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Don't click if you don't want to be 100% Vegetarian


daisy jane

I don't condone any of the behavior in this video but...sorry, nothing hits the spot more than a steak.

Now about the cattle issue. First off, it is very rare that a farmer would castrate a bull when he is past the age of a yearling. Castrating gets done at a very early age, I know I have done it :D The same goes for dehorning. It is supposed to be done at a young age because the blood supply around the horn is minimal as a calf. That is just my knowledge on cattle. The bull, now a steer, that was in the shoot was acting pretty typical. They freak out, sometimes flip over, because they are stupid. Sorry, there is no denying that.

In the actual meat packing plant. How else would the cattle be killed. It is the fastest way for them to die. And no, they are not skinned and dismembered while still alive. That is just an exaggeration on Baldwin's part. Can you imagine how hard it would be to skin and dismember a cow that is still alive??? That is why they slit their throats and let them bleed out.
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holy hell
video didn't work.. sometimes, things like that almost want me to be vegetarian.. but I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to eat carrots. Baby Back Ribs hit the spot for me.


The Voice of Reason
Without a doubt factory farming is a horror...

Also without a doubt... I'll have a big porterhouse on the grill tonight...


Mother Nature's Son
What about fruit? Going to the supermarket, all the picked fruit laying on tables for display, rotting and dying right before my eyes....oh the horror!!

In all seriousness, I do believe factory farms are fucked up, but I love meat.
As VictoryGardener said, I did not climb all the way to the top for a carrot.


I watched this like 4 years ago. It definitely helped me change. It made me change. I don't really eat a lot of meat anymore, and now only drink soymilk usually.

It was good watching again.

I don't think I'm against killing an animal and eating it. Its best if you hunt it yourself. Although it still sucks that the animal is dying, when you could be feeding yourself without killing it (ie plant based foods).

I'd say if you eat meat, eggs, or even milk. Try to find stuff that is natural. Where the animals can graze in the open. Eat grass, etc. Not the cheap factory farmed shit that you find everywhere. Gag.


We, well most of us have the option to support small scale farms near our homes or game.

Indicad: if we don't want wolves, bears, etc big carnivores in our near environment, we have to keep game in reasonable numbers.
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I have a question. Vegans (and sometimes vegatarians) wont use, eat anything from any animal right? What about organic veggies grown with bloodmeal, bone meal, manure, and other animal based ferilizers. Do they pay attention to this?

daisy jane

These kind of videos just upset me. Yes, some of the acts the farmers perform are horrible. For instance, throwing baby pigs head first to the ground. I'm sorry, but this is not how everyone runs their operation. Baldwin said that pigs are often crammed into unventilated trucks. But there is obviously ventilation in the truck that they just showed.

What about dog breeders? They are in it strictly for the profit, that is a given. And I have seen my fair share of videos/documentaries about puppy mills. What goes on in a puppy mill is also disgusting and inhumane. But should I not buy a dog because of puppy mills?

Sorry, I'm sure this is all coming off rude but it just steams me. I certainly hope all you vegetarians are taking your vitamins, because without meat, you are surely missing out on some very important ones.


I really do enjoy the taste of meat....nothing like a nice filet or porterhouse cooked out back over the grill.
I was raised by a father who took me hunting, a mother who was a vegetarian, so I've a decent amount of perspective with this issue.
I look at like this: Animals kill each other all of the time for food. Humans are animals....therefore I think it's OK for humans to kill animals and eat them. It is violent, brutal, all of those things, but it's consistent with nature.

However...animals do not enslave other species so that the purpose of their existence becomes solely to serve as a source of food. Animals do not enslave other animals so that they may steal milk intended to nourish the young of another species. This is not in any way consistent with the natural world. Factory farming is an awful and horrifying thing....the wonders of the free market at work there for you.

I also think it's an error in judgement to hold the life of a cow above the life of, say, a carrot. Nothing pisses me off quicker than some veggie-lover trying to garner sympathy for their cause by appealing to our reflexatory "Aww, isn't it cute" response. Just because it's cute and fuzzy doesn't make it inherently more valuable, you broccoli killer!!


Gringo said:
I have a question. Vegans (and sometimes vegatarians) wont use, eat anything from any animal right? What about organic veggies grown with bloodmeal, bone meal, manure, and other animal based ferilizers. Do they pay attention to this?

Most of my hc vegan friends grow weed with those (I'm not 100% sure of all those since I'm not from English speaking country), they are naturally in soil and are a byproduct of meat industry or something.


So your vegan friends willingly and knowingly use animal byproducts in their grow? Does that mean they are going against what they beleive? Maybe they are not that HC (hard core)


As I understand it, veganism is not just dietary but strives to eliminate non-renewable (as in, the animal wasn't killed) animal products from all uses in daily life. It's incredibly hard to COMPLETELY eliminate this, but at least in every matter where you have a choice and don't have to go to unreasonable expense/effort to obtain a non-animal alternative.

A vegan using bone or blood meal in their garden would be like one of those goofs that walks around saying "Yeah, I'm a vegetarian, I only eat fish and sometimes chicken". You're not a vegetarian...you're a moron. Perhaps there are some benefits with these supplements in regards to the final product that can't be obtained from non-animal sources, I really don't know if there are/aren't.


video is very disturbing.

i tried becoming a vegetarian but it was hard because ive eaten meat all my life. my mom(a hindu) has never tasted meat in her life but she gave me the choice to eat or not eat meat. i wish she had brought me up as a vegetarian.

theres that old saying that if people had to kill the animals they eat most would be vegetarian. i know i would.


The Voice of Reason
emmy75 said:
theres that old saying that if people had to kill the animals they eat most would be vegetarian. i know i would.
Not me, I've never had any trouble killing food I've raised to eat...

daisy jane

emmy75 said:
theres that old saying that if people had to kill the animals they eat most would be vegetarian. i know i would.

Nope, I would probably eat more meat. That way I know it would pure :D When my brother was a kid he shot a doe, gutted it, skinned it. We had it made into sausage and it was damn good :yummy: Now the process of actually making it edible was obviously done by a professional. I would imagine having a small meat processing plant in my back yard would be a bit time consuming.

And besides, when the human race was just hunters and gathers. How far do you think we would have come if we stuck to a strict plant diet?
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It's amazing how many dyed in the wool meat eaters I've seen get completely grossed out when confronted with ideas about where their food actually came from. It's amazing how people avoid any sort of contemplative thought at all. Frickin' smoke some pot already.

I'd still eat meat, but A LOT less of it.