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Could a Website like ICMag Out-Google Google or out-Craigslist Craigslist ?

St. Phatty

Active member
I think it could.

Not sure what the data limits are on vBulletin.

Google had access to the full bandwidth of Stanford University when it was started, and used about 1/2 the bandwidth.

Programs like HTTrack are examples of robots that scour the Internet, as Google robots do. HTTrack downloads mostly text, Google converts files to machine language, I think, so the database can be searched.

Search engines ... Agent Ransack or, Yahoo Desktop Search.

Anyway, I think a community website like ICMag COULD out-Google Google.

But, I admit, I have a temperature and an infection in my tooth. The universe is deciding if I have irreversible or reversible pulpitis. Irreversible means, time for a root canal.

Pulpitis means, you experience the entire pain of childbirth in your mouth, in the space of one tooth.

But HECK I can still type ! :woohoo:


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Off course! Silly that you would question that.
(Sending you good vibes).

St. Phatty

Active member
Google's front end, the original search engine as it was erected at Stanford and then commercial office space, was basically a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE data vacuum cleaner.

And it sucked up relevant data because people submitted their URL's for the Google robot to search.

On a discussion website, the URL's submitted by users become part of the larger database.

If the conversations at CL were as intelligent as the conversations at ICMag, given the size of Craigslist, there would be as much intelligence there as in all the Google web links.

Generally every time I have tried posting in discussion forums at CL, it's like a robot that is programmed to overdose on Snarkiness. Maybe that's the 2000's and 2010's generations speaking, I don't know.

I guess it sort of compares to the Tree in Avatar, that kept all their memories.

Google started censoring their search results aggressively in 2002, for example removing websites that report adverse event results about the US biotech industry. Also they censored Oceana early on.

Imagine if the tree in Avatar deleted memories because the corporate overlords found that some of those memories were bad for sales.

That's basically what happened with Google, very early on.


Well-known member
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Check out this website:

It keeps historic records of every page on the internet. You can even revisit long lost websites. And choose a specific date.

Just enter the name of a website.


So, Saint Phatty ... where could I score a weekend Lover here? Someone Stud-like ...

St. Phatty

Active member
So, Saint Phatty ... where could I score a weekend Lover here? Someone Stud-like ...

is this a Craigslist thing ?

"weekend Lover here? Someone Stud-like ..." OK I'll do a site search on CL and see if there's anything -


found this on the Ramallah craigslist -


Any Lady like to smoke excellent Hash with me ?"


3rd-Eye Jedi
no look at the decline in traffic here and increase elsewhere

bad management and personal agendas destroyed the credibility here