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Harvest - Different ways to harvest, process and store. (Feel free to showcase your artisan methods!!!)


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Photo @Suma

After harvesting cannabis, it is manicured, cured, dried, and stored. Fresh cannabis material typically contains 78-80% moisture [39] and drying is necessary for handling, storage, and avoiding degradation of major cannabinoids before chemical examination. The Office of Medicinal Cannabis of the Dutch Government specifies that the water content of cannabis must be between 5% - 10% directly after packing [57]. Drying crops directly on the ground or under direct sunshine must be avoided [21]. Plants dry within 24 hours to 15% ± 2% moisture when spread evenly to a depth of approximately 15 cm at 40˚C [35]. Moisture content can be checked by measuring weight loss after drying for 24 hours at 105˚C. If the plants are hung to dry, the mean times taken to achieve 15% moisture were 36, 18, and 11 hours at 30˚C, 40˚C, and 50˚C, respectively [35]. When stored in paper bags to dry at 21˚C and 40% RH, fresh floral material cut from stems reached 11% ± 1% moisture in 5 days [47]. The dried material was then cured at 18˚C and 60% RH for 14 days before determining the floral dry weight [47]. Drying at temperature higher than 37˚C for 24 hours may decarboxylate cannabinoid acids [58]. The effect of high drying temperatures on cannabinoids and terpenes requires further investigation. To minimize loss of volatile terpenes during heating, another method for cannabinoid and terpene preservation is freezing by sublimation, which takes 10 to 20 days.

As oxidation occurs with the presence of light, heat, and oxygen, degradation of major cannabinoids is minimized after drying by storage in cool and dark places. Fresh products must be stored between 1˚C and 5˚C and frozen products must be kept at −18˚C to −20˚C for long-term storage [21]. The content of THC stored at −18˚C, 4˚C, and 22˚C ± 1˚C decomposed at rates of 3.83%, 5.38%, and 6.92% per year, respectively [59]. Samples can be stored at −18˚C or 4˚C for about 30 weeks before concentrations of THCA and THC change, however, samples stored at 22˚C ± 1˚C showed some immediate decomposition. Dried samples stored at 50˚C for 24 hours showed slight decarboxylation while those stored at 100˚C and 150˚C showed significant decarboxylation of THCA and decomposition of THC within two hours [60]. The effect of freeze-drying on terpenes has not been well-studied, but reportedly fails to preserve the profile of the fresh plant by changing terpene concentrations [61].

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After harvesting cannabis, it is manicured, cured, dried, and stored. Fresh cannabis material typically contains 78-80% moisture [39] and drying is necessary for handling, storage, and avoiding degradation of major cannabinoids before chemical examination. The Office of Medicinal Cannabis of the Dutch Government specifies that the water content of cannabis must be between 5% - 10% directly after packing [57]. Drying crops directly on the ground or under direct sunshine must be avoided [21]. Plants dry within 24 hours to 15% ± 2% moisture when spread evenly to a depth of approximately 15 cm at 40˚C [35]. Moisture content can be checked by measuring weight loss after drying for 24 hours at 105˚C. If the plants are hung to dry, the mean times taken to achieve 15% moisture were 36, 18, and 11 hours at 30˚C, 40˚C, and 50˚C, respectively [35]. When stored in paper bags to dry at 21˚C and 40% RH, fresh floral material cut from stems reached 11% ± 1% moisture in 5 days [47]. The dried material was then cured at 18˚C and 60% RH for 14 days before determining the floral dry weight [47]. Drying at temperature higher than 37˚C for 24 hours may decarboxylate cannabinoid acids [58]. The effect of high drying temperatures on cannabinoids and terpenes requires further investigation. To minimize loss of volatile terpenes during heating, another method for cannabinoid and terpene preservation is freezing by sublimation, which takes 10 to 20 days.

