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Well-known member
every time i read about how Maos "revolution" & regime was the "most successful" i am reminded of how many people died during his glorious campaign...all of them, of course, Chinese citizens...estimates range from hundreds of thousands to upwards of 20 million. yes, VERY "successful".

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
- I have stuck this thread - because it seems to be a sensible and necessary discussion - so far -


Active member
Unfortunately, my level of oral English prevents me from following it....

Anyway, for all those who only think of Stalin or Mao when they enter these topics, greetings from a country governed by socialists and communists (and again, as they have always done since the first time in 1931, democratically).
...Private property has not been abolished, nor freedom in general...as far as I know...
...Damn it, I was already sharpening the sickle and wielding the hammer...

In fact, the ultra-right here has just imported Trump's "Socialism vs Freedom"....
It has been a scandal, given that here the Marxists have been the standard bearers of the struggle for democracy. Even the French president has come out in his country thanking the sacrifice of these women and men in the defense of their own democracy...

Repeating this, and in the same way that when I debate about capitalism I do not think only of the economic regime of the Nazi dictatorship or Pinochet; in the same way that when I debate about Christianity or Islam I do not think only of the KKK or DAESH; it is appreciated to focus the debate in socio-economic terms...
A reading of "Das Kapital", as a basis to start debating the subject, seems to me more than appropriate...

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Where? If I may ask has the socialist utopia been attained ?


to me the labels have become moot when it comes to describing political systems in various nations and even useless for describing politicians. most of them are a mixed bag is what i mean. you can talk about issues on an individual level as communist, fascist, socialist etc, but trying to pin down a whole system of government with just 1 label will lead to errors in thinking.

further more, i see ALL labels as divisive and playing in to the elite control mechanism of divide them and ye shall rule them.

the best answers for humanity lie not in labels, or strict adherence to certain ideology. a clever society will use some capitalist ideas, some communist ideas, some free market ideas.

no one system has come up with the perfect solution for all societies problems, so why we don't mix and match? why demonize any 1 system when they all have good and bad points? instead we should be categorizing individual policies as sensible, true etc, or not sensible, true or useful.

i would like to see a system where the best working features of all these systems are implemented where they serve us the best. to be honest that what we Swiss are ending up with, due to ruling coalitions instead of outright winners you have a type of compromise that tends to good policy ideas winning through in the end. not always of course, we have our fair share of corrupt politicians still. we also have plenty of opportunistic journalists and politicians trying to import strife from abroad so we can hate each other instead of unifying to keep the bums in government in check.


...como el Son...
The "Swiss system" is built on the profits of the criminal capitalism of its banking system, which has been the major economic ally of dictatorships, organized crime, drug trafficking and world terrorism since at least the Jewish Nazi genocide and its subsequent plundering...
Such an advanced and progressive country... in which women were not allowed to vote until 1990, in some of its cantons...


The "Swiss system" is built on the profits of the criminal capitalism of its banking system, which has been the major economic ally of dictatorships, organized crime, drug trafficking and world terrorism since at least the Jewish Nazi genocide and its subsequent plundering...
Such an advanced and progressive country... in which women were not allowed to vote until 1990, in some of its cantons...

what ever, forget Switzerland and focus on what the actual point of the post was will you? please?

the whole western world is built on plundering the planet, whats that got to do with the here and now? you think any country can look back and say we are innocent? tell me where you are from and ill list your own forefathers crimes if you like. look back and hard enough and no people on earth are wholly innocent, even the romanticized original inhabitants were a ruthless bunch who enslaved each other and even ate each other before the evil white man came on the scene. study any history and you find atrocities, genocide and exploitation.

but thanks for completely ignoring the main point i was making about labelling each other and our reps. instead of being about issues we war about labels.


Well-known member
Well, i went to college, took some social sciences. Now i realize that many folks just do not KNOW the meanings of the words, only the 'associations'.

What some people think about socialism and communism is comparable to thinking that capitalism or democracy is the reason that we have people in cages at the border.

