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How do I find women smokers?



you can't find single NORCAL smoker wooks?
dude-if your willing to put up with hairy legs and BO worse than a man's-it really should be no problem-find the weekly barn throwdown

lol this thread is funny

2bad icmag is anonymous, i bet there'd be loads of ladies who'd want to hook up with a quiet, home-fond grower.

i've heard that when a man can keep a plant alive in his home for a year, he is ready for marriage. btw guys when i girl brings you a plant for a gift, thats a test :D

a growers life is truely a lonely one, just getting over the trust barrier is twice as hard then for other people. thats a long road to walk for me atleast, i have a hard time with letting girls in close to me.

i have this front image, this mask i wear in public. my nice shirts and sidecoambed hair, i look like a dull office type. i seem to attract the career climber girls, and they get disappointed when they hear that i have no aspirations for money. just personal goals.

think an icmag dating service might be fun for a while haha, until it went out of control :D


Go to college.

I'm here.

Stoner chicks are abundant...I don't see my self having high standards... more like.. i HAVE standards... finding a good looking one (at least to my taste) is hard.

I seem to be attracted to those... Girls that run around with barely no clothes on... you know they be downing the Sauce.... I'm a drinker.. but these girls turn to animals when drunk if you know...

Well anyway, back to the topic, It depends on the type of "stoner" chick you like... There are more than one..

While i meet many... they tend to be, of the Hippie, enviormental blah blah region...

I'm not about that, I myself am the type of guy that has an aspiration for money, a clean cut look, and innocence... I like my girls to be the same... Very straight edge look... but Party on the inside...


Hey HappyHemp,

You just have to keep looking, We're out here. I have been a smoker for 9 solid years now and since we finally became a Medical state here, I have actually taken up growing to save money and maybe increase monthly income a little. currently have 11 that are flowering at 4 weeks 1 that is flowering at 6 weeks and one at 7 weeks, with atleast 12 more that have been germing for the last few says ready to plant later today. And tis is my first grow. I find myself so relaxed and at ease when I am with "my girls" I spend hours in the flowering room just talking to them, smoking with them and hanging out, so if I had a man who had the same focus as I do, I would be ecstatic. Unfortunately mine is insecure of EVERYTHING so I have to hear shit about how much time I spend in the basement with the ladies everytime I go down there for more than 5 minutes. Deep part is he is a smoker too, so one would think he would be as excited as I about growing our own. Nut I guess as long as I am the one "Paying" for the buds he can't see the worth to investing a couple hours a day to our own harvest....


Active member
Wait til he hits that shit jala. he he he... wifey still doesn't want anything to do with it, but she's more at ease with it than I am. She'll see a bag of mexi brick that is so famous around here and just about pee herself laughing.

I wish I was comfortable consorting with growers. Only one person that I would put money on being loyal and secretive and capable of pulling it off, but he's a renter so it's a no go right about now. But as soon as Prez gets the DEA off the states' backs I'll go on down to the state health dept and file for a caregiver license. Sure will be nice not puckerin' up every time a heli flies over. And I live about a mile from the airport. err...

Good luck finding a toker girl man. Check out all the local head shops. They've usually got some cuties running the counter.
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BBBBBump... if you really wanna meet stoner chicks do what i do.........talk your business savvy friend. into opening a headshop in a college town. or any high traffic area for that matter....and convince him to let you run the place....hittin on stoner chicks all day!! been a pretty sweet past few months :)

too bad you cant actually talk about smoking while working at a headshop :(

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Make a lot of female friends and they'll tell you eventually if they smoke....where you meet them....through more friends. Go out all over the place...make bars the last resort. I never dated a guy that wasn't my friend first and I never met a boyfriend in a bar...always through mutual friends too.


omg seriously you all are off the hook.
seriously not all stoner chicks dont shave or have BO.
I mean wtf Lmao stereotype much? ;o)


I'm a lifer, myself. Cute, curvy, clean, shaven and I can roll a spliff better than any men in my group.

Plus I can do a lot more than keep a plant alive! :joint:

What I've found, especially at my local garden center and the like, is that women tend to pack a ton more discression -- I know this isn't always true, but try listening to the heady boys at the grow store just gab on and on in the aisles.

It depends on who you're looking for too. Drop "420" in your local craigslist and it might just blow your mind. :D


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
just playin' ladies..


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Garden Nymph
Yeah, talk about BO to a girl (me) who likes to buy personal hygiene stuff and loves going into The Body Shop. I smoke, I grow, I love the cannabis plant, and I don't see that changing in the foreseeable future. The laws have to change, not me!

As for finding women smokers, I have not found them myself aside from ICmag. Most women on ICmag are already taken though!


ICMag Donor
Try concerts or shows that cater to stoners...Furthur or phish or some bands like that...there are tons of stoner chicks there.


yea fo sure hippie lettuce - I love smelling nice, I wear lots of body spray, not really perfume, only on special occasions... my favorite right now is this scent called pomegranate. mmmmm!!!!!

I will never change my lifestyle.. I enjoy smoking the herb too much.. Its like medication to me, it makes me feel RIGHT!


I found my wife in Oregon, where her entire family smokes, and her grandma was a grower. Hell, she was the one that got me into smoking...then I went into growing and she enjoys it as much as I do.
Any stoner/grower chick from the EU? :)

Any stoner/grower chick from the EU? :)

High All, I bump this thread after 10yrs of vegetating. :) My question really is that, any girl from the EU on IC forum? I'm looking to meet girls from Poland, Czech, Austria, Benelux, Hungary, Italy Spain France. So yeah don't hide get in touch asap :D