As oxidation occurs with the presence of light, heat, and oxygen, degradation of major cannabinoids is minimized after drying by storage in cool and dark places. Fresh products must be stored between 1˚C and 5˚C and frozen products must be kept at −18˚C to −20˚C for long-term storage [21]. The content of THC stored at −18˚C, 4˚C, and 22˚C ± 1˚C decomposed at rates of 3.83%, 5.38%, and 6.92% per year, respectively [59]. Samples can be stored at −18˚C or 4˚C for about 30 weeks before concentrations of THCA and THC change, however, samples stored at 22˚C ± 1˚C showed some immediate decomposition. Dried samples stored at 50˚C for 24 hours showed slight decarboxylation while those stored at 100˚C and 150˚C showed significant decarboxylation of THCA and decomposition of THC within two hours [60]. The effect of freeze-drying on terpenes has not been well-studied, but reportedly fails to preserve the profile of the fresh plant by changing terpene concentrations [61].

I have missed a lot of weed just to learn this.


Well-known member
Ok I agree this post i a bit off?
I think it has a place here ? In addition im also going to explore spice and herb processing...
Hopefully this will explain some of the things we see in commercial imports



Although each type of tea has a different taste, smell, and visual appearance, tea processing for all tea types consists of a very similar set of methods with only minor variations. Without careful moisture and temperature control during its manufacture and life thereafter, fungi will grow on tea. This form of fungus causes real fermentation that will contaminate the tea and may render the tea unfit for consumption.


ok so post harvest handling is very important... (y)
let us make sure we get this part right, with immune compromised persons we want to decarb all fresh untested flower product

Freshly picked tea leaves on a tea farm in Kenya.
  1. Plucking: Tea leaves and flushes, which includes a terminal bud and two young leaves, are picked from Camellia sinensis bushes typically twice a year during early spring and early summer or late spring.[10][11] Autumn or winter pickings of tea flushes are much less common, though they occur when climate permits. Picking is done by hand when a higher quality tea is needed, or where labour costs are not prohibitive. Depending on the skill of the picker, hand-picking is performed by pulling the flush with a snap of the forearm, arm, or even the shoulders, with the picker grasping the tea shoot using the thumb and forefinger, with the middle finger sometimes used in combination.[12] Tea flushes and leaves can also be picked by machine, though there will be more broken leaves and partial flushes reducing the quality of the tea.[13] However, it has also been shown that machine plucking in correctly timed harvesting periods can produce good leaves for the production of high quality teas.[14]
  2. Withering / wilting: The tea leaves will begin to wilt soon after picking, with a gradual onset of enzymatic oxidation. Withering is used to remove excess water from the leaves and allows a very slight amount of oxidation.[10] The leaves can be either put under the sun or left in a cool breezy room to pull moisture out from the leaves.[11] In a withering room, leaves are spread out along troughs for 8–14 hours, usually overnight. During this time 35 per cent of moisture is lost.[15] The appropriate conditions for withering, such as temperature and relative humidity, are not readily defined in literature as it can vary depending on climate, producing region and type of process used. However, variations in the rate of withering, such as a hard or soft wither, has been shown to influence flavor compounds.[16] The leaves sometimes lose more than a quarter of their weight in water during withering. The process is also important in promoting the breakdown of leaf proteins into free amino acids and increases the availability of freed caffeine, both of which change the taste of the tea.[17]
