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Cruise ship vacation


I don't want to break any rules here, and don't plan on bringing any with me even though i smoke daily, however my good friend told me to just be friendly with people and crew and I will find a group of people smoking nightly on the ship somewhere...(i have never been on a cruise, but he said this happened to him both times he went, once was prior 911)

Not that i dont trust my best friend, but this is almost a week I am going to be without herb.

Luckily one of the places I am visiting is decriminalized, but i don't know if that is for non-residents, i will have to look into it.

At the same time i will have legal narcotics (RX) with me for pain. Just hydrocodone, but it's the principal that pisses me off.

I know this is sort of a gray area around here, can we try to keep the discussion NON smuggling related?

I want to know more or less do any other countries arrest people for simple possession or simply "trying to acquire"? I know the laws of these countries can be researched, however I have never been able to find out how that ties into non citizens?
when i went on a cruise to the bahamas, they took all our baggage at check-in and delivered it to our room. who knows what happened in between, i wouldnt risk packing herb in there though. plus the rooms are so tightly packed together that someone is bound to notice if you're smokin in your cabin.

As soon as we got off the ship, there were all kinds of tourist trap beggers trying to peddle their stuff.. and a few would always talk about weed. I'd steer clear of them though. Just go where the locals go, bars, cafes, places like that and you'll probably run into someone reasonable who can hook you up. I found a guy on a public bus who helped us out and I tipped him in return. It's not too hard to find it if you go about it the right way. Be safe..
karma-shmarma said:
dont be a puss, just take some with you

I second that...they don't have drug sniffer dogs..a little herb won't even make a difference...

marx said:
Make brownies

I second that too...if you can make some food, do it...it will come your senses of being out in the middle of the ocean...

if you don't want to put the nugs in your bag...how would it hurt to put an 1/8 next to nut sac..or ask your lady to cooch it...have fun :)

edit: if you are still going to be a tripper about it...take some cigarettes...empty the nasty baccy...grind your high grade and fill the cigs...smokin' on deck never looked so easy.
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I'm going on a cruise myself in January and I was told drug sniffing dogs are not at all uncommon.I want to bring some too but am unsure.So who here has taken a half dozen cruises or routinely brings erb on a cruiseboat?One or two cruises is not enough experience to base a decision like that on.


Trancerman said:
I second that...they don't have drug sniffer dogs..a little herb won't even make a difference...

I second that too...if you can make some food, do it...it will come your senses of being out in the middle of the ocean...

if you don't want to put the nugs in your bag...how would it hurt to put an 1/8 next to nut sac..or ask your lady to cooch it...have fun :)

edit: if you are still going to be a tripper about it...take some cigarettes...empty the nasty baccy...grind your high grade and fill the cigs...smokin' on deck never looked so easy.

the problem is the state we are leaving out of has a 3 strike type rule regarding weed, and even if i got busted with a gram in that state it would be an automatic felony, this is why i am much more interested in acquiring it in mexico where its decriminalized, or the other place I am going that is much more obscure and i don't feel like revealing... or just getting lucky and finding a crew member or passanger that i can throw money to smoke the whole time or get a gram or 2 from...

Making my girl bring it's an option, but i don't feel like putting her in that position, she doesn't smoke and has way too much to loose.

on a side note this thread is exactly what i didnt want....


The American said:
I'm going on a cruise myself in January and I was told drug sniffing dogs are not at all uncommon.I want to bring some too but am unsure.So who here has taken a half dozen cruises or routinely brings erb on a cruiseboat?One or two cruises is not enough experience to base a decision like that on.

Combine my best friend, with my girlfriend and my best friends cousin, they have been on a combined dozen cruises and never once saw a dog sniffing people..., the problem is ~70% of those cruises were before september 11th...

Edit making food is a very viable option. I would say i was diabetic and needed to have a sugary snack readily available if they asked why i was bringing it with me everywhere.... but that still doesn't give me anything to smoke.

i'd say 30% of my love for weed is the whole process of smoking/vaping or rolling it.
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What you didn't want?Its on time for me and if you're worried about breaking some rule,I dont get it.Anyway it was flaty stated there are no sniffer dogs which is in contradiction to what someone thats taken over a dozen has told me.Unfortunately he may have a hidden agenda as he wants to take this trip instead of me.Long story but anyone with real life experience in the matter please chime in.


The American said:
What you didn't want?Its on time for me and if you're worried about breaking some rule,I dont get it.Anyway it was flaty stated there are no sniffer dogs which is in contradiction to what someone thats taken over a dozen has told me.Unfortunately he may have a hidden agenda as he wants to take this trip instead of me.Long story but anyone with real life experience in the matter please chime in.

