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How To Taste Beer



When analyzing a beer, you can't just swill it down, burp and say "it's great" or "it's crap." And, even though tasting is an individual art, there are a few steps, which if followed, will take your beer tasting to a blissful level.

1. Look
Take pause and marvel at its greatness before you partake of it. Raise the beer in front of you, but don't hold your beer to direct light as this will dilute its true color. Describe its color, its head and its consistency.

2. Agitate
Swirl your beer, gently in the glass. This will pull out aromas, slight nuances, loosen & stimulate carbonation and test head retention.

3. Smell
Breathe thru your nose, then with your mouth open, then thru your mouth only (nose and mouth are connected in the experience). Let olfaction guide you. Agitate again if need be, and ensure that you are in an area that has no overpowering aromas. Enjoy its bouquet.

4. Taste
Now sip the beer. Resist swallowing immediately. Let it wander and explore your entire palate. Let your taste buds speak. Note the mouthfeel, the consistency of the liquid's body, and breathe out during the process of tasting. This process of exhaling is called "retro-olfaction" and will release retained stimulations at the mucus and mouthfeel level, but at a higher temperature. At times this will be the same as the olfactory process if not different and complimentary. Try to detect any sweetness, salty flavors, acids and general bitterness. Explain what they are, or what they are similar to.

Also, try tasting the beer after it warms a bit (just a bit mind you). Really cold beer tends to mask some of the flavors. As a beer warms, its true flavors will pull through, become more pronounced.


Well maybe some day you will learn to drink a decent beer and learn that bud actually sucks.
Bud is just fizzy yellow water.


elykdogg, the same company put out a beer once a year that is much better than Dos Equis. The Beer is called "Noche Buena".
It is only sold between the months of November - January.
It is a very good example of a "Bavarian Style Lager" and is worth looking into.


BELL'S "OBERON" is my favorite. Just brewed in the summer though. And it is the only beer I can stand when "warm" . Cheers :joint:


this seems like a cool ad campaign there's



I just looked at the website and that beer in particular..

It really shouldn't be hard to duplicate, it would be a simple wheat beer recipe.
The only thing different is that they use Styrian Goldings hops and of course England has hard water. The hard water brings out both the malty flavors of the grain and the bitterness of the hops.

Styrian Goldings hops, have a citrus and floral aroma as well as a tart citurs flavor.

Most Wheat beers use soft water and German or American....
I can say that this beer would be interesting as most English beers are.

Personally what I have in my fermenter at this time is a Southern English Brown Ale, A Samual Smith's Nut Brown Ale Clone.

Elykdogg, Glad I could help.
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Dankdude said:
Well maybe some day you will learn to drink a decent beer and learn that bud actually sucks.
Bud is just fizzy yellow water.
Well Maybe TODAY you will realize PF meant a Weed Chaser not Budweiser. What does this thread have to do with Cooking with Cannabis or Brewing with Cannabis?
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it is meant for to learn how to better taste their beer and analyze it and not just guzzle it... Kind of like wine tasting..

Also If people learn to brew their own beer, they are more self sufficient, kind of like growing your own weed.


No harm no foul. I was hoping this thread was about the brewing and tasting of Cannabis Beer. Blueridge used to have a Hempen Ale that was quite good. Thanks for taking that shot on the chin. You Be OK in my book DD.


I do have a recipe here called Red eye Barleywine that may be just what your looking for.... it is a MJ based beer that has a second kick to it :D


Red Eye Barley Wine sounds like it might be good Post Up the method or PM it to me if you would.
Hobgoblin aint a bad brew. If you want a really fruity tasting beer, try Cornish Knocker, id be very surprised if you can get that in the US though. Oh and if you're only used to drinking lager go easy to start with on proper beers, its been known to give chronic shits to the unintiated, as I found out in the early hoursof the morning on a pitch black camp site in Newquay lol. Still you cant beat a proper stout, I could drink guiness all day long :yummy:
Dankdude if you like a nice brown ale, you should try Newcastle brown ale, was my choice of poison for a good few seasons. One of the great things about the Uk, we love our brew and are spoilt for choice, producing some of the best in the world

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