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David Grusch - Real Deal UFOs In Gov Possession?


Well-known member
they may have taken it 1 level further
1 article I read is that the pentagon is setting up a bogus accusation
they have a straight arrow kind of guy willing to take one for the team
and he's dishing out a fake story crafted by the pentagon itself
the goal? more fog and confusion, no one can be sure just what the pentagon has
don't quite believe it but give its due, that would be devious

St. Phatty

Active member
Amazon is selling flying UFO shape drones for $20.

The way the aerospace & related industries work is,
1. They have a near unlimited budget.
2. They pay enough money to hire the Geeks that couldn't get a job at Apple or Google.
3. You work on teams of maybe 15 people.
4. Every 6 or 9 months, you make "it" 10% lighter, 10% faster, 10% better.
5. Cost constraints are paid by the government. If you need to use Beryllium instead of aluminum to get the weight down, and the cost for a circuit housing goes from $100 to $5000 - THEY PAY IT.

Anyway, if you apply that team approach to almost anything for enough years, you do get results.

The design does get better, and after 20 years it's a lot lighter, a lot faster, etc.


Well-known member
It would be hard work to spot such a thing fly in. There is so much civilian monitoring that might see it also. Then we have the issue that most people can't keep a secret. How would the military spot such a thing, and fetch if from it's crash site. Then move and store it. While teams of scientists and support workers devoted entire lifetimes to it's study. Then all we get is a leak there might be one.

If I was told by someone trust worthy (which they just failed to be) That there was one, that wouldn't be enough. Why would they stop at that. Why would you just accept that fragment of knowledge. It's not a conversation. Nor a tip-bit you just drop over coffee and move on.

Where is it
Any aliens
What does it look like
Does it do anything
What's in made of.

It's not something that can stop at 'oh there is one' unless you are mentally impaired


Well-known member
It would be hard work to spot such a thing fly in. There is so much civilian monitoring that might see it also. Then we have the issue that most people can't keep a secret. How would the military spot such a thing, and fetch if from it's crash site. Then move and store it. While teams of scientists and support workers devoted entire lifetimes to it's study. Then all we get is a leak there might be one.

If I was told by someone trust worthy (which they just failed to be) That there was one, that wouldn't be enough. Why would they stop at that. Why would you just accept that fragment of knowledge. It's not a conversation. Nor a tip-bit you just drop over coffee and move on.

Where is it
Any aliens
What does it look like
Does it do anything
What's in made of.

It's not something that can stop at 'oh there is one' unless you are mentally impaired
let's do a little devil advocacy here
back in 1945ish there was such a 'ufo' crash nearish los alamos
a local hispanic farm family reported it to the military
very loyal citizen types, they kept their mouths shut for quite a while
remote area, large military trucks with tarped loads not unusual
things were different, the military could transport big things by truck with near impuity
your other points I won't contest, I'll admit to a small bit of 'maybe' they have something


Well-known member
if you are capable of interstellar travel, you are capable of cloaking your craft to the naked eye, and no doubt to radar as well. we see what they are willing to show us, and no more. pretending that they could not come here undetected is whistling past the graveyard...
lets say that they aren't from other stars
because much of this shit is weirder than interstellar visitors
yet very weird experiences continue, and some times with quite credible observers


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
considering the aliens are willing to cross interstellar distances just to look for something that's only found up trailer trashes asses these may not be the classiest aliens wrecking here...as in it's likely they have broken spaceships up on space cinder blocks in their space yards


Well-known member
let's do a little devil advocacy here
back in 1945ish there was such a 'ufo' crash nearish los alamos
a local hispanic farm family reported it to the military
very loyal citizen types, they kept their mouths shut for quite a while
remote area, large military trucks with tarped loads not unusual
things were different, the military could transport big things by truck with near impuity
your other points I won't contest, I'll admit to a small bit of 'maybe' they have something
I remember that story. With balloons sneaking up on you guys recently, there is always room for something to sneak past. However... If that was your farm, wouldn't you have some sort of evidence. A piece of something perhaps. Would you just keep quiet because you were asked to, or is this just too good a story. Realistically, they would buy your silence, and you would sign a contract at that time. Not one you would break later.
It doesn't really add up. Unless what came down was less earth shattering than a UFO. Something man made that shouldn't of been seen. Shouldn't a stealth missile come before stealth planes. Where are they. Some things we are just not meant to see, for other reasons.

If this made in the image stuff is believed, then god did make other life and not let us know. The church shouldn't be surprised if ET comes.
I'm not sure that debris is even worth keeping secret. Why should we be made to think we might be alone, if we are not. Odds are that their is life, so why not find some. Hints at life on Mars are not swept away. If we find planets that look possible, it's no secret.

In a different scenario, one of our probes could pass by an inhabited planet one day. It will be far away. We will know a lot later. If we could turn the probe around, how long would it take to get the message to it. After turning around, will that planet even be there anymore.
Radio telescopes are our best hope. If we can't get a signal, then actual matter arriving is very unlikely. In either case, the origin date is long ago.

One area that interests me, is how effecting some things we see as particles, effects others elsewhere. This intertwined activity was said to be instant in an article I read. Not light speed, instant. So if we want to communicate with our probe, then radio doesn't look like the right medium. Though I imagine their idea of instant might need looking at.


Well-known member
seen this in feed just in. big fan of george knapp been covering this stuff for awhile

quick text description of the video from the dailymail
hot item as there were police involved and multiple independent observers

Las Vegas police officer's bodycam captures 'UFO in the night sky' after residents reported '10ft aliens with large shiny eyes'
A Las Vegas officer’s camera picked up the strange blue ball of light at about 11:50 pm on April 30
One witness described the object falling from the sky as '100 percent not human'


considering the aliens are willing to cross interstellar distances just to look for something that's only found up trailer trashes asses these may not be the classiest aliens wrecking here...as in it's likely they have broken spaceships up on space cinder blocks in their space yards
Maybe we are the stars of the real houswifes of the universe.
:thinking:Wasn't that already on southpark?


Well-known member
False flag alien invasion?,or holograms above mount olive?,somethings going on but nobody can agree on what 76

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
my dad held his private and commercial pilot's license for many years.
Back when I was a kid (70's) I remember an incident in the home where my parents were all freaked out after my dad came home from a day of flying. Him and his friend had flown out of Skyways in Langley BC that morning and thier flightplan was to cruise around the Mnt Baker area. My dad was the pilot and his friend was taking photos during the flight. At some point while they were making a pass over the mountain 3 circular objects passed below and between them and the ground. My dad's friend took several pictures as the 3 white or possibly silver discs as they passed under them. They were bigger than the cessna they were flying in.
I have seen the photographs years ago my dad still keeps them and possibly a negative strip, locked away and will not allow us to make copies. His friend has never stepped forward with the pictures or an account of that day's events. He went on to become a career commercial pilot and probably didn't want the stigma.
My brother got a quick cellphone pic of one of the pictures a few years ago and sent it to me but it doesn't do the original any justice. When my dad moves on from this world my brother and I will get our hands on those photos. I want a full size set of posters made from them for my wall.