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High Times Goes Down

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Hydrofarm was big back then. That ballast, that weighed 50lbs, got hot as shit.. 😂
Never have it shipped to your house back then, NEVER.. 😂..code

Ordered in 1987, which is why I was freaking out over OGM, mounted the heavy ass ballast under the floor, attached to the floor joists, to get the heat and the noise out of the closet.

After reading / hearing about OGM, I was quite concerned, but kept on growing. 😱

Don't know how you got your nym, but I could tell you some old stories about that term. :cool:

I Care

Well-known member
Hey it was a cool magazine to look at until someone loaned me, for a short time, a third edition canabible. Which was a really legit book, no advertising to clutter up those pages I remember the ode to the weed man or whatever it was called, that was funny.

I’m pretty sure I was directed, years after the topic here, partially by this book; that you don’t want to buy anything e-mail anything or bring anything from anywhere but what you can find your local gardening store or nursery using cash if your trying to fly low. That store can then order most of anything for you in some shape or form. Again, this is years after this topic. By my time it was kinda just like use whatever you can find. I’d have grown with a cfl before buying a rig by my time. Lot or reasons to be paranoid, cause so many people had take time off and spend it dealing with judicials.


Well-known member
View attachment 18993679

Ordered in 1987, which is why I was freaking out over OGM, mounted the heavy ass ballast under the floor, attached to the floor joists, to get the heat and the noise out of the closet.

After reading / hearing about OGM, I was quite concerned, but kept on growing. 😱

Don't know how you got your nym, but I could tell you some old stories about that term. :cool:
I'm not Rick Naya aka GG
I grew up in Gville in 80s/90s. Just a name for good weed back then. All the weed was great back then. Maybe, because my tolerance was lower, not sure. 😂

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I'm not Rick Naya aka GG
I grew up in Gville in 80s/90s. Just a name for good weed back then. All the weed was great back then. Maybe, because my tolerance was lower, not sure. 😂
In the late '60s, early '70s, before most people knew what sensimilla was, it was called "Gainesville Green" by the college students at UF.

From my website:

"I introduced a couple of Italians and a Jewish guy to some surfers, who knew the Cubans, who brought it in for the Coptics and a very friendly relationship developed. They kept Bayside and Howard Beach supplied for quite a while and appreciated the intros, so anytime I needed to score, it was quite easy.

Visited Sebastian Inlet with them one time when they were just surfing and met some very interesting people. One guy said he moved a lot of the Coptic’s stuff up in Gainesville, called it Gainesville Green. Said he used to run PBR's in The Delta, I thought he was talking about Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. I had no idea what that meant until I saw Apocalypse Now many years later. I remember him taking a big hit, exhaling, and saying, “Thai sticks ain’t got shit on this”.

I believed him."

Every time I see your name, I smile. ;)


Stray Cat
High Times was a tool used by US government.
They use any tool to justify your dozens of millions spent - war on drugs.
Fan boys never add up to any discussion.
"I like High Times and no one will blame my mag" :muahaha:


Well-known member
Looks like Spain.. pretty normal sight there , beware people with long ladders haha
That's right, an old photo already, I think... In case the butane bottles and the clothes hanging were'nt enough of a clue, the owner decided to put an end to global speculation about its location days later...

It looks like an old block of flats in some big city.
Last edited:


I was going to put this in the Tokers Den, because like everything else, I have a fairly strong opinion on the subject and I seem to piss people off without knowing about it or even trying to. o_O With that said, this is essentially a financial story more than anything else, but I think it's really _moral_.

The legal/corporate entity that is responsible for the ownership of High Times has just gone into receivership. Which essentially means, they're circling the drain financially, and getting ready to go down the tubes.

Morally, they went down such a long fucking time ago.

If you're familiar with the true origin story and history of High Times, you'll know that it's founder Tom Forcade, a pirate smuggler of cannabis, would turn over in his fucking _grave_ knowing that the corporate entity he was responsible for creating... puked up, narced out and turned over _names_ of people who had bought growing equipment via ads in High Times.

Do a dive on Operation Green Merchant and you'll understand why I have such strong feelings. Not counting the fact that I ordered a 1 kilowatt MH HID light from Midwest supplies from an ad in their mag!

All I had to do was live with paranoia, people like Steve Murphy got their life totally and completely _fucked_.

I'll leave you with a quote from my website... "the only thing I trust about High Times after the '80s was the photography." All the rest of it, _especially_ the Cannabis Cup competition after 2000, was pure political and financial bullshit.

You reap what you sow, what goes around come around, pick your cliche but High Times deserves it.

Seriously, do a deep dive into Tom Forcade to see a man who had honor and dignity, while dealing in a world of murderers, pirates, and thieves.

My wife Harley just now mentioned something about Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves... got to leave that out because our Gypsy ain't associated with no tramps or thieves, other than those of us who use his forum.:ROFLMAO:

I can't recall how many times, High Times has changed hands/ownership over the years. I think it's some where around 3-4 times now, that its been sold. I recall the last buyers or buyer was some relative of Bob Marley, son or grandson. So this move into receivership is on the current owner(s).

It seams that High Times has just focused on "their cannabis cups" over the last many years and has become their main focus. I haven't seen a printed copy of High Times in about 15 years now. I loved the pictures and grow articles they had. I switched over to visiting their web site via the internet of all things. I would read their grow article and look at the pictures. But then the site changed and they hardly had any grow articles/stories. I think that was around the time it was sold the last time.

It has gone down hill, but how far depends on maybe on how old you are and from the view point of that age. If you are older it may appear to be really really far, and if your younger then it may not yet seam as long of a down hill roll yet.

BUT if you look at them in the view point as a printed media company, it has become so much more expensive to do business selling printed media editions. The local paper has changed the size of the paper they use in the daily printed editions to save money. When was the last time you bought a an actual paper? I just go to their web site now...


Well-known member
old high times was cool! i loved those! the trans-high market quotes and could dig out an issue or two
Yeah the old mags are really cool. It's a shame if they go bust because they have the online archive with all the mags digitally.

The pretendica ads had me all mad when I was younger. Now I buy CBD buds on purpose hehe.


Well-known member
When was Operation Green Merchant? Did it really happen?
In 1989, the DEA claims they eradicated 73,165,985 ditch weed plants in Nebraska as part of Operation Green Merchant

The first sentence of this article about Operation Green Merchant mentions High Times being part of a criminal conspiracy with seed vendors, light vendors and so on.

Even Wikipedia's 1st sentence mentions High Times


Well-known member
Yes I understand Operation Green Merchant was a thing.My question was what did High Time have to do with people who were busted? What information could they have had on the customers of the hydroponics stores who advertised in their magazine? What exactly are they guilty of?

The first sentence of this article about Operation Green Merchant mentions High Times being part of a "Criminal Conspiracy" with seed vendors, light vendors and so on.

In 1989, the DEA claims they eradicated 73,165,985 ditch weed plants in Nebraska as part of Operation Green Merchant

Even Wikipedia's 1st sentence mentions High Times