed...except if you are a "patient" and you are allowed to dispense and procure the medicinal if you're a "caregiver"

so basically if you are patient or caregiver you are exempt from prosecution for marijuana "crimes".

you gotta use their own words against em...loopholes #bullshitlikethat

you might be confusing the charlottes webb law with the new initiative. they are 2 separate things. not related at all. technically they passed medical in florida already. but this one is better than that (charlottes web: only edibles and tinctures of cbd strains) bullshit and it's permanent unless 60% overturn it.


Active member
Florida isn't surprising anyone with their bs, neither is Georgia or Alabama, or South Carolina... or North Carolina (Texas, Virginia, Louisiana, etc) ... Since the Biblical belt exist so do the morons who believe in it. Unjust laws are criminalities of the government.

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Unless I had money to burn (and I mean mountains of it), there is no way I would invest in any FL MMJ business of any kind. I have been voting here for 40 years and between the legislature, cabinet and governor this is the most corrupt gang of fuckwits in the state's history IMHO.

PTP, take your money and go to a state where they actually care about their citizens as more than tax cows to be milked.

paper thorn

Active member
funny, i know an owner of a cultivation center here in AZ. He was a small time grower, but had 1/4 million of his own money. He called some big MMJ hopeful from Florida (florida's mmj bill had just went down) and BAM! they invested 5 million in this guy and now he is one of the biggest growers in the state.
They want to make pills and patches.

They give fuck all about the regular user/grower.

They want to see schedule 2 so everyone else will be pushed out.

The florida folks like him because they give fuck all about regular users and growers and want to make pills and patches also.
You are in stand by mode anyways. No rules, nothing to do but stack money and wait. The 6 CBD farmers are going to try and lock down the new bill if it passes, they donate all the time to politicians


Well-known member
Why has there not been a overthrow attempt in this state? We need to jack a cruise ship march all the fl polititians on it then sink it 20 miles offshore. Im so sick of the bs here im ready to move and im a 9th generation floridian. Im so sick of out of state assholes coming here and running shit or thinkong they run shit. People need to buck on this shit now but it will never happen. Our state spawned vogel and his legal highway robbery and still no one took up arms to buck on a gov literally robbing people of their hard earned money. Instead that policy spread and now if you have a lil weed and more than $100 on you they take it and you gotta fight to get it back. I got jacked for a half o and my previous paycheck by the shithead cops in this state. They charged me with a felony cuz they could then take my cash. I dont feel bad for cops when shitty shit happens to them. They dont feel bad when theu do shitty shit to us. They volunteered to be cops we didnt volunteer to have our rights taken away and have loaded guns poimted at us. Every cop breaks the golden rule of gun safety never point a gun at something you dont intend to kill. But they do it with loaded guns and dont get in any trouble but if i point a gun at a idiot tresspassing on my property i can and most likely will go to jail.


Well-known member
The "overthrow" already happened. Disney World and the white people with guns are a pretty fair indicator.

I think the political people in FL are just plain dense. Once they saw how it was going, they should have jumped all over medical cannabis. Fl is known as the retirement state for god's sake.
It could have been the easiest sell in the world for them. " We disapprove morally, but what else can we do - we have all these old people in pain ."
IF FL had honestly gone with medical cannabis, it could have worked really well with the tourist industry. They have got to be kicking themselves in the ass right about now.
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Well-known member
No theyre too arrogant and ignorant to even acknowledge theyre wrong. Shit they turned down a free train down I4 for a toll lane. I hate the republican retards that run this state.


i keep going over the text of the ballot. and i see nothing that says "you cannot grow" i see language that says the department of health...or some department of writing out bullshit figures and regulations....i think it might actually just say "regulating committee" but anyway they. the infamous "they" get to choose what constitutes a dispensing center, a treatment center, and production facilities.

but...it clearly states that this bill doesn't authorize you to smoke, use or grow weed...except if you are a "patient" and you are allowed to dispense and procure the medicinal if you're a "caregiver"

so basically if you are patient or caregiver you are exempt from prosecution for marijuana "crimes".

you gotta use their own words against em...loopholes #bullshitlikethat

you might be confusing the charlottes webb law with the new initiative. they are 2 separate things. not related at all. technically they passed medical in florida already. but this one is better than that (charlottes web: only edibles and tinctures of cbd strains) bullshit and it's permanent unless 60% overturn it.

You are wrong about " patients and caregivers". In this state, only death ready patients are allowed to partake in " medical marijuana " from a dispensary that will only sell you , CBD oil. No bud,!No THC!
NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO GROW IR BE A CAREGIVER! Been at this 4+ decades in this fucking state!! Ass backwards as they come!! Spend most of my days in Cali. Now!!!!....