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GG4 in Canada


Active member
So she's here, probably all over now. What I can say is this I'm in western Canada I received mine from eastern Canada so at the very least it's making its way around

Good way to mail cuts!

who dat is

Cave Dweller
So she's here, probably all over now. What I can say is this I'm in western Canada I received mine from eastern Canada so at the very least it's making its way around

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=66296&pictureid=1605911&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=66296&pictureid=1605912&thumb=1]View Image[/url]
Good way to mail cuts!

Best way to mail clones...



Coco's inbox be like

Xray Kimono

clear cigar tubes with a soaked starter sponge portion w cutting thru it and capped. Leaves at bulleted end, sponge and stem at cap... safe as fuck.


I find any moisture can potentially kill. There is no safer, cheaper and simpler method than what Coco received IMO. The clippings can be fine for around three weeks making thiat an effective method to ship genetics half way across the world. Those clone shippers with the light look like they would be effective too as long as the moisture from the bottom didn't effect the top portion of the clone.


Active member
Clone shippers are cool as fuck my local shop sells them

I prefer the vac packed bubbly mailer. May not be ideal in the United states because of the mail rollers you would have to put them in a slim box but bot ways are dope

Xray the cigar tube is cool, Never heard that before. Have heard of Gatorade bottles man all sorts of ways people are finding work well.

Before I wasn't comfortable taking unrootedd clips in the mail before but now after doing it I am. They were fine I just fucked up with the coco too wet but won't do that again I'll just stick to what works best for me that rapid rooters.

Least I got a resend I'm so thankful for that


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Shipping active electronics and plant matter through the mail... bonus, having to constantly buy them. Who doesn't have zippies or a vac sealer lying around and I'm generally not a fan of single purpose anything (within reason). Everything's a hammer, FYI.

Some moisture is necessary, IMO, though I can't say I've tried drier. I suppose as long as the cutting is moist. I'm stealing the vac seal idea as well, I usually just use zippies but I likes that.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Vac seal anything and everything twice but that's just me. Take that and wrap it in gift wrap paper. Can't shake being raised on the east coast.


Active member
clear cigar tubes with a soaked starter sponge portion w cutting thru it and capped. Leaves at bulleted end, sponge and stem at cap... safe as fuck.

Shipping active electronics and plant matter through the mail... bonus, having to constantly buy them. Who doesn't have zippies or a vac sealer lying around and I'm generally not a fan of single purpose anything (within reason). Everything's a hammer, FYI.

Some moisture is necessary, IMO, though I can't say I've tried drier. I suppose as long as the cutting is moist. I'm stealing the vac seal idea as well, I usually just use zippies but I likes that.

I don't like single use either but some stuff must be sterile and clean

I know I am adopting the vac seal shit too that guy who sent me the cuts, genius


Active member
Vac seal anything and everything twice but that's just me. Take that and wrap it in gift wrap paper. Can't shake being raised on the east coast.

I hear it's crazy out that way.

Where I am it's unfriendly toward weed but changing. The great state of Alberta hahaha I take care but operate as openly as possible so I look as nothing to hide here all is legit

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I didn't even realize that the first picture had the cuts in a vac seal until y'all mentioned it :laughing: woops. For future use you can loosely wrap a paper towel around the ends of the cuts and moisten it to keep them all together and also to not let them dry out. I've also read that you can put a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide to help keep the inside sterile until delivery. :2cents:


Active member
I didn't even realize that the first picture had the cuts in a vac seal until y'all mentioned it :laughing: woops. For future use you can loosely wrap a paper towel around the ends of the cuts and moisten it to keep them all together and also to not let them dry out. I've also read that you can put a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide to help keep the inside sterile until delivery. :2cents:

Didn't know about the peroxide that's cool. I did know of the wet paper thing.

When I send I'll probably already have dipped in rooting hormone to seal the cut...

I hear I will soon receive a cut in a home made clone shipper can't wait to see this


New member
Hoeleey F@##@K Boys!!!! to quote our dear Bubbles.

This only fuels my wet dreams of getting my hands on this cut.

Big ups to you out in the West, looking forward to that CoCoSativa bud porn!

One recommendation I have heard is a 1 ltr. paint can. Put in however many clones, ship lightly padded to avoid crushing, and voilà!


Active member
Hoeleey F@##@K Boys!!!! to quote our dear Bubbles.

This only fuels my wet dreams of getting my hands on this cut.

Big ups to you out in the West, looking forward to that CoCoSativa bud porn!

One recommendation I have heard is a 1 ltr. paint can. Put in however many clones, ship lightly padded to avoid crushing, and voilà!

Yeah a quart (or litre) paint can is smart.

I'm sure the gg4 is very pretty and super frosty but I'm not new to super frosted stuff I wish I still had my favorite super lemon haze it was very frosty one of the most I've ever seen and I've popped thousands of beans s I'm curious to see what everyone's elite is. I've seen many plants from seed I consider elite, I'm not a guy who pops a few packs here and there so I'm a pretty harsh judge of quality I've had alot

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Yeah a quart (or litre) paint can is smart.

I'm sure the gg4 is very pretty and super frosty but I'm not new to super frosted stuff I wish I still had my favorite super lemon haze it was very frosty one of the most I've ever seen and I've popped thousands of beans s I'm curious to see what everyone's elite is. I've seen many plants from seed I consider elite, I'm not a guy who pops a few packs here and there so I'm a pretty harsh judge of quality I've had alot

If you get your hands on the bonafide cut, the hype is real.

<--OGKB 2.0 GG4-->






Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
the ogkb 2.0 cut is the one I'm really after, it just screams smoke me.
not that the appearance of the GG#4 doesn't turn my crank, but something about the colours and frost on that 2.0 ....... we always crave what we don't have LOL
The Black Tuna we have up here probably equals both in terms of "elite" status and ridiculous frost, nose, high, but I think the tuna comes in under those two cuts in the lab testing from what I've seen. Hopefully one day the GG4 and the 2.0 will migrate my way :D


Can anyone please point me in the direction of where I could get the real GG#4 cut in Canada ?

Thanks so much

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
it's not like you can order GG4 from a store.
I just decided to grab seed stock of known GG4 leaning varieties and I'm pretty happy with that.
Chunky's Gorilla twin BX2 with free Gluebreath S1
Tony Green Gorilla Bubble (BX2)
hang around long enough, start and complete a solid grow diary and maybe someone will come along and offer you a cut, who knows. It's out there , on the east coast and the west, but doubt you'd find it "for sale" anywhere at a dispensary or sumthin but ya never know.


I have bought all the Gorilla Bubble releases Tony has put out through Great Lakes Genetics, but would really like to get hold of the GG #4 cut as well.

I am on a mission :)

I would be so appreciative for some help :)

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