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DEA Chief Says Medical Marijuana Is a ‘Joke’


Should we be surprised?
I mean.. this is how he keeps getting a paycheck, right?
I wonder what a cattle rancher would say about a vegetarian or vegan diet?

If we were letting the cattle rancher make the rules maybe vegetables would be illegal.

It just goes to show what a racket this all is..

exactly my friend


New member
Gotta keep those big For Profit Prisons filled with someone.
They would rather fill their private prisons with nonviolent individuals than with a violent criminal that might actually hurt them or their poorly trained guards!


So corrupt, sooner science is acknowledged over moronic opinions the better the world will be


Tobacco is a joke if they made tobacco illegal there wouldent be that much demand for it.Atleast not like pot or coke.


I'm not surprised. Pathetic how they still condemn cannabis. Its probably the most medically relevant plant out their with Alot of its secrets and medicinal values still undiscovered due to regulation and cent be properly analyzed on a large scale.
Hes lying to himself(and everyone else) because the DEA makes millions conducting marijuana operations, wayyy more then narcotics. If marijuana was legal on a federal level the dea would be sitting on their asses most of the day


ICMag Donor
I think sugar is a joke. Go get some stevia....

Date sugar is good alternative. Don't like the after taste of stevia...similar to aspartame in my mouth. :(

To each their own.


Meanwhile, DEA....it's a joke.

Gary Johnson running again. Doubtful he'll get a Presidential bid, but, quitting his CEO of pot extract company to run for Prez....more exposure.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The DEA is losing the war on drugs to a bunch of stoners. What does that say about the DEA?

The DEA is losing to the general public that are becoming aware that drugs laws benefit government agencies and criminals, not the general public.

Pot being the most absurd prohibition there is but the others will fall in time.


Well-known member
The DEA is losing to the general public that are becoming aware that drugs laws benefit government agencies and criminals, not the general public.
Pot being the most absurd prohibition there is but the others will fall in time.

drug laws, it seems to me, are the GOPs last bulwark against what they perceive as "the barbarians at the gate". if they can arrange for a high enough % of people of color & the poor to have criminal records, they cut down on the number of eligible voters that hold political views contrary to theirs. blacks are arrested at six times the rate as whites on drug charges in spite of their usage rate being identical. according to the Sentencing Commission, at the rate we are going approximately 1 in 3 black men alive today will serve time in prison. for a political party almost exclusively white, there is no other alternative to keep their foot on their necks and make good money on their investments in private prisons at the same time...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ Could be but Obama had a chance at decriminalizing pot and Clinton too. 16 years they had, but that would cut into the dem loved government jobs and control too much? Obama was a heavy pot smoker for fucks sake.

The blacks arrested for drugs are not sitting at home smoking. They were carrying it around or dealing. Or on probation( I do not agree that probation should mean no drugs btw) . In other words, many have other criminal history and drugs are just a easy way for the police to get at them. You would know that if you cared to look.

Blacks vote 90% democrat, nothing wrong with that right? Half or so of whites are repubs. You do the math or not.

The GOP is not active in Thailand, UK, China, Japan, etc. etc. All illegal for pot and other drugs. Despite my avatar I am independent though I would vote for any repub over a dem this election. Obama has been a disaster imo.

I will enjoy the few perks of Bernie should he win. Socialized healthcare and pot freedom being about the only ones for me. Less military might be another but I do not know on that one. The Hildebeast nauseates me on a personal level, her hubby was a tool as well.