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Growing within the 25 mile rule

I.M. Boggled

Certified Bloomin' Idiot
The Arizona NO! cultivation within 25 mile of a dispensary rule has not taken effect as of yet but is currently being challenged in court as in anything but "equal protection for all" would be unconstitutional in the good guys (our sides) opinion, hopefully the state Supreme Court will uphold our supposedly guaranteed right to equal protection...

The usual charge for a card holder growing more than 12 plants currently is "Felony Cultivation" and having more than 2 and a half ounces (70 grams) is either designated a felony or misdemeanor "possession of marijuana" depending on whether one is just ounces over or actually multiple pounds/kilos over. I would anticipate felony cultivation charges if growing within a No ZONE, which through a plea bargain would then become a misdemeanor possession charge, I would dare to speculate.
The state proceeding to make felons out of non-complying Cannabis patients would initiate a huge political uproar and probably cause a positive reevaluation of allowable plants counts and usable possession amounts.
If goods are pre-packaged for "trading with other patients" I'd expect a "Possession for sale" charge too at this point in time, probably wouldn't stick but most of the county prosecuting Attorneys are rabidly revolting against this law and I've been reading in various newspapers about the various county task forces that seem to be currently targeting over-plant-count healthy appearing males between 18 to 30 years old in order to demonstrate to the world what a farce the states Medical Marijuana program actually is in their opinions.
I would like to add links to prove these statements but I'm to going respect certain arrested patients privacy and not be too specific. :)

Excellent odor control and keeping a very low profile is still highly recommended currently in Arizona, imho.
To all all the extremely hip looking folks (dreadlocks, stereo-typical hippie...etc) showing up to grow in small rural towns and thinking that they're somehow being low profile and fading into the woodwork, your not.
It seems that you either got to look like a Cowboy or a Cow to be low profile In Northern Arizona. ;) :D
Actually the heavily armed, "pissed off redneck" look is very fashionable these days what with Arizona's new "Constitutional Carry" law that permits all non-felon citizens the right to carry concealed weaponry.
So in summary you do need a permit currently to cultivate 12 plants and carry your 2 and 1/2 ounces of weed about but no permit is required to carry concealed pistols, knifes, collapsible batons, kubatons, etc..
An armed society is a polite society, so be polite if you decide to visit Arizona.
What a country, What a state, God bless it all. :)

IMB :)

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WTF is that? ......... nobody can grow if there is a dispensary within 25 miles? what are they trying to accomplish with that law? which fly were they aiming at when they swung the 2X4?
Thanks Imb!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
wait so the people that grow for the dispensary have to live at least 25 miles away from it? sounds like arazona for fucking sure. lol


Active member
Like greenmatter, I'd like to know wtf the law-making weenies think that law is supposed to accomplish. The stupidity or these "authorities" never ceases to amaze me.


May your race always be in your favor
For an MJ med state they sure don't want to make it easy for all the hippies to grow weed. What a state good place to be from.


WTF is that? ......... nobody can grow if there is a dispensary within 25 miles? what are they trying to accomplish with that law? which fly were they aiming at when they swung the 2X4?

wait so the people that grow for the dispensary have to live at least 25 miles away from it? sounds like arazona for fucking sure. lol

Like greenmatter, I'd like to know wtf the law-making weenies think that law is supposed to accomplish. The stupidity or these "authorities" never ceases to amaze me.

The MMJ law in AZ was not made by the legislature. It was a voter initiative. It was written by people that intended to completely dominate and monopolize the market.

There are several very clever provisions in the law that make it so the writers of the law can rake in the dough, while patients are at their mercy.

*The 25 mile rule makes it so virtually no one can grow for themselves. The dispensaries are located strategically so that there are almost no parts of the state that are more than 25 miles from a dispensary.

*The few patients that live someplace outside 25 mile rule areas, and are allowed to grow, are prohibited from selling to anyone, including other patients and dispensaries.

*The number of dipensaries for the whole state is limited to 126, and you must have over $150K to even be considered for a license. This basically eliminates competition, and shuts out people without large money resources.

There are other facets of the law that I'm not including here that work together to further the ends of the writers of the initiative.

