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Hello.....Good Evening and Welcome!



(Lights another)

(Lights another)

Glad to see you made it! :)
I didn't get into the first IC issue,I had a photo compression problem,but am hard at work on an article and pics about macro cannabis photography for issue number two....
I got a ringflash and a few more lens stacks,so we'll be looking at cannabis from 10x-200x through the eye of my camera soon!
Time to go,I feel a joint-roll coming on!


Sensi Star

Congrats Gypsy and mods on the new site! :)

Am looking forward to muchos canna::content in your quest towards International Cannagraphic!

Keep it GREEN and peace!

Sensi Star
Thank you GN!

Thank you GN!

I am waiting with baited breath to see this site unfold.

Good luck to all involved with this endeavor!!!!

Gypsy, we will all be looking forward to your posts and pics!!
Having your own site means, you will have none of the problems we have experienced at certain other sites.........;)

Thanks for starting this site!



New member
Congrats on the site Gypsy :D I too, was like that at school, though i am more of the new breed (90's). I was in a private school for 4 years before they chucked me out for free-thinking. State schools just aren't the same when you get used to such a high standard of education, but at least the new school brought to me my new best friend - Mary Jane ;)

Thanks for hosting this dazzling site! Looking forward to seeing it develop :D




Hi Gypsy, mucho respect to you :)

You da Man !!

Love your stories and your photos and last but
not least your hard work at SeedsDirect :)

peace brother.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
coming soon........The printer says that we should have the first copies next week.............and the dvd might be 2 weeks before we have copies.....just organizing that......soon come!

Frank White

New member
hey gypsy dood!

hey gypsy dood!

apparentely u sent out my order of nirvana afghani's and whatever the current freebie is for og members today ;) ?
what is the estimate time for that new seed (flowering i mean)
i heard on og it wasnt skunk1 anymore

also whats average time for a mail to get from the UK to the USA EAST coast?
anyone know thanks

anyways thanks for the seeds,
and btw i use a different handle on og, been a member their since it started too :)

same sig though


Good to see you active gypsy, and bog your pics and strains are always a pleasure. p.s. Gypsy dont 4get my o.g. discount on my next order.:D


Hello Mr. Nirvana,
Great thread and its nice to meet you, my name is Outlaw and I may see you around more often as I enjoy your site immensely.

peace brotha:cool:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production


A while back on OG I started a thread called "I have a dream" I had high hopes for the thread to express and hear the thoughts and dreams of my fellow growers as it pertained to the future of marijuana in our societies. Sadly the thread was hijacked by some scientologist hater, and the thread kinda died after that. I believe you share my dreams Gypsy. May your dreams be my dreams and may all our dreams find a home at International Cannagraphic. Let's make this the best damn site on the net and show the world that we will not go away silently. That our day will come and our beloved herb will be free.

GreatLakes THC
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Nice site, real treasure trove of nearly uncountable info, thanks to gypsy and all of the contributors, its come a long way since the beginning.
#1 thread. #1

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