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Flash trip to Morocco


Well-known member
Great thread, from first to last post. I'm thinking of heading down to Morroco myself in the fall of 2014 with one, or two friends to know what seems to be a place with some epic landscapes and good quality smoke. We're photography students so, we can probably give you a friendly hand if you ever think of going back for another little adventure...



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Thank you guys

Thank you guys

great thread for sure! thanks for sharin Paulo!

My pleasure mate.

One of the best threads around ICMAG ... Congrats man !!! You deserve it !!!

You´re too kind.

Great thread, from first to last post. I'm thinking of heading down to Morroco myself in the fall of 2014 with one, or two friends to know what seems to be a place with some epic landscapes and good quality smoke. We're photography students so, we can probably give you a friendly hand if you ever think of going back for another little adventure...


Nice to know. Only time will tell.
Please keep me posted of your adventures:tiphat:


By now we are all friends over there i was invited and given free access to their fields:ying:
I intend to get back there next March in order to sow a green field on a mountain side:dance013:
When you don´t have money is hard for people to make profit out of you :dance013: my skills, brains and good will are the only thing i carry around:ying:
Imho it´s best to take sometime to understand local tradition and people before you start doing anything else.
Thanks for the kind words:ying:

respect ~ goood vibes paulo


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Funny stuff!

Funny stuff!

respect ~ goood vibes paulo

Thanks for the good vibes my friend:)
But i ended up thinking that the advice i posted on the statement quoted was not in any way used by me on my South American adventure. And that was the main reason for my failure over there.
Not aware of the habits of the people was going to meet, not aware of local habits&traditions and when one is not aware of the reality around him, one can´t expect good results.
Of course that this is easier said than done when we´re talking about passionate and naif guys like me:biggrin:
I´m a fool for my next adventure, i would literally die for it :dance013:


Thanks for the good vibes my friend:)
But i ended up thinking that the advice i posted on the statement quoted was not in any way used by me on my South American adventure. And that was the main reason for my failure over there.
Not aware of the habits of the people was going to meet, not aware of local habits&traditions and when one is not aware of the reality around him, one can´t expect good results.
Of course that this is easier said than done when we´re talking about passionate and naif guys like me:biggrin:
I´m a fool for my next adventure, i would literally die for it :dance013:
what was your advice again ? just smoked some kush and now my memory is temp gone it will be back lol, i find when your in another country,place, anywhere , i adapt quick to cultures, traditions, i understand where your coming from best of luck


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Kush is good and lost of memory is even better :)
This was the advice is was referring to ...
"Imho it´s best to take sometime to understand local tradition and people before you start doing anything else. "

Take it easy brother and keep adapting because that´s the only way.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Wow I sit here at 11:45 pm at night winding down my day and this thread was so captivating that I went through all 17 pages. Your initiative and adventure spirit is inspiring Paulo. I would like to thank you for the priceless insight and I hope to one day get the same experience. Smoking in a hotel room in morocco as i do is way different to the setting and atmosphere you exhibited in this thread. . I am surprised no one took you up on your morocco offer. If you ever need a companion for your travels or adventures I would not hesitate in the least even with short notice.

You are a legend in my book and as someone you might know would say, full respect.



Wow I sit here at 11:45 pm at night winding down my day and this thread was so captivating that I went through all 17 pages. Your initiative and adventure spirit is inspiring Paulo. I would like to thank you for the priceless insight and I hope to one day get the same experience. Smoking in a hotel room in morocco as i do is way different to the setting and atmosphere you exhibited in this thread. . I am surprised no one took you up on your morocco offer. If you ever need a companion for your travels or adventures I would not hesitate in the least even with short notice.

You are a legend in my book and as someone you might know would say, full respect.

couldnt of said it better my self ~ :tiphat:
paulo.... This is a great thread! Thank you very much for sharing your adventure with us. Haven't gotten through the whole thread but there were some really beautiful shots in the beginning.

I gotta ask, what's with the small leather pouch thing you posted a pic of on the first page? It had some hash in it. Where can I find myself a hash bag like that!? :)


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Thank you guys!

Thank you guys!