Yes, at their best, any of the isms can work well.(yes, people can have their preferences as to which is best) At their worst, non of the isms can.

A basic understanding of the true aspects of the isms would be a good start. Such as, back to some civics classes in school.


Active member
The "Swiss system" is built on the profits of the criminal capitalism of its banking system, which has been the major economic ally of dictatorships, organized crime, drug trafficking and world terrorism since at least the Jewish Nazi genocide and its subsequent plundering...
Such an advanced and progressive country... in which women were not allowed to vote until 1990, in some of its cantons...

Lol... and ur country has always been so civilized.
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones


...como el Son...
I think you should focusin : the Swiss capitalist model has been brought to the fore and I have only commented on what it hides and what it has been built on.
I guess we are all trying to achieve a system in which prosperity is not based on exploitation or crime agaist others, right?
Or where many women could not vote until 1990, because its Constitution proclaims the equality of all men, but it is not clear with women...​​​​​​

Here nobody is throwing stones at anyone; nor do I think that the objective of the initiator of this thread was to find out which country has the bloodiest history... But if you are more relaxed like this, I will tell you that mine has enough blood to drown you all (some of it, in Europe, also spilled in its name by its Swiss allies, by the way), and not very edifying world records like being the first country with open wars in the 5 continents, or being, probably, the 4th in the world with more mass graves and disappeared, only after Cambodia, Vietnam, n Irak.

Nor have I recommended our capitalist system of the European Union, as far as I remember, when I declare myself a Marxist (?).

I have only reminded to the numerous forum members that identify all socialists and communists as bloody dictators, that and in my country (as in many others only years later: France in 1935, Chile in 1937, Costa Rica in 1944...), whenever they have reached democratically to power ​​​since the 1930s.


Well-known member
I think you should focusin : the Swiss capitalist model has been brought to the fore and I have only commented on what it hides and what it has been built on.
I guess we are all trying to achieve a system in which prosperity is not based on exploitation or crime agaist others, right?
Or where many women could not vote until 1990, because its Constitution proclaims the equality of all men, but it is not clear with women...​​​​​​

Here nobody is throwing stones at anyone; nor do I think that the objective of the initiator of this thread was to find out which country has the bloodiest history... But if you are more relaxed like this, I will tell you that mine has enough blood to drown you all (some of it, in Europe, also spilled in its name by its Swiss allies, by the way), and not very edifying world records like being the first country with open wars in the 5 continents, or being, probably, the 4th in the world with more mass graves and disappeared, only after Cambodia, Vietnam, n Irak.

Nor have I recommended our capitalist system of the European Union, as far as I remember, when I declare myself a Marxist (?).

I have only reminded to the numerous forum members that identify all socialists and communists as bloody dictators, that and in my country (as in many others only years later: France in 1935, Chile in 1937, Costa Rica in 1944...), whenever they have reached democratically to power ​​​since the 1930s.
Always found it impressive the country was able to secure a position as a global clearing house, and the Vatican chose the Swiss as their guard.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
they managed to buy halberds at a really good price,and many bolts of the ugliest cloth ever...snappy uniforms...halberds....it sells itself!:biggrin:


funny how open marxist is dishing it out on a nation that hasn't had any wars, no mass murder, no mass slave labour camps, no colonies in Africa etc, like some i could mention :D
in the end, no one is perfect, but i still maintain that you missed my main point by focusing in on the Swiss system, when all i was saying is that coalition governments tend to be better then our right winner governments. my main point was that you find good and bad in many ideologies and we shouldn't be focusing on existing ideology, we should come up with a new one that embraces the best from all spheres of thought

oh but some village in the mountains didnt allow woman to join the vote in the public square until 1990, oh my god the horror!


Do you think the crash will be worse than a year ago? I have a very small fortune I plan to invest if/when it happens.