  3. Disruption: Known in the Western tea industry as disruption or leaf maceration, the teas are bruised or torn in order to promote and quicken oxidation.[18] The leaves may be lightly bruised on their edges by shaking and tossing in a bamboo tray [10] or tumbling in baskets.[19] More extensive leaf disruption can be done by kneading, rolling, tearing, and crushing, usually by machinery.[18] The bruising breaks down the structures inside and outside of the leaf cells and allows from the co-mingling of oxidative enzymes with various substrates, which allows for the beginning of oxidation.[17] This also releases some of the leaf juices, which may aid in oxidation and change the taste profile of the tea.[19]
  4. Oxidation: For teas that require oxidation, the leaves are left on their own in a climate-controlled room where they turn progressively darker. This is accompanied by agitation in some cases.[10] In this process the chlorophyll in the leaves is enzymatically broken down, and its tannins are released or transformed. The tea producer may choose when the oxidation should be stopped, which depends on the desired qualities in the final tea as well as the weather conditions (heat and humidity). For light oolong teas this may be anywhere from 5–40% oxidation, in darker oolong teas 60–70%, and in black teas 100% oxidation. Oxidation is highly important in the formation of many taste and aroma compounds, which give tea its liquor colour, strength, and briskness.[17] Depending on the type of tea desired, under or over-oxidation can result in grassy flavours, or overly thick winey flavours.[20] This process is sometimes referred to erroneously as fermentation in the tea industry.
  5. Fixation / kill-green: Kill-green or shāqīng (殺青) is done to stop the tea leaf oxidation at a desired level. This process is accomplished by moderately heating tea leaves, thus deactivating their oxidative enzymes and removing unwanted scents in the leaves, without damaging the flavour of the tea.[10] Traditionally, the tea leaves are panned in a wok[10] or steamed,[11] but with advancements in technology, kill-green is sometimes done by baking or panning in a rolling drum. In some white teas and some black teas such as CTC blacks, kill-green is done simultaneously with drying.[20]
  6. Sweltering / yellowing: Unique to yellow teas, warm and damp tea leaves from after kill-green are allowed to be lightly heated in a closed container, which causes the previously green leaves to turn yellow. The resulting leaves produce a beverage that has a distinctive yellowish-green hue due to transformations of the leaf chlorophyll.[21] Through being sweltered for 6–8 hours at close to human body temperatures, the amino acids and polyphenols in the processed tea leaves undergo chemical changes to give this tea its distinct briskness and mellow taste.[22]
  7. Rolling / shaping: The damp tea leaves are then rolled to be formed into wrinkled strips, by hand[10] or using a rolling machine which causes the tea to wrap around itself. The most commonly used rolling machines are big, circular rotators that press the leaves between two grooved wooden plates which tear, squeeze and bruise the leaves. The roller machines can process up to 25 kg at a time.[15] This rolling action also causes some of the sap, essential oils, and juices inside the leaves to ooze out, which further enhances the taste of the tea.[10] The strips of tea can then be formed into other shapes, such as being rolled into spirals, kneaded and rolled into pellets, or tied into balls, cones and other elaborate shapes. In many types of oolong, the rolled strips of tea leaf are then rolled into spheres or half spheres and this is typically done by placing the damp leaves in large cloth bags, which are then kneaded by
in edits.... :thinking:

