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Hydro store guy got busted.

D Rock


Today I went in to my favorite Hydro store and the guy was getting my FFOF, perlite, and nutes. I use Technaflora B.C. nutes and had good success with them on my last grow so I told him as he was grabbing my bag of Fox Farms "I like the Technaflora B.C. Line" and that they worked for me and that I remember him saying that he liked them too. Well he immediately said in a joking way that the cops dont like it. I was puzzeled and didnt know what to think plus I was high on top of it just like I am now and I looked at him like what??? He said that he had gotten busted. I was like you got busted? Sure did, I was growing marijuana and I got busted so If your doing it you should stop too. WHAT THE FACH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is he a Narc now? He told me that the guys who busted him went straight to it and the only person who knew where it was, was his ex wife. And he has a new lady living with him so Im thinking it was totally non store related. However since he was arrested they now know what kind of buissness he runs. He also told me that he has to Pay $30,000 in Taxes for not having the proper tax stamps on his stash. You see you can go to our states capital and buy tax stamps for marijuana. Well there isnt a soul in this world going up there buying shit, so this is just another thing for them to charge you with when they bust you with large amounts of marijuana or any other illegal drug and this really pisses me off!!!!!!!
Pretty sure he wont do any time is what he said cause the lawyer told him that since he had never been charged with anything that sentencing would probably be community service with Probation. Told me that he had 111 or 112 plants and thats a felony in the great state of NC brotha, I know I use to be a police officer, But have finally seen the green light at the end of a very smokey tunnel. :joint: :joint: :joint: thats me all the damn time.

So I dont know wether to go back up there. He told me several times that he told them he didnt know anyone who grew, thats why he grew his own. They kept pressuring him to tell them anyone who grew but he says he told them he has never known anyone who grew. Im affraid they will start harrassing him and watching his buissness getting tag #'s and eventually run him out of his own buissness. Oh well not much I can do now if they want any info on me they already have it, cause I've used my Debit/creditcard up there several times. Well Im going to go smoke some more and check back to see what you guys think.
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Active member
thats a bad situation for you/him ...
NC dosent exacly have alot of hydrostores...
they might watch his shop if he told them what he does. maybe he lied said he works at home depot. i bet it was a deal that went sour. or he was slippin. its usualy one fo the two. i know when i was slipping some rippers tought me a few things about running a tight ship.(not in a good way)
id sugest using cash from now on.im hoping you can see if the cops are camping his shop from the road so you can just go right on by if they are without being too obvious. i used to put duct tape on my plates but thats a good reason to pull you over a "friend thats a cop" told me...


Active member
Well..It was probably his EX wife..Thats stupid to keep growing if you had a fall out with a loved one and then got a new girl.Anyways..hopefully you didnt make it obvious you grow becase he could find someone else to put his problems on..Good luck and be safe.

D Rock

Reality said:
Did you check and look around when you left the hydro store? Making sure no one followed you?
Yeah plus I live about a half hour away from the stor I didnt see anyone though.


Active member
i for one would never be returning to that store. guarantee you that store is being watched, at least on weekends. if he isn't serving time for over 100 plants, something fishy is going on.

D Rock

tngreen said:
i for one would never be returning to that store. guarantee you that store is being watched, at least on weekends. if he isn't serving time for over 100 plants, something fishy is going on.
thats kind of what I was thinking. But then again I have seen people get away with worse when I was dressed in blue.


Tax stamps on marijuana are just another way for them to bank cash, they don't serve a real purpose.

Sucks that your hydro guy got busted, I'd find a new place personally... but I'm sure theres not many hydro shops nearby. Just watch your back.


D Rock, you're an ex-cop and you're asking if you should go back to that place? Getting rid of a $30,000 debt is a lot of incentive to become a confidential informant. He may say he doesn't know anyone who grows but he definitely knows who buys what, how much and when. Time for a new shop. I would even switch to mail order vs. going back.

D Rock

vaprpig said:
D Rock, you're an ex-cop and you're asking if you should go back to that place? Getting rid of a $30,000 debt is a lot of incentive to become a confidential informant. He may say he doesn't know anyone who grows but he definitely knows who buys what, how much and when. Time for a new shop. I would even switch to mail order vs. going back.

Not really asking just a topic of discussion. I was extremley high when I made the post and just wanted to see what people thought about the situation. I know what I should do just wanted to ask the ICmag Community.

Boxy Brown

you can't even get marijuana tax stamps because to get the stamp you need the marijuana and if you have that without the stamps its illegal and thus you go to jail.


LEO is no fun in NC. Our neighbors to the north is worse, imho. You know what you need to do. It starts and ends with ensuring one's own personal safety.


can you say what town the shop is located in? It would help other IC'ers located in NC keep safe.


Sweet... anymore people from NC on here? I'm from NC... the only hydro store I've checked out is one in Charlotte.

and yes the bacon patrol in NC are hard asses... there's a couple of cool ones just like everywhere else but for the most part they can be assholes


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea uhm id probably find another grow store..but its probably too late anyways...i remember one time walkin into a grow shop.buying my shit(luckily i was on foot with a back pack)....as im leaving an older(LEO looking dude) walks in with a ****ing SLR camera and a looong zoom lense on it around his kneck...had a cocky shit eating grin on his face( i faced him hard)...he was totaly un-moved and proceeded inside...after that i never went to that place again. And man that place was cool...they would always give me a break...one time i was 20$ short and the lady let me pay for it with what i had(she said next time you can pay if you want, i was like COOL), the lady would also let me park int he back of the store where she parked, and would let me go in thru the back and leave thru the back...id park my car asss up right tot he dooor!!!!! i coulda looked like her son if it wasnt for the fact everytyhing i put in my trunk was bagged up in black poly garbage bags! lol but maaan what a ****in waste of a great dro store!!! i bet the guy wasnt even a cop prolly jsut some dumb horticulture freak with a camera on him....but you can never be too careful!

If you can find a shop int he next town...good luck
even if that guy does no time, he will be pissing in a cup for at least two years, which means no smoke. I would rather do the 6 months inside and be done with it.

D Rock

TheAfficianado said:
even if that guy does no time, he will be pissing in a cup for at least two years, which means no smoke. I would rather do the 6 months inside and be done with it.
Amen Brotha. Send me to the hole or segregation too cause I aint getting man handeled up in there.