No, i didnt mean to offend, i just didnt want a whole post about basically bringing it on the boat. I was more interested in if anyone knows international law well... if a country has a law like mexico, does it apply to non residents? Although personal experiences in the past 5 years is great...
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I'm the one being offensive hijacking your thread for my own purposes.I should have read and understood your last two sentences more clearly.Maybe we could share like hippies since our questions are so closely related


I would just make hash. So tiny you can put it in ur mouth, pocket, sew into clothing, stash it in the rectum :redface: (ok maybe not but if you're worried lol). Having a small easy concealable amount is always better than BUYING on the streets no matter where u are. All u need to do is smoke. Not buy(shady or not) then smoke and have atleast one other person(dealer, cool or NOT) know u got herb and $$$ and ur a tourist. Better have some dough for the federalas if you venture out too far in MEXICO. Bring ur own in compressed or concentrated form. Who gives a **** if you squoosh some buds. Ur gonna break it up anyway within days.

Even unpressed chomes will do. Thats what I did for a flight to Bermuda. Then rolled straight chome joints. my .02 Less of a risk than dealing with the mexican drug peddlars working for the Cartel! Talk about smuggling and ummmm murder. I grow my own and smoke it for my own pain and issues. Dont wanna be assoc with that. No Cartel hear......yet :laughing:


The American said:
I'm the one being offensive hijacking your thread for my own purposes.I should have read and understood your last two sentences more clearly.Maybe we could share like hippies since our questions are so closely related

to tell you the truth, i really dont even know the rules here, I am just going from the old OG rules, which included not talking about sources or smuggling.
Which i dont necessarily agree with, however i do understand they serve an important purpose...

I don't hang out here much anymore, or rather on any drug forums anymore. done with lunch, time to fire up a bowl of this fire skunk cross i got. It might be just another pheno of hawaiin x skunk, because it looks so damn similar, but very strong/different smell and taste.

here have a budshot, this was the hawaiin, looks exactly the same.



Heady Connoisseur
i went on a cruise earlier this year. i like you couldn't bare being without some bud for a week, so i decided i would go for it. i rolled up a ounce in joints with kief and some bubble hash on some of them and brought a ten strip with me as well. i just stuck it all in a cig pack and walked on the boat. ended up meeting some very cool people and lots of fine women. and let me sum it up it was a blast. also customs on the way out was the biggest joke ever. what ever you end up doing have a good time.

Old Soul

Active member
I have been on two cruises. The first one I was staying in my parents room so I did not bring any but met some girls in the room across the hall that brought a bunch of weed and a pipe. The pipe ended up being a bad idea. The ship anounced the day before we were docking back in the states that if anyone had illegal drugs or paraphenalia they should get rid of it because there would be drug sniffing dogs checking the bags after they were removed from the boat. Needless to say they had to ditch the pipe.

The second cruise I took joints and it was fine. Your stuff only gets searched when you return and go through customs. Take what you need and finish it on the boat and you will be fine. Have a great time, cruises are the best.



I have a very close friend who goes on a cruise every year in January. He tells me there is always drug dogs, going over the luggage, the people in line. It might be because of the nature of the cruise though. It is a rock and roll cruise. If you call Delbert McClinton rock and roll. And the same dog patrol upon return. Funniest thing he ever saw was some woman get yanked out of line and they found coke. She handed it over and tried to go ahead and board the ship. She couldn't understand she wasn't cruising that trip. DUH!


went on a cruise in oct 01'.
one of the best times of my life.
left miami and headed non-stop to st.martin.pretty much drunk and eating like a pig till we arrived.
i never came across any smokers at that time.
it was funny to see evryone getting there "sea legs" at first.due to the rough seas heading out.

when we reached st.martin i hired a cab,dude was a maniac driver.no traffic lights or signs.
he dropped us at dawns beach.which is on the dutch side of the island.
we set up on the beach relaxing in the tropical sun,we were the only one there.i see a figure approach me..his name was Grey.
he asked if ciggs were all we smoked...ofcourse not i said.
grey opens his back pac and many baggies bust out...20$ gets you 4 he says in a deep rasta accent.
so with said bud in hand we talk with grey for a minute and then he is gone.
bud was sativa influenced as i could see.

so with nothing to smoke out of we decide to leave and catch a cab to the french side.
when we arrived there were plenty of rasta vendors set up with an abudance of smoking devices.
i pic one with wobbly eyes and grab a red stripe.
then we went to some butterfly farm...which was pretty cool....my girl friend wanted to go.
time to go back to the ship after that..still havent smoked.
go through security no prob..finally get to the cabin and notice an elephant made out of a towel with shades on sitting on my bed...crazy rastas..
so we smoke some of dawns beach bud...fresh,menthol uplifting high...very clear..should of kept those seeds i found.

st.thomas is another story..lol..

so you should have no propblem scoring..beaches are the best place.


New member
I went on a cruise last year and didn't really have that big of a problem getting stuff on board. I just put about a half eigth in my sock in two baggies and walked right on . I never saw any drug dogs but that dosen't mean they weren't checking luggage.(all i had in there was papers hahaha)
Bring some cash for the cops in mexico, and if they get mad at you just slip em a ten, and ask for an escort back to the boat or whatever.

If you just give the cop some cash and you leave, he'll call all his buddies to go get money from you too.