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Hemp is Bursting Out all Over


Active member
Lets hope this gets rolling soon....


In a world where bad news floods us, it's just so great to see all the positive moves toward hemp legalization and cultivation, not only in the United States but also in various other places globally. Many countries, such as Hungary, France and Canada, have been years ahead of the U.S. in sensibly recognizing the value in growing the hemp plant for a wide variety of purposes, from fiber to oil to seed. Before I continue, however, I must make the usual disclaimer that by hemp, which comes from the cannabis genus but which contains insignificant amounts of the psychoactive chemical THC, I am not referring here to medical marijuana, which itself has merits on its own.

In any event, along with the burgeoning medical marijuana industry, the cultivation of hemp as a major resource and economy saver is likewise receiving a great deal of positive attention nationally, and it appears that the state of California is just a hair's breadth away from passing the Industrial Hemp Farming Act or SB 676, introduced by Senator Mark Leno in February.

As a one-time denizen of Southern California who worked passionately as a hemp activist for a number of years, including faxing hemp information sheets to numerous law offices in the area, among other activities, I am delighted to see industrial hemp blooming into a potentially rich future harvest.

In 1994, I stood up at a Jerry-Brown-for-President press conference in Los Angeles and asked Brown - who was standing just a few feet away - whether or not it was time to look hemp as a means to solve many of the world's resource problems. I'm told there's a video of the exchange somewhere on Youtube.

Brown is now the governor of California, and I'd like to hope I planted a little hempseed, especially since he's previously made unsupportive statements about the subject.

Go, California! Hemp could TRULY help revitalize the economy. Are you listening, Governor Brown? (And Feds?)

"Support for hemp farming and manufacturing in California has been very strong."

Thanks also to the incomparable Jack Herer, RIP, whom I met a number of times and who inspired me to raise the issue with Jerry Brown.