The whole law was written by clever, deceptive people intending to use the patients of Arizona as their personal cash cow.


Active member
The MMJ law in AZ was not made by the legislature. It was a voter initiative. It was written by people that intended to completely dominate and monopolize the market.

There are several very clever provisions in the law that make it so the writers of the law can rake in the dough, while patients are at their mercy.

*The 25 mile rule makes it so virtually no one can grow for themselves. The dispensaries are located strategically so that there are almost no parts of the state that are more than 25 miles from a dispensary.

*The few patients that live someplace outside 25 mile rule areas, and are allowed to grow, are prohibited from selling to anyone, including other patients and dispensaries.

*The number of dipensaries for the whole state is limited to 126, and you must have over $150K to even be considered for a license. This basically eliminates competition, and shuts out people without large money resources.

There are other facets of the law that I'm not including here that work together to further the ends of the writers of the initiative.

The whole law was written by clever, deceptive people intending to use the patients of Arizona as their personal cash cow.
It seems to be the case in a lot of the "citizens' initiatives." We're caught between a rock and a hard place. Vote against it and it looks like the whole medical/legalization concept was voted down. Vote for it and agree to the abuses. Damned if ya do and damned if ya don't.

One of the few good (apparently) proposals is House Bill 1371 in Mass. Anyone can grow for their own use tax-free and selling is legal but subject to a tax. I've only read summaries so there may be hidden nasties but in general it's a good blueprint for legalization.

Something's gotta give. I just hope I'm still around when the shackles come off.


Active member
So whats the penalty for growing within the area?

Most likely they will rack up the charges (i.e possession, intent and cultivation along with whatever else they decide to use). AZ prosecuters are dicks that will take it as far as they can as long as they can. Really dont know if you would get any sypathy in court as a patient. Its still so new in AZ its really yet to be determined.


ICMag Donor
its like death valley only people live there

Fun Fact..........it is the only State in the U.S. that has all seven topographical regions.........so for outdoor growers possibilities are endless........!

I.M.- Northern AZ is pretty crunchy......Southern not so much........another fun fact...........70% of the state is various Indian Reservations.:tumbleweed:

The 25 mile rule will not fly, the courts cannot rule till the dispensaries open, until then its a moot point. Think of it in terms of living within 25 miles of a restaurant, so its illegal to prepare your own food!

I found out that you can grow within the 25 area until your card comes up for renewal.Then if within,you are no longer authorized.

Either way this medical status is not what I got all happy about in the beginning.

I can get two grows in before my card needs to be renewed.So what I get from that will hold me over for quit awhile.Don't think I'll renew at this rate.

How can anybody afford these prices at dispensary's?WTF

Up north is a good place to grow,I think about that sometimes.


MPP came up with the 25 mile rule. When you get your donations from big dispensary chains you have to please them some how right?

People don't realize that there are nation wide chains of stores. Maybe they have different names, but once you trace the paper work back it goes back to just a few of the big players.

So MPP puts this rule in their initiatives saying that it pole's better than with no 25 mile rule.

Honestly folks just keep growing, and it will be handled in court.

It would be very easy to go in front of a judge, and tell them that the only thing that works for your ailment is Girl Scout Cookies grown at 68 days in a custom soil mix enriched with 30% compost, and fed ACT's. Then cured for 45 days.

Being that a dispensary will not be doing this they will have to "allow" you to grow your own this specific way.

The more complicated you can make the way it needs to be grown the better. The more obscure the strain would be better as well.

Don't fret none. It will all work out.:)


Active member
That's a pisser. I had thought that MPP was a decent outfit. Just shows ta go ya, big money could fuck up a wet dream.

Up here when dispensaries were being chosen for licensing, it was the big national chains that had preference.


Active member
let's put it this way..

two years ago, there was a medical clubhouse where i could go and pay local prices.. $150, maybe $175 for a qp.

now, you get two quarter ounces for $160.

i get in touch with the old clubhouse folks.. no way, they ain't dealing with anyone, even someone they've met several times who has supported them, because their people are being arrested.

dissuasive, somewhat? channeling the business (and identification) to the "right" people... ??? sounds like business as usual.