  1. The tea can also be pressed into bricks through the use ofhand or machine in a specific manner.[19] heavy stones or presses.Glass lantern slide, circa 1910, showing a Tangye hydraulic tea press of the type supplied to Cheerkoff, Panoff & Co. of Hankow, China for pressing dried tea leaves into flat 2+1⁄2-pound cakes for shipping to Asiatic Russia
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Tea is traditionally classified based on the degree or period of oxidation or fermentation the leaves have undergone:[25][26]

Green tea This tea has undergone the least amount of oxidation. The oxidation process is halted by the quick application of heat after tea picking, either with steam, the method preferred in Japan, or by dry roasting and cooking in hot pans, preferred in Chinese tea processing.[23] Tea leaves may be left to dry as separate leaves or they may be rolled into small pellets to make gunpowder tea. This process is time-consuming and is typically done with pekoes of higher quality. The tea is processed within one to two days of harvesting, and if done correctly retains most of the chemical composition of the fresh leaves from which it was produced.[23] Variation in steaming time for fixation or processing from additional stages of rolling and drying are sometimes used to improve or alter the flavor for types of green tea.[27] Green tea leaves undergo fixation by either roasting (panning) or steaming.[28] Generally, roasted varieties are richer in flavor,[29][30] while steamed varieties are more vivid in color.[31] Yellow tea This tea is processed in a similar manner to green tea, but instead of immediate drying after fixation, it is stacked, covered, and gently heated in a humid environment. This initiates oxidation in the chlorophyll of the leaves through non-enzymatic and non-microbial means, which results in a yellowish or greenish-yellow colour.[21] White tea Young leaves or new growth buds that have undergone limited oxidation through a slight amount of withering while naturally sun dried or specifically withered and then halting the oxidative processes by baking[32] with the optimal withering conditions at 30 degrees Celsius (65% relative humidity) for 26 hours.[33] Withering of the leaves can last from around one to three days depending on the season and temperature of the processing environment.[33][34] The buds may be shielded from sunlight to prevent the formation of chlorophyll. The tea leaves meant for white teas are not kneaded nor undergo fixation, which preserves much of the white hair on the leaves and gives the tea a relatively mild flavour. White tea is produced in lesser quantities than most other styles, and can be correspondingly more expensive than tea from the same plant processed by other methods. It is less well known in countries outside of China, though this is changing with increased western interest in the tea.[35] There is an international disagreement on the definition of white tea between China and other producing countries, where in China the term is applied primarily to tea varieties made through the white tea process while in other countries the term is used generally for teas made through the process.[36] Oolong tea This tea's oxidation is stopped somewhere between the standards for green tea and black tea. The processing typically takes two to three days from withering to drying[10] with a relatively short oxidation period[23] of several hours. In this regard, most Darjeeling teas with light oxidation levels are more similar to green or oolong teas.[36] In Chinese, semi-oxidized teas are collectively grouped as blue tea (青茶, literally: blue-green tea; also, celadon tea, for the pottery), while the term oolong is used specifically as a name for certain semi-oxidized teas.[37] Common wisdom about lightly oxidized teas in Taiwan (a large producer of Oolong) is that too little oxidation upsets the stomach of some consumers. Even so, some producers attempt to minimize oxidation in order to produce a specific taste or allow the tea leaves to be easily rolled into the spherical or half-sphere form demanded by buyers in the market.[19] Black tea The tea leaves are allowed to completely oxidize. Black tea is first withered to induce protein breakdown and reduce water content (68–77% of original). The leaves then undergo a process known in the industry as disruption or leaf maceration, which through bruising or cutting disrupts leaf cell structures, releasing the leaf juices and enzymes that activate oxidation.[17][23] The oxidation process takes between 45 and 90 minutes[23] to 3 hours[17] and is done at high humidity between 20 and 30 °C, transforming much of the catechins of the leaves into complex tannin. Orthodox processed black teas are further graded according to the post-production leaf quality by the Orange Pekoe system, while crush, tear, curl (CTC) teas use a different grading system.[38] Orthodox tea leaves are heavily rolled either by hand or mechanically on a cylindrical rolling table or a rotor vane. The rolling table consists of a ridged table-top moving in an eccentric manner to a large hopper of tea leaves, of which the leaves are pressed down onto the table-top. The process produces a mixture of whole and broken leaves, and particles which are then sorted, oxidized, and dried. The rotovate consists of an auger pushing withered tea leaves through a vane cylinder which crushes and evenly cuts the leaves.[18] Crush, tear, curl is a production method developed by William McKercher in 1930 which uses machines with contra-rotating rotors with surfaces patterning that cut and tear the leaves producing a product popular for use in tea bags. The rotovate is often used to pre-cut the withered tea prior to the CTC and to create broken orthodox processed black tea.[18] Post-fermented tea Teas that are allowed to undergo a second oxidation after the fixation of the tea leaves, such as Pu-erh, Liu'an, and Liubao, are collectively referred to as secondary or post-fermentation teas in English.[39] In Chinese they are categorized as Dark tea or black tea. This is not to be confused with the English term Black tea, known in Chinese as red tea. Pu-erh, also known as Póu léi (Polee) in Cantonese is the most common type of post-fermentation tea in the market.
Examples of various types tea


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Because this is a great Malawi Cob thread by memeber @Tangwena id like to link it here now


Just a idea of what you may find over there :huggg:

Hopefully they visit with some of the fine harvest art they are working
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  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1186/s42238-020-00035-z


The Transformation of Cannabis Terpenes from Harvest to Shelf​

Published on: March 3, 2023
Lo Friesen

Cannabis Science and Technology, March 2023, Volume 6, Issue 2
Pages: 12-15

In this article, we explore the difference in chemical profile between fresh and dry cannabis flower and why manufacturers may choose to extract frozen or dry cannabis.

Cannabis is known for its distinct aroma. This aroma is due to the terpene profile during the flowering stage of the growth cycle. The aroma is more complex and amplified after the product has been dried and cured. The terpene profile of the plant is vastly different when it is freshly harvested as opposed to dried and cured. Manufacturers of cannabis concentrate and vape products have brought a new terpene profile to market by extracting cannabis that has been freshly harvested and frozen. In this article, we explore the difference in chemical profile between fresh and dry cannabis flower and why manufacturers may choose to extract frozen or dry cannabis.

