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Grow room accidents (serious)


New member
I evaporated what looked like all of it but it was mentioned to burn off excess.
Never again, time will do the job better & safer.lol


Masochist Educator
Can you elaborate this bit more?

Did the grow take up whole room without any (vapor)barrier between plants and structure of the house? (Like grow tent or grow cabinet)

Did the room have ventilation to exchange rooms air every so often? I do not think this would have helped but I would like to double check this detail so I have more info when I warn someone about this risk.

Alot of croppers just run the grow area exhaust into the attic space, all the warmth and moisture creates a breeding ground for molds everywhere in the walls etc.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
I got once electrocuted big time by a malfunctioning led light.
230v through my fingers. Severe burn marks.

Also had fan failure on a led. I was just in time...
I switched back to HID after that one. And installed automatic fire extinguisher in the grow space.
I'm waiting for led's to become better and cheaper before stepping in again.


Well-known member
Had a real close bro several yrs back pass out and almost die from CO2 poisoning.....Had a tank set up with a brand new "Hydrofarm cheapass Chinese timer" that locked open and dumped the whole tank into the room right before lights out , and when he went in to work the plants 30 or so minutes later , walked in , shut the door , took 3 steps or so he remembered later , and fell flat on his face out like a light…..and what was worse.....

CO2 being heavier than air was pooled at floor level right where my bro was layin , and had it not been for his `ol lady hearin a noise and goin downstairs to check on him , he`d be dead as we speak.....Luckily when she opened the door , she had sense enough to drag his ass out by his ankles so he could breathe and wake up..... so....

Guys.....NO CHEAPASS CHINESE TIMERS !!!!!!!!!!!....I ran Intermatic T-105`s for yrs and yrs with never a glitch , and upgraded to their outdoor sprinkler system programmable unit for the last 15 yrs of my croppin escapades , and it pays to overkill every aspect of your grow...

Overkill is underrated , so be safe guys and...…


St. Phatty

Active member
Dominator. Some kind of cheap chinese COB led light brand...
They are sold everywhere, ebay, amazon, hydroshops,...

This is the manufacture homepage.

I bought one used, the 6 COB version.

I'd like to replace the LED's.

The seller said it was used one year. When the light shines it has a purple-ish hue.

Will continue being careful with it, e.g. only running it when I'm home.


I use the analog version made by Intermatic. They're bulletproof and have been steadily turning lights on and off for almost 15 years.

Great timers...I have two at my place. One on water heater and one in grow room. Started using them after I melted a lesser timer.

Also...I used to buy magnetic ballast kits and wire them up myself. Once wired one for 110v and accidentally hooked it up to 220v. Lots of noise and smoke...but no actual flames. Now I double check everything when doing wiring.


Here's the timer I've owned over 40 years.

It's controlling 2 1000 watt bulbs atm and can comfortably handle 4!

The initial cost is a bit higher but never having to replace it combined with the safety from its robustness makes it a bargain.
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Active member
thanks for the recommendation and comments.. picture is worth a thousand word.. one look at that beast and one knows it means business..

took a quick look at the company page.. they offer a good range of products.. will have to search for supliers and prices later.


Indicas make dreams happen
Back in my early days of being a stoner in high school, I had this buddy who was not the smartest guy you've ever met lol. One day he comes up to me and tells me he is growing pot in his closet at home and wants me to check it out... So I go to his place and there is a seedling in a party cup inside a box that's maybe 12 inches wide and 16 tall, incandescent light dangling from the top and no ventilation lol. It was like one of those creepy crawler or easy bake ovens I had as a kid. Totally a house fire waiting to start. Luckily nothing bad happened before he tore it down shortly after. If you're going to run an indoor grow do it the way you're supposed to and don't Jimmy rig it. Good thread, this could be useful for new growers.


Well-known member
A large number of the electrical issues that i have seen were caused by old loose shitty residential grade receptacles.
In any grow i recommend first changing out all electrical receptacles with specification or commercial grade.
Also do not use power bars for any high amp draw devices.


Active member
Well September 2017,

Let me set the scene......

I was due to attend a seed fare over here in the uk, the biggest producing plant I had at the time was a Cinderella99, I was due to travel there the next day........

Then it occurred to me, I was due to meet a few members and a good good friend of mine, I decided to take some cuttings, I managed to take 25 in total. Problem was I'd been drinking since about lunch time and it was approx 2am

Basically the scalpal snapped and I wish I could have cloned myself but to no avail! Ended up putting the scalpel through the thumb base of my palm!! Also because I was in a rush the next day and still in pain, I only forgot the tray of poxy cuttings aswell!!

Moral of the story?

Ya can't clone yaself and I wouldn't even bother taking cuts while drunk any more! Or atleast take cuts before you get drunk. Lesson well and truly learned


Well-known member
Its not indoor but its important. I was in a big hurry to harvest my wilderness outdoor grow. Grabbing stems in my open hand and cutting as fast as I could. I cut the hell out of myself, on the inside of the palm of my hand. Bleeding like crazy didn't know to do, trying to get my weed in the trash bags without blood getting on me or my buds. Had a hell of a time. I had to take my shirt off, and wrap my hand until I could get the job done.


Saw a grower trying to clear a long irrigation hose of water by blowing on it hard, repeatedly... till he passed out in a heap on the floor from oxygen starvation. I was just glad when he regained consciousness cos that place was NOT suitable to call help to, you know? I would have called ambulance if I’d had to, obviously, and we’d both have gone to jail.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]i am using LED grow lights and everything is fine. past years i had problems with ballasts like sudden burn, overheating etc.

St. Phatty

Active member
Movie scene we'll see someday -

Some guy pulling suction from a tank 100 feet uphill.

He puts a hose in the tank and the water crawls up the hose and then races downhill - with 100 feet of pressure behind it.

If the hose is big enough, the pressure would be quite overwhelming for one's insides.

If you're pulling pressure from a tank more than 10 feet uphill - start with a tiny hose, like 1/8 inch diameter.
Had a real close bro several yrs back pass out and almost die from CO2 poisoning.....Had a tank set up with a brand new "Hydrofarm cheapass Chinese timer" that locked open and dumped the whole tank into the room right before lights out , and when he went in to work the plants 30 or so minutes later , walked in , shut the door , took 3 steps or so he remembered later , and fell flat on his face out like a light…..and what was worse.....

CO2 being heavier than air was pooled at floor level right where my bro was layin , and had it not been for his `ol lady hearin a noise and goin downstairs to check on him , he`d be dead as we speak.....Luckily when she opened the door , she had sense enough to drag his ass out by his ankles so he could breathe and wake up..... so....

Guys.....NO CHEAPASS CHINESE TIMERS !!!!!!!!!!!....I ran Intermatic T-105`s for yrs and yrs with never a glitch , and upgraded to their outdoor sprinkler system programmable unit for the last 15 yrs of my croppin escapades , and it pays to overkill every aspect of your grow...

Overkill is underrated , so be safe guys and...…


I agree. I had a cheap timer/distributor on my tank and lost a whole tank, but it took me a whole 24 hours and coming back from work amd noticing a wonky smell lingering. The smell is subtle. If there even is a smell as much as a heaviness to your chest when inhaling. Didnt think co2 was anyway harmful unless under massive amounts prolonged. Yup. Be safe guys