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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
I got the other disease that eats the stomach flu before it concentrates on me again
my experience level and limited resources requires focusing on one grow per attempt but I like the result post of more skillful growers comparison grows

Well I'm not skilled but will be trying a side by side bucket balls bucket soil here pretty soon,

I pretty much know how it will turn out but pictures are what is needed.

Oh and the sickness? They recently have found West Nile here in mosquito's so considering I never get sick I'm guessing that was it and like I said those that are weak out of shape or old and feeble will die from this once it mutates a few more times.

Anyway I'm glad to see some action in here and look forward to seeing more efforts in the future and will try my damnedest to get some rewards to those that create a sticky thread to share the love with those that need it.

Be Well
reminds me of a movie I viewed recently about a mutated Rabies virus that would advanced to the finial stage symptoms within hours of infection
Rabies is a long known virus that if not treated promptly at onset will kill the host even with all the advancements of modern medical practices

my photography equipment and skills leave a lot to be desired but I contribute when possible,I grow nice plants that develop pretty buds but my image files just don't flatter them at all
yes post those asap,please


i think that u need a reference point to focus on..... or else u just miight end up like me.......spinning.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
my photography equipment and skills leave a lot to be desired but I contribute when possible,I grow nice plants that develop pretty buds but my image files just don't flatter them at all
yes post those asap,please

i think that u need a reference point to focus on..... or else u just miight end up like me.......spinning.

I can take care of both of these with a simple trip down memory lane lol. In the Organic Hydro section you will find a thread called What About Bob. This was my first run with buckets here and all shots were taken with a puny 4.3 megapixel camera posted here and later on ended up in Weed World magazine among others and by the time they got done editing those shots they ended up looking like they were in a studio so I say never ever cut yourself short and as long as you got the passion the rest will follow.

My Penny


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
.... all shots were taken with a puny 4.3 megapixel camera posted here and later on ended up in Weed World magazine among others and by the time they got done editing those shots they ended up looking like they were in a studio so I say never ever cut yourself short and as long as you got the passion the rest will follow.
My Penny
I agree with Mr. Wags..keep shooting guys. I recently had to re-visit my archives of images for a project I'm working on..I was amazed at how poor my early pix are compared to my current imagery. I don't use top end gear. Peace...DD




ello I love to takes pics i have put a few here of plants but i snap pics of everything love the site

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