I'm no oracle, Boogieman, but, if I was to base my opinion on what I mentioned above (freshly printed money meeting flat inventories = inflation) I'd say overall, yes. I think the next crash will be worse than last year. I can't say if a few certain sectors of the market will (or wont) drag the market, as a whole, down with them, but, even though the market has been staying on an upwards trend, the general consensus of 'non wall-street billionaires' is the market is over valued. Which I tend to agree with.
Just do what you always do......play smart and treat your money like an employee........make it work for you. When times are good...play stocks. When times are not so good....bonds or gold seem to have been good bets over the past decade(s.)

Age depends, a lot, on what strategy I would take; I'd imagine you feel the same way. The farther you are away from retirement, the more risk you can absorb, because, over the longer term (15+ years) you are pretty likely to make money. As long as you dont chase unicorn companies.
And pick a good time to lock in current profits.

100% pure speculation. I don't claim to be any type of financial advisor nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.



Do you think the crash will be worse than a year ago? I have a very small fortune I plan to invest if/when it happens.

the trouble is, at which point do you enter the buy order? some times the drop is preceded by a small drop, often there is a surge just before the bubble pops and once it pops when has it reached the bottom?

if you plan to play the markets, don't use any options, just buy the stock and hold on to it. i read that 2 US hedge funds big and famous have just failed to meet their margin calls, as a result the swiss CS bank has lost 25% of its value over night, the mofos were invested in those hedge funds and guess what, the swiss pensions are heavily invested in the fucking CS. all the bank heads have been getting their bonuses rain or shine and the Swiss are waking up to the fact that its happening all over again. these speculators and gamblers are the scum of the earth, they cause huge damage to normal people with their greed and risky behaviours.


I'm no oracle, Boogieman, but, if I was to base my opinion on what I mentioned above (freshly printed money meeting flat inventories = inflation) I'd say overall, yes. I think the next crash will be worse than last year. I can't say if a few certain sectors of the market will (or wont) drag the market, as a whole, down with them, but, even though the market has been staying on an upwards trend, the general consensus of 'non wall-street billionaires' is the market is over valued. Which I tend to agree with.
Just do what you always do......play smart and treat your money like an employee........make it work for you. When times are good...play stocks. When times are not so good....bonds or gold seem to have been good bets over the past decade(s.)

Age depends, a lot, on what strategy I would take; I'd imagine you feel the same way. The farther you are away from retirement, the more risk you can absorb, because, over the longer term (15+ years) you are pretty likely to make money. As long as you dont chase unicorn companies.
And pick a good time to lock in current profits.

100% pure speculation. I don't claim to be any type of financial advisor nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night.


any thoughts on bit coin to maintain value against run away inflation? or is it just another overvalued bubble about to pop? mind you even when it popped last time, those that held on were laughing again pretty quickly all things considered. but right now is not the time to buy bitcoin as a long term investment. wait for it to tank again, but then again, where is the bottom, lol.


any thoughts on bit coin to maintain value against run away inflation? or is it just another overvalued bubble about to pop? mind you even when it popped last time, those that held on were laughing again pretty quickly all things considered. but right now is not the time to buy bitcoin as a long term investment. wait for it to tank again, but then again, where is the bottom, lol.

I'm of the opinion that BitCoin, if you aren't in it already, its too expensive to get in. But, that's just my take. There are many people out there that have the total opposite view. If I was to delve into the 'crypto-currency' realm, it would be with a lesser known, less popular option. Of which, there are many. And they are all cheap. And they all operate in the same manner. And risk is low because all the alternatives are dirt cheap in comparison.
As far as indexing "bitcoin" against "inflation" I think the risk there is low because BitCoins (and all other crypto-currencies) value, as I understand it, is in its scarcity; there are only a certain amount of bitcoins out there to be had. So, inventory is, purposely, set, so its not as vulnerable to traditional inflation calculus.

And crypto currency IS the future. In my view the petro-dollars days are numbered. Once China mainstreams crypto, in such a manner that most countries trust......its all over.

Again. Just my take.

Make sense?


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