Terpenes and terpenoids are aromatic compounds in the essential oils of plants, including cannabis. While many cannabis plants have a characteristic aroma, there is a wide array of cannabis phenotypes that produce a complex variety of terpene profiles. These unique aromatic profiles produce cannabis that smells like skunks, pineapples, blueberries, and many other familiar things. The cannabis plant can produce hundreds of terpenes based on genetics and environmental factors.
Cannabis plants produce glandular trichomes, which are bulbous plant appendages. Trichomes are found in only 30% of all plants. Terpenes and terpenoids are produced in the glandular trichomes of the cannabis plant. These glandular trichomes produce and house many metabolites of the cannabis plant, which include cannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids. Three types of trichomes have been identified on the cannabis plant: sessile, bulbous, and stalked (Figure 1).

figure image


These three trichomes have different structural characteristics. However, they are also located in different parts of the plant and house different compounds. Stalked trichomes have a large head and house high concentrations of cannabinoids and monoterpenes. They are mainly found on the flowers of the female plants. Sessile trichomes are glandular with a short stalk and are mainly found on the outer leaves of the flower, known as sugar leaves, and produce both cannabinoids and sesquiterpenes. However, sessile trichomes produce much lower concentrations of cannabinoids and much higher concentrations of sesquiterpenes. Bulbous trichomes are the smallest of the three trichomes. They are more often located on the stalk and stems of the plant, help the plant maintain moisture, and protect the plant from the sun. When cannabis is harvested, the flowers are selected to obtain the highest concentrations of cannabinoids and terpenes.
The terpene profile of any given cannabis plant is dependent on many variables including genetics, environment, and grow method. However, when the plant has been freshly harvested the concentration of monoterpenes is higher than after a drying and curing process (2,3). The most common monoterpenes found in cannabis are beta-myrcene, limonene, alpha-pinene, linalool, and terpinolene. The most common sesquiterpenes found in cannabis are caryophyllene and humulene. The stalked trichomes exist in much higher concentrations than sessile trichomes, which leads to the conclusion that in cannabis there will be higher concentrations of monoterpenes. Terpenes and terpenoids are valuable components of the cannabis chemical profile. They not only give the plant its aroma, but also affect the physiological effects of cannabis.
Historically, the main method of consumption for cannabis flower has been smoking. The flower is dried and cured prior to consumption to lower the water content of the plant, increase the concentration of the desired compounds, and make it possible to smoke. In this drying process, depending on the storage conditions, the terpene profile will change. When done properly, the drying process will increase the total concentration of terpenes and develop a richer profile. When done improperly, all terpenes can be lost, and cannabinoids can degrade (2).
The curing process involves drying the product in a controlled environment and cycling oxygen in the curing environment. During this curing process, the concentration and composition of terpenes can change as a result of several factors, including:

  1. Evaporation: As the flower dries, some terpenes may evaporate and dissipate, leading to a reduction in their overall concentration.
  2. Decomposition:Over time, some terpenes may undergo chemical reactions or degradation, altering their molecular structure, and affecting their aroma and flavor.
  3. Conversion: Some terpenes can be converted into other compounds through natural processes such as oxidation or enzymatic reactions.
  4. Development: As the flower continues to age, new terpenes may be produced or existing terpenes may increase in concentration, leading to changes in the overall terpene profile.
The composition of terpenes in the cured flower will be vastly different from that of the fresh flower.
Cannabis flower has become a commodity in most mature adult-use markets. This is because of an excess in production of cannabis biomass. With this much biomass available, extraction operators and cultivators are looking for ways to preserve and store large quantities of biomass as well as convert it into a wider variety of products that are stable.
Most extracts have come from cured cannabis biomass; however, a shift has occurred. Many extractors, especially those using hydrocarbon solvents or solventless processes, have begun using freshly harvested cannabis in extractions. As a result, these extracts offer a completely different terpene profile from extracts produced with cured biomass. The cannabinoid profile of freshly harvested biomass will also be different from that of cured cannabis. Enzymes in the cannabis plant continue to convert cannabinoids and terpenoids in the plant, even after harvest.
This category of extracts has been named “live resin” and has taken the market by storm. To preserve the freshly harvested cannabis, the product must be frozen, or the product is at risk of developing mold. Instead of dedicating time and space to the drying and curing process, cultivation and extraction companies can simply freeze the biomass. This has created a streamlined storage process for large quantities of biomass. The downside is that freezers are not an efficient use of space and do require constant electricity. Alternatively, some companies are utilizing freeze drying technology to dry the cannabis while mitigating terpene loss.
Based on the growth of this segment of the market, it is clear that consumers are finding live resin to be unique and enjoyable. The main difference is the terpene profile, as live resin products will have more monoterpenes than extracts produced from cured cannabis. In the midst of the exponential growth of this product segment, cannabis companies have taken advantage of the lack of standardized taxonomy in the industry (4). In an effort to create a foundational standard for manufacturing terms in cannabis, the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) produced a Glossary of Commercial Manufacturing Terms (5). In this glossary, the definition is (5): “Live Resin (n.): A cannabis extract product produced from plant material that was harvested and stored such as to preserve the chemical profile of the living plant, typically by freezing or freeze drying the material shortly
after harvesting.”
There are countless companies using the term “live resin” on products that are not produced from fresh frozen cannabis. Many products labeled “live resin” are simply distillate infused with cannabis derived terpenes from fresh or cured plant material, leaving out the entire cannabinoid profile of the freshly harvested biomass. This exposes a serious flaw in the cannabis industry as consumers can purchase products that are perceived to be one thing but are not. It will be interesting to watch this segment and uncover why consumers are truly drawn to these products.

  1. Sommano, S.R.; Chittasupho, C.; Ruksiriwanich, W.; Jantrawut, P.; The Cannabis Terpenes. Molecules. December 8, 2020; 25 (24). DOI: 10.3390/molecules25245792. PMID: 33302574; PMCID: PMC7763918.
  2. Bueno, J.; Leuer, E.; Kearney, M.; The preservation and augmentation of volatile terpenes in cannabis inflorescence. J Cannabis Res, 2020, 2, 27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s42238-020-00035-z
  3. Wietstock, C. Researchers Reveal How Curing Cannabis Affects Terpene Levels https://www.ganjapreneur.com/researchers-reveal-how-curing-cannabis-affects-terpene-levels/#:~:text=After one week of drying,and Beta-Caryophyllene were increased.
  4. Luebke, D. What are live resin vapes? why are live resin vapes popular? https://www.heylocannabis.com/post/what-are-live-resin-vapes-and-why-are-they-popular.
  5. The National Cannabis Industry Association Cannabis Manufacturing Committee. Glossary of Commercial Manufacturing Terms .
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Well-known member
With that out of the way some harvest threads that deserve mention

Will follow up with harvest lessons learned over the past few decades



cat litter.png

Walmart Cat litter UNSCENTED

One thing is I prefer my weed to smell like weed not the entire house or hood ;)
Drying inside glass...
OK so you may have guessed where im heading with this ?

While there are many studies on drying, packaging and storage, only a few studies focus on the separation step. Aćimović et al. (2021) investigated the impact of a separation method on EO content and composition in chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L. syn. Chamomilla recutita L.). In their experiment, chamomile was dried immediately after harvest or separated between flowers and stems before drying. The study showed that the separation of chamomile in flowers and stems before drying had a significant effect on the content and composition of the EOs Essential Oils
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Increasing Inflorescence Dry Weight and Cannabinoid Content in Medical Cannabis Using Controlled Drought Stress​


Extreme Drought right before harvest will reduce the most volatile
Plants always smell strongest when fully hydrated, makes you want to water the day before harvest
Or maybe right up till chop, anyone else agree? :thinking:


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#nandadevicannabislibrary :love: hope its all its meant to be !​

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life--think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."🤸‍♂️

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Nothing left but the discussions and adding the details pictures etc
Welcome, glad were here together !!! If it belongs here leave it if you need it take it!

>Best>>>ibes :huggg:


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Not to open a can of worms, but it would be interesting to find out if the implementation of UVB to the flowering cycle would curtail the incidence of fungal or mycotoxins on the plants?

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