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HLG QB 550 v2 R-spec VS Migro 400+

Ok Tony... The DLI is the total sum of the par the plant recieves under a given time. According to the article they recommend between 41 to 50.
NOt to mention that the unit is mol.

So if we work our way backwards let see how this ends up.

We want a DLI of 50mols in a 12 hours. This if and only if everyrhing else is optimized should give me the best outcome.

So, 50 mols

50 * 1000000 =50 000 000 umols
So my Light needs 50 000 000 umols under this 12 hour period

12 hours equals 60 * 60 * 12= 43 200 seconds.

Now if i divide umols/seconds it will give me the Par output i need.

In this specific case 1157. 407 aprox 1160PAR.

And if I only use the SI units i will end up with the PPFD. So DLI is another fancy word for the par.

My personal opinion is, being in a range between 800 and 1000 PAR per second is a good as it covers the 40mols a day during flowerstage without the need of Co2 supplimentation.

If I could bombard the plant with 2000PAR and have a 6h cycle and cut the flowering time in half because the plant still recieves its DLI of 40mols per 6h.... Now that would be somethibg.

Greendevil please can you kindly tell more about this glitch?
Greendevil to answer your question on why one would compare these to fixtures

MIGROS fonder Shane adverties his fixtures for homegrowers. Ive never even thought of buying commercial grade fixtures when i first decided to jump o er to Led. My first led lamp was bought from an ad i found here on icmag. Dont remeber the brand name bur it was expensive AF. And The company recommend ed atleast 8 of them. I bought 1. Ah it was supergrowled. However ive tried it on 1 plang and it did t do much, later founding out that it gave 30 par on aprox 20cm distance.

I then stumbled on the Znet. Their fixture is cheap China blurple light. They actually produce really fat buds. Also with uv-b, never felt buds so sticky.
But i never liked that boxed led didnt have a spread. So my search continued till i found Shane. It was relatively new when i found him. He put and still puts out tons of good info on their Youtube channels. One of the post he put out is an interview with a botanist. Ive never seen any other co pany put out these kind of things. So i bought my first Migro.

Now they recently upgraded their cobchip to luminus generation 4 wich bumped the efficench of their fixture to 2.48jumol per watt from previously stated 2.02.

At the same time the hlg realesed their first updated version of the qb550 => QB 550 V2.

But shortly after they realesed QB 550 VW r spec
The r-spec had a boost from the v2 from 2.5umols per watt to 2.6umols per watt. This puttning it in class with the gavita led. The slight difference that Gavita led can only be purchased in North America for now.

So ofcourse this caught my attention.

Ok so listen to this podcast about living soils, its called KIS organics and is hosted by Ted Hussey i think. Defintely Ted. In one episode he has the guys from fluence in. During the episode on of the mentions somethibg like this.

Every electrical unit generates heat. Its not that led fixture doesnt to that. Its just that it is more efficient in turning that watt into Light instead of heat.

So we all know that energy cant be used it only tramsforms. So reglar hps has about 1.3 umols per watt giving more watts to hest generation while efficient leds turns more watt ro Light and less heat.

Sorry for the detour. Anyways so ofcourse i want high efficency at it means same amount of light but with less wattage consumption.

The R-spec and migro 400+ costs almost the same, draws almost same amount of watts. So i thought it would be fun to do a test.

And I thought that this is a intresting test so why not share it. Sorry for the detour but some people are here to learn so I thought I give them a little hints and tips imbedded :).

I dont concised any light that dont use Daisy chain to be for commercial growing. I love miss Daisy so harf without her :)


Well-known member
Now can anyone tell me about Emerson effect and how it works?

Roughly speaking, he used light A, and got a gram. Then he used light B, and still got a gram. So he turned on both lights, and got 3 grams. What? I hear you say. But each light grows a gram, so how can he of got an extra gram from nowhere? This is the Emerson. How one wavelength supports another, so much that there is a gain.

IIRC the specific wavelengths in question are red. The standard 630ish and the 660 far red. Where the 660 alone is actually not great, but as an additional light works very well.

Perhaps I should of googled before posting. It could be something to do with swimming pools. It's not information that's a great deal of use to most of us. Just know that supplemental far red lighting has both supporters and naysayers. And that not all plants are the same. So you roll the dice. I'm a believer though.

Green Devil

Now can anyone tell me about Emerson effect and how it works?

So basically, when biological organisms produce ATP they are generation energy that's easily accessible yet stored in a triphosphate molecule (think of it like a battery).

To produce fruit or flowers, energy is required.
So the more ATP you produce, the more product can be made. In this case, the Cannabis Sativa flower.

Of course, every other process in the plant also requires energy but if you can produce more ATP with two different wavelengths, more yield can be produced because the basic ATP need is already covered by the first light.

Regarding the glitch, you can find more "understanable" information here:
The publication was however published in Science - one of the most respectable journals there is (along with Nature).
Thank you. Thats the reason behind the r-spec having additional diodes at 660nm

Some bad news. I placed an order for the migro but i got a mail back that the wont be able to deliver the fixture until end of next week.

Can somrone tell me more about growing in coco only... Havent done this before.

My local dekaler has a 5liter compressed box. He said it equals 70liter when mixed with water. How do i feed etc.

I first started with aeroponics and then went to living soil. So this it totally new for me.
Hit me with advices and tips.

Roughly speaking, he used light A, and got a gram. Then he used light B, and still got a gram. So he turned on both lights, and got 3 grams. What? I hear you say. But each light grows a gram, so how can he of got an extra gram from nowhere? This is the Emerson. How one wavelength supports another, so much that there is a gain.