Wow I sit here at 11:45 pm at night winding down my day and this thread was so captivating that I went through all 17 pages. Your initiative and adventure spirit is inspiring Paulo. I would like to thank you for the priceless insight and I hope to one day get the same experience. Smoking in a hotel room in morocco as i do is way different to the setting and atmosphere you exhibited in this thread. . I am surprised no one took you up on your morocco offer. If you ever need a companion for your travels or adventures I would not hesitate in the least even with short notice.

You are a legend in my book and as someone you might know would say, full respect.


I am most humbled by your kind comment:huggg:

paulo.... This is a great thread! Thank you very much for sharing your adventure with us. Haven't gotten through the whole thread but there were some really beautiful shots in the beginning.

I gotta ask, what's with the small leather pouch thing you posted a pic of on the first page? It had some hash in it. Where can I find myself a hash bag like that!? :)

That hashbag, if i recall it right, came from Nepal and it was gifted by a friend. In the meanwhile i´ve gave it to some other friend.
My pleasure&duty to share whatever Life brings my way.


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Who knows...

Who knows...

Hey thank you for the reply paulo! :) glad to hear that little hash bag is floating around still haha gotta find myself one!

...if you can find the same one in one of your trips:biggrin:
That would be a thing of wonder, the person gifted now lives in Roterdam, Nederlands.


Andinismo Hierbatero
hola paulo, great thread! just found it now, wtf lol... read it all.

I have to admit that my heart sank when the field did not turn out as good as expected, specially after all the amazing pictures and info from the previous pages.

what happened in S. America? where were you planning to move to? Uruguay? maybe Colombia?

you should have asked us South Americans about the idiosyncrasy of our beautiful lands; beautiful lands where finding the beautiful people is the hard part, it is the truth as harsh as it sounds.

there's a joke amongst my family in S. America, my uncle always used to tell it:

when God was creating the world, and was Blessing S. America with so much bountiful beauty and resources, some Angels approached Him and asked: "My Lord, why are you giving these lands so much, when other lands you have made have so little?", and the Lord answered: "just wait until I populate these places, it will equalize it all" :yoinks:



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Hola bombadil!

Hola bombadil!

hola paulo, great thread! just found it now, wtf lol... read it all.

I have to admit that my heart sank when the field did not turn out as good as expected, specially after all the amazing pictures and info from the previous pages.

what happened in S. America? where were you planning to move to? Uruguay? maybe Colombia?

you should have asked us South Americans about the idiosyncrasy of our beautiful lands; beautiful lands where finding the beautiful people is the hard part, it is the truth as harsh as it sounds.

there's a joke amongst my family in S. America, my uncle always used to tell it:

when God was creating the world, and was Blessing S. America with so much bountiful beauty and resources, some Angels approached Him and asked: "My Lord, why are you giving these lands so much, when other lands you have made have so little?", and the Lord answered: "just wait until I populate these places, it will equalize it all" :yoinks:


I´me very glad that you enjoyed the reading and i must admit that every time i came back to this thread it´s a sweet&sour kind of thing. If i´m very grateful for all my travels and experiences a bit of me always gets sad because i tend to over criticize my approach and end up thinking that i haven´t done my best on it all. But in the end it´s this weird feeling that makes me want to get back there and do it better:biggrin:

In November 2012 i´ve sold everything i could and gave everything else i owned in England and moved to Uy with wife&kid chasing a fresh start and trying to be on the first row when legalization happen. Sadly, even if South America made a huge impact on me, we never found the right people for what we´re trying to do. After spending way over 10k on all this venture without any kind of return we had to come back, this time back home to Portugal, to lick our wounds and start all over again.

Rest assured i never stopped growing, only in Portugal since my arrival on early 2013 i´ve grew over 300 plants, and all the failures in my past were just preparation for what comes next.

Who knows if someday we can meet somewhere and share experiences while smoking the good herb, that would be good.

Thanks for the interest, kind comments and fond memories.
Bless up Sir:tiphat:


This thread is inspiring Paulo. Morocco is such a beautiful place to be. We gotta meet up for a smoke some day. Maybe even in Morocco. Enjoy lad, and keep following the dream.


New member
Wow what a awesome life you live. I'm jealous as hell. I've always wanted to go there and you're just killing me. Love the adventurous nature of this post. What a read! Sent this to all my hash friends. They love it too. I can't wait for more. Best of luck and keep on a growing.