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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


Well-known member
You believers need to stop buying made in China garbage if you want to save the planet from "man made" Co2



Well-known member

April 2024​

April 2024 was the warmest April on record for the globe in NOAA's 175-year record. The April global surface temperature was 1.32°C (2.38°F) above the 20th-century average of 13.7°C (56.7°F). This is 0.18°C (0.32°F) warmer than the previous April record set most recently in 2020, and the eleventh consecutive month of record-high global temperatures. April 2024 marked the 48th consecutive April with global temperatures, at least nominally, above the 20th-century average.

Global land-only April temperature was warmest on record at 1.97°C (3.55°F) above average. The ocean-only temperature also ranked warmest on record for April at 1.03°C (1.85°F) above average, 0.17°C (0.31°F) warmer than the second warmest April of 2023, and the 13th-consecutive monthly ocean record high. These temperatures occurred as the current El Niño episode nears its end. El Niño conditions that emerged in June 2023 weakened further in April, and according to NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, a transition from El Niño to ENSO–neutral is likely in the next month, with odds of La Niña developing by June–August (49% chance) or July–September 2024 (69% chance).

Temperatures were much-above average to record warm throughout much of South America, Africa, central and southern Europe, southwestern Russia and Turkey, as well as much of Asia's Far East. Temperatures were also much warmer-than-average across large parts of the northeast U.S. and much of northern Canada. The largest temperature anomalies (greater than 3°C or 5.4°F above average) occurred in northern Canada, western and northern Greenland, eastern Europe, central Asia, southeast Asia, eastern China and parts of eastern Russia.

Record warm April temperatures in Southeast Asia were due in part to a heatwave in late April with daily high temperatures exceeding 38-43°C (100-110°F) in an area stretching from India to southeastern China and the Philippines. Examples of station's highest maximum temperatures to occur during the last half of April in this region from NCEI's Global Historical Climatology Network-Daily dataset include more than 75 stations with highest temperatures exceeding 40.5°C (105°F). Extremely warm overnight temperatures, exceeding 26.5°C (80°F) were also widespread.

As was the case in recent months, sea surface temperatures were above average across much of the northern, western, and equatorial Pacific Ocean, although the positive anomalies in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific were smaller than recent months as El Niño weakened. As they did in March, record-warm temperatures covered much of the tropical Atlantic Ocean as well as parts of the southern Atlantic and northwestern and southern Indian Ocean. Record warm temperatures covered 14.7% of the world's surface this month. This is more than twice the second-highest April value of 7.1% set in 2016 and the second highest record warm coverage for any month since records began in 1951, slightly below the 15.0% coverage in September 2023.

April temperatures were cooler than the 1991–2020 average in areas that included much of mainland Australia, southern parts of South America, much of Iceland, Scandinavia and northwest Russia, eastern Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, as well as parts of East Africa including Sudan and South Sudan. Much of east Antarctica was cooler than the 1991-2020 average with anomalies lower than -2°C (-3.6°F) widespread. Sea surface temperatures were below average in parts of the southeastern Pacific and Southern Ocean. Record cold temperatures covered 0.1% of the world's surface in April.

In the Northern Hemisphere, April 2024 ranked warmest on record at 1.75°C (3.15°F) above average, 0.28°C (0.50°F) warmer than the previous April record of 2016. The Northern Hemisphere land temperature and ocean temperature each ranked warmest on record for the month. The Southern Hemisphere experienced its second warmest April on record at 0.88°C (1.58°F) above average, 0.05°C (0.09°F) cooler than 2023. The Southern Hemisphere land temperature for April tied 2010 as 20th warmest while April's ocean temperature was warmest on record.


Well-known member
2023 was the hottest year ever recorded!!
Dumb 🤡
"2023 was Australia's equal-eighth warmest year on record, compared to all years since 1910, and the warmest year since 2020. Australia's area-averaged mean temperature for 2023 was 0.98 °C above the 1961–1990 average."

Not here it wasn't,

"April temperatures were cooler than the 1991–2020 average". from igrowone's post above
"above the 1961–1990 average." from the Bom

They just cherry pick whatever 30 year period best suits the "man made" warming narrative

Still waiting for proof that the "man made" Co2 is responsible for any of the perceived warming since the little ice age began. while we are at it, how is "man made" Co2 made ??

"Table 4. Greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse Gas in Atmosphere Concentration, ppm
Water Vapor (3%) 30,000
CO2 (0.042%) 421
Methane (0.00019%) 1.9
Nitrous Oxide (0.000033%) .33
Ozone (0.000001%) 0.0"

Table 5 shows that water vapor can absorb 84 times more infrared radiation
than carbon dioxide. If water vapor changes its absorption from 84 to 83, it
would wipe out all of what CO2 could have contributed. With respect to the other
Greenhouse Gases, water vapor is 407 thousand times greater than methane,
452 thousand times more than ozone, and 2.3 million times greater than nitrous
oxide relative to the infrared radiation absorbed under the Greenhouse Effect.
The low concentration of ozone and nitrous oxide explains their minimal total
Table 5. Total relative absorption of infrared radiation by the greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse Gas Total Absorption Water Vapor/Other Gas
Water Vapor 1987.5
CO2 23.6 84
Methane 0.00488 407,000
Ozone 0.00439 452,000
Nitrous Oxide 0.000848 2,300,000-

From the PDF I attached a few posts up, ,I know you believers never bother reading anything that conflicts your belief, so I posted a little bit from it

moose eater

Well-known member
Frosty is an idiot plain and simple!
Problem is there is heaps of idiots/frostys out there!
I think these days they comprise about 80% of the voting public in the US. Group psychosis and rampant delusions. And they're all certain they're correct, no matter how abstract, destructive, or bizarre the thoughts they profess and exchange become.

I've been thinking of advocating for air drops of Thorazine into public water supplies because the need now seems to have become THAT great.

I'll continue writing letters, and in a couple decades, providing we haven't imploded as a species and world, maybe someone will take it seriously enough to act on it.


In my empire of dirt
lets not put frosty down, he just has his own ideas
but he speaks his mind

stick to your guns frosty!
/i owe you a beer mate!

xoxo frosty
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