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Four Bugs from HELL that should NOT be allowed.....


Cannabrex Formulator
Well, mebbe "not allowed" is a bit severe.....but these are four insects you REALLY don't want to fuck with.



Picture of a nest(note the guy's boot lower left!!)

A small but highly efficient killing machine—a hornet two inches long and with a wingspan up to three inches—lurks in the mountains of Japan. The voracious predator has a quarter-inch stinger that pumps out a dose of venom with an enzyme so strong it can dissolve human tissue.
Bees, other hornet species, and larger insects such as praying mantises are no match for the giant hornets, which often stalk their prey in relentless armies. Just one of these hornets can kill 40 European honeybees a minute; a handful of the creatures can slaughter 30,000 European honeybees within hours, leaving a trail of severed insect heads and limbs.



This is the creature you have to give respect to, venomous, fast, intelligent, it can chew through almost anything and fears nothing, you really don't want it to escape. Never have I placed such high priority on an enclosure for anything that I have ever kept. The Hercules centipede is the largest species of centipede in the world.In the jungles of the Amazon where this magnificent Centipede lives, invertebrates and vertebrates must be aware as dusk falls. There are many stories and tales of giant scolopendrids reaching fifteen inches in length and feeding on snakes and rats in central America. A specimen about eleven inches in length can consume an adult mouse in about two hours completely, not even bones or fur are left.
(I did NOT write that.. I am not stupid enought to keep those fookin' things)




They are not called ‘Bullet’ Ants because they are the size of bullets – although, at a full inch in length, they ARE the size of some bullets. They are called ‘Bullet’ Ants because the pain their sting causes is akin to being shot with a .45 caliber bullet. The neurotoxin-induced pain lasts for days or weeks, and in enough numbers can kill a full-grown man dead in record time, ensuring that the pain he feels before his body finally gives up and breaks like glass is enough to completely fuck up his afterlife.

Arboreal, Bullet Ants are fiercely territorial and eat just about anything they want. They have highly developed stingers, as well as exceptionally well-formed sound-producing organs. If you come too close to their nest, they give you a warning shriek. They are gigantic, tree-dwelling ants that emit blood-curdling shrieks before swarming on your head and pounding you with the most painful poison in the insect world. Sure, some insects’ venom will kill you quicker, but for sheer, mind-gnawing, gut-wrenching, body-wracking, dear-God-why-have-you-forsaken-me pain, you just cannot beat the Bullet Ant.



The pepsis wasps prefer female tarantulas and seek them in their burrows. They capture (often following a dramatic battle), sting and paralyze the spider. Next they either drag the spider back into her own burrow or transport their prey to a specially prepared nest where a single egg is laid on the spider’s body, and the entrance is covered. The wasp larva, upon hatching, begins to suck the juices from the still-living spider. After the larva grows a bit it plunges into the spider's body and feeds voraciously, avoiding vital organs for as long as possible to keep it fresh. The adult wasp emerges from the nest to continue the life cycle.

The sting, particularly of ''Pepsis formosa'', is among the most painful of any insect. Commenting on his own experience one researcher said, "You will curse your mother for ever having you." Another described, "...immediate, excruciating pain that simply shuts down one’s ability to do anything, except, perhaps, scream. Mental discipline simply does not work in these situations." Yet another said, "It's not like things that make you swear and say bad things about somebody's mother. These things, when you get stung, you might as well lie down and scream. Why not? It takes your attention off the pain."

Insects have always ruled this planet...and always will.....esp with monsters llike these around.....
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This entire thread made me shutter! There sure are some crazy bugs out there though. I watched some thing on disovery channel about these ants that traveled in these HUGE groups, just like a solid line 3 inches thick of ants always walking. These ants eat cows, horses, hell they even said they tried to eat a baby!

It would almost be fun being one of those bugs too though. "Look at this guy, he doesn't even know what hes in for..."*evil bug laugh* Ok I'm either too stoned or not stoned enough...time to figure out which. :joint:


You know, living in the US, its almost hard to comprehend that such things actually exist.

Damn thats a big bee.


That centipede looks like it would be great saut'ed in a little olive oil & garlic
and munched with a nice zinfandel!! :biglaugh:



Cannabrex Formulator
exodus said:
You know, living in the US, its almost hard to comprehend that such things actually exist.

Damn thats a big bee.

Well, that great big black wasp with the orange wings is from the US......and there are centipedes in Arizona almost as big as that nasty fucker I posted.

Why in the name of God is he holding that chit?

Jebus only knows.....the centipede looks really well fed, which would explain that pic, but the schmuck with the Japanese Hornet has NO excuse.....he is just either a masochist, an idiot, or both.

DJ Twist

These live in the US:

They can be found in Arkansas, Missouri, Louisiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona.

Sleep tight...

Lord Fatwa

I was watching Animal Planet, or maybe it was Discovery Channel, well they showed a group of Japanese Hornets take over a full hive of European Honeybees. It was like nothing I've ever seen; 1 million bees vs. 60 japanese hornets...


Im thanking god they arent any bigger than that. Imagine if that ant was 3 or 4 inches big, you couldnt walk around the forest without a flamethrower.

DJ Twist

pieceofmyheart said:
DJ, what are those?

This thread made me feel very creepy *shudders*

Giant Desert Centipedes. (Scolopendra heros)

A lot of people keep them as pets.


The one on the top left is a Giant Arizona Desert or Black-Headed (Scolopendra h. arizonensis)

The red-headed one is a Red-Headed (Scolopendra h. castaneiceps)

There's also one called the Black-Tailed or Blue Tailed (Scolopendra h. heros), which is yellow with yellow legs and a blue or black tail

You haven't lived till you find one of these in your boot.
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i fucking hate centipedes. yeah discovery channle had a good show about army ants and other crazy ants. THose people holding those insects are crazy /shudders

that pepsin wasp, damn that sting sounds nasty. same with the bullet ants, damn that must be intense pain, why would you hold shit like that?
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Active member
Lord Fatwa said:
I was watching Animal Planet, or maybe it was Discovery Channel, well they showed a group of Japanese Hornets take over a full hive of European Honeybees. It was like nothing I've ever seen; 1 million bees vs. 60 japanese hornets...

i saw that one...a couple of times...many people in Japan die each year from the Japanese Hornet-scary! :badday:

Siafu is an African ant that is also terrifying!!

i also thought the thread was about spider mites!

good stuff!


damn those bugs scare the hell out of me (goes cuddle under blanket)