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GMT goes LED. TSL2000 Mars Hydro


The Tri Guy
Cool OK mars, will do.

Time for an execution I think, this quad has reverted on me. The first set of true leaves, fused together, and the next set are bifoliar. I can't let that sort of behaviour go. Time to bring the axe out. Here is the evidence of the crime


Sorry for the lousy photos, I'm still using the old camera phone as I don't have a VPN set up on the new phone yet. I'll sort it.
I've got a lot to sort really, I need to create a barrier so I can keep the males separate from the girls. My set up can be separated into two halves, but the HP's is too much heat for one wardrobe, and the tsl2000 won't fit in one wardrobe anyway. So I need to keep the two wardrobe set up in one piece. Decisions decisions. More when there's something to report, but for now I'm back to 4 black ghash, 4 tris and 4 quads.

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
No worry about the pictures.
Will you also use VPN to search on Internet? We have to use it to use facebook or IG.


The Tri Guy
Well, if I go to any site that the web master has labelled as 18+, I have to use a vpn, as my phone carrier doesn't allow 18+ access. So weed sites or gambling sites, I can't access on the new phone yet.
What I do is create a hotspot with the new phone, and connect to it with the old phone, launch the VPN, and surf on the old phone. That's why I'm still taking pictures with the old phone. I have 2 sim cards in the new phone and none in the old phone. 1 is old but still accepts incoming calls, the other I pay for to make outgoing calls and use the internet.
I have WhatsApp installed on both phones with different phone numbers so I can WhatsApp myself to transfer files between the phones. This way I can take photos with the new phone, transfer them to my old phone, and upload them.
But that's a bit of a ball ache to be honest, and sometimes I'm a bit lazy if I just think, oh I should upload a pic of this quickly.


The Tri Guy
Black ghash,

Trifoliar bruised nuts

Now down to 3 quad bruised nuts. As they revert, they are killed. Only the loyal survive :)

Mars Hydro Led

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
Well, if I go to any site that the web master has labelled as 18+, I have to use a vpn, as my phone carrier doesn't allow 18+ access. So weed sites or gambling sites, I can't access on the new phone yet.
What I do is create a hotspot with the new phone, and connect to it with the old phone, launch the VPN, and surf on the old phone. That's why I'm still taking pictures with the old phone. I have 2 sim cards in the new phone and none in the old phone. 1 is old but still accepts incoming calls, the other I pay for to make outgoing calls and use the internet.
I have WhatsApp installed on both phones with different phone numbers so I can WhatsApp myself to transfer files between the phones. This way I can take photos with the new phone, transfer them to my old phone, and upload them.
But that's a bit of a ball ache to be honest, and sometimes I'm a bit lazy if I just think, oh I should upload a pic of this quickly.

That's really a bit of ball ache to be honest. lol. :laughing:


The Tri Guy
Thanks BeAn,
I bought myself a present, check out the addition to this space here https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=377172
Doubled the available wattage for this space, but not using it all till mid flower. Its not all for this space really, but for now, it's where it will live.


I've got them connected together at the moment, so I can turn them both on/off or up/down from one control box near the door. That makes life so simple. I did a full write up at that link above, its worth checking out. I even used the new phone for pics lol.


The Tri Guy
600w of martian light

Couple of plants, I haven't worked out the white balance yet, so I'll take them out tomorrow and photo everything for a proper update. I've been too busy setting up the new lights and playing/learning lately


The Tri Guy
Hamlet revegging

Everyone together,

I'll do a review and write up on these two at some point,



I've now killed 4 quads for various crimes. At least one more of the last two above needs killing. Not happy with either, but after 200 seeds, and 40 or so tris killed just looking for quads, I'm quitting the search for now.


The Tri Guy
They would grow quicker if I let them. But since these are from seed, I don't know who are the girls and who are the boys. So I'm letting them show sex first in order to determine who gets the bigger containers. Then they will really take off.


The Tri Guy
I'm hoping to make seeds this round. I only have limited stock of the black ghash, and the bruised nuts are getting old now and need refreshing. So the purpose of this round is new seed stock and bud from the rejects.

I think I've just found the first boy, so at least, if I'm right, I'll get some pollen from the bruised nuts line (trifoliar). Need at least one boy from the bghash line now. I'd like 2 boys from each line and the rest girls, we'll have to wait and see.
Due to the staggered planting times of these seeds, its going to be a bit of a wait for some yet.


Active member
Warmer still today, and now I am starting to notice some heating to the room the cab is in. I'd say roughly 5 c above ambient, and the cab itself a tad more. Just turned the fan on to exchange air in the room. In an hour I'll turn the fan to the cab to force more airflow through there. The light is about 5 hours into daylight though, so it takes time.
I'll photo some diff plants tomorrow as I repot clone and move them in.
Just had to behead an ecsdxsssdh which had been grown for the corner spot to be side lit by HPS. Of course that's not gonna happen now, so did my queen of hearts impression.
ma Questa temperatura con aspiratore acceso?


The Tri Guy
Sorry for the somewhat late reply, I only just saw the question.
That was the temp without fan. Once a fan was blown in it equalised to the room temp quickly. Now I'm in tents and that setup is gone. Check out the new thread, fc-3000 in mars forum.