IIRC the specific wavelengths in question are red. The standard 630ish and the 660 far red. Where the 660 alone is actually not great, but as an additional light works very well.

Perhaps I should of googled before posting. It could be something to do with swimming pools. It's not information that's a great deal of use to most of us. Just know that supplemental far red lighting has both supporters and naysayers. And that not all plants are the same. So you roll the dice. I'm a believer though.


I'm on the edge. Of what I'm not sure.
Can somrone tell me more about growing in coco only... Havent done this before.

My local dekaler has a 5liter compressed box. He said it equals 70liter when mixed with water. How do i feed etc.

I first started with aeroponics and then went to living soil. So this it totally new for me.
Hit me with advices and tips.

Check out these threads........



A quick synopsis.....
buffer your coir with a fertilizer containing a good amount of calcium and magnesium.

Frequent irrigation after roots are established can produce explosive growth.

Plants grown in coir and fed multiple times a day need a smaller pot than plants grown in peat based media.

Otherwise, watch the plants and give them what they need.


Ok Tony... The DLI is the total sum of the par the plant recieves under a given time. According to the article they recommend between 41 to 50.
NOt to mention that the unit is mol.

So if we work our way backwards let see how this ends up.

We want a DLI of 50mols in a 12 hours. This if and only if everyrhing else is optimized should give me the best outcome.

So, 50 mols

50 * 1000000 =50 000 000 umols
So my Light needs 50 000 000 umols under this 12 hour period

12 hours equals 60 * 60 * 12= 43 200 seconds.

Now if i divide umols/seconds it will give me the Par output i need.

In this specific case 1157. 407 aprox 1160PAR.

And if I only use the SI units i will end up with the PPFD. So DLI is another fancy word for the par.

My personal opinion is, being in a range between 800 and 1000 PAR per second is a good as it covers the 40mols a day during flowerstage without the need of Co2 supplimentation.

If I could bombard the plant with 2000PAR and have a 6h cycle and cut the flowering time in half because the plant still recieves its DLI of 40mols per 6h.... Now that would be somethibg.

Greendevil please can you kindly tell more about this glitch?
You pretty much got it :tiphat:

DLI is not just another fancy word for PAR, it's the sum or integral of the PAR received during the diurnal rhythms.
Yeah, just like you, I would like to know how quickly I can fill the DLI tank, so to speak.... You mention 6 hours, that sounds good, 3 or even 2 hours in a pinch would be very cool too haha

As mentioned elsewhere, why do breeders not mention DLI requirements for their strain creations in the descriptive specs, I mean, surely a breeder knows a plant needs light, and how much and at what flow rate seems somehow relevant. But yeah, those PAR meters aren't exactly cheap, and it's a lot of bother :clock watch:

Guess it'll have to wait until legalities change and the big seed operators with the right technical gear and white coats move in!
Well one thing i dont like with breeders is how they state the yields. Like Bad Azz kush from varney is stated to do 700g/m2.

I always wonder under what sircumstances this is. What light what distance how long vegtime. Soil aero or hydro. Pruning lst or anything else done to the plant.

Is 700 an avreage or is it like the best result they have gotten.
Hi everyone!

I just recieved a email from Migro that , there will be additional delay

"Due to a further delay with delivery of components your order will now
be shipped on the week commencing Wednesday 4th September.

We apologise for the added delay and any inconvenience caused.

We don't expect any further delays and will keep you posted on progress.

To keep you all updated. Clones are in cloner now with low light intensity. This to keep them small. To have an even start for them all.

This weekend i will put up the second tent. mount the tropfblumat system so everything will be ready when the lights arrive.
Sorry everyone. I know i have posted for a while but now im back on track. Everything is set and ready to go. even the timelapscamera. My thought on that was to record en upload 1 week at the time.

I will comment the Migro fixture tomorrow.
Ok. Here we go. Ive just been really busy at work.
Ok so the Migro system came wrapped in black plastic. Everything was well packed and delivered in three boxes. Two boxes holds the lamps and the third had the frame. The finnish of this product is awsome to. I really like the connwcrion they use between the cables. Its prevwnt the cables from getting apart. Ill take a better pic soon.

They use own branded ballast with a dimmer.
The dimmer is a knob that tou can dim down to 10%. And no tools are needed as the case with the HLG where a tiny screwdriver is needed. This screwdeiver however is included wirh the lighrt

The HLG is ready to be hung straight out of the box.
The Migro needs some time to get up and running as the fram comes in parts. I have Migronfixture from before so I do it pretty quick, but my first rime i guess it took about 10minutes.

There is a really good manual/ instruction with the migro. I think u can download it at their website.

Att full power eaxh light provided 1000par at 45cm hanging hight straight under.
What i didnt like was that, in the center of the tent you have a par drop down to 600. Check par map.

Another thing i didnt like was that i bumped my hed in the frame a couple of times. Maybe its just because im not used to the frame but it still hurts to bump your head ��. There is also a lot of cables hanging. It just doesnt look neet, however this is just estetics. The frame is also supported by 4 hangers. So to get it perfectly straight is a little hassle.

So each tent has 3 cocos and 2 soil.
The plants look a litle droopy but the pic is straight after the transplant. The timelapscamera is on and recording. I thought of sharing it ever week.


Well-known member
In the name of science please shed some light on this much agonized dilemma. Quantum board vs COB. I think is the first time I bump in a side by side of this kind. Really curious about the results
Ok guys.

The link is to the timelaps movie for the first week.
Unfortunaty it seems that the plants in coco isnt doing well.
The ones in soil however is thriving.

but before removing the ones in coco i will give them another week. it seems that they may reover.

any tips ?
