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Coming out to my parents


New member
Hi.Is smoking illegal in greece? Be brave and love your mummy!

Yeah unfortunately...although there are many active facebook pages that coordinate legalization events. In five days from now there is gonna be another one. We have 3 or 4 marijuana clubs where people can go there and chat ( Smoking is not allowed ). But yeah the stigma lives on!


New member
I am sorry but the responses where to many! I can't respond to everyone but i will try doing it all at once. ( thank you all for your interest <3 )

So...you say i am not grown enough to change anyones minds...the part where i am not grown enough is true...but i have changed the minds of several people including my grandmother's and uncle's.

You say i shouldn't tell them...the thing is that they already know it. It's like knowing that politicians are corrupt...but you won't see a politician go in public and admit it...what i am saying is that they are sure...they just haven't asked me yet.

And the vaporizer option is kinda hard to do. They will ask me what do i do with that...plus i don't have access to waxes and stuff :p only bud.

Nah i don't think they have connected my smoking with my failures. I was never fond of the educational system. We have spoke a lot of times about that even when i was 13-14 when i wasn't smoking.

Yes i wanna get a job and everything else. I don't think i need their approval though...even if they say do never smoke again...i will smoke. Cause i like it. It relaxes me and helps me view the world from a different angle. Ofcourse you can do that without getting high...but it's more intresting that way :) Plus it helps me get better every day

I hope i covered everyone with my answer...you won't believe how grateful i am of your interest <3 Much love guys! Thank you very much once again!!!


Invertebrata Inebriata
If they already know about your lowdown pot smoking ways, are tolerating it and not saying anything, do the same. They obviously don't want to hear about it, and don't want to be educated about it by their kid. That's life.


Active member
If they already know about your lowdown pot smoking ways, are tolerating it and not saying anything, do the same. They obviously don't want to hear about it, and don't want to be educated about it by their kid. That's life.

+1 It will not change her opinion over night, but do your thing and keep study and she will eventually see that pot dosn't have to be bad for you.


Invertebrata Inebriata
It's a principle thing, no matter what it's about. If my mom dislike something I do I definitely don't do it at her home WHILE she is there. It goes by the name respect where I come from.

Okay, just wait until your mommy leaves, then fire up.:laughing:

p.s.- Where DO you come from, Candyland?


I dont know what to say bro. I was 13 and my old man walked in my room when i was rippin on a 4' with my buddy. My pops told me to get rid of it. So i did.
Funny part is, my parents had been gettin me high since i was a baby...:joint:
Good luck!


New member
Don't be rude Lester. It's hard times here in Greece. Don't just go around insulting people before you think!

That's like the best family ever man! My friend found his father's stash and now they are smoking together!


Hey everyone! Iam kinda new here so excuse me if i have posted this on the wrong sector. Anyways...I am not from USA. In fact i am from Greece but i want as much help as i can get...and the Greek forum isnt so active.

Let's get straight to the point. I have been smoking for three years now ( i am 19). I know a lot about marijuana and it's positive and negative effects. The thing is that here in Greece the stigma you get if people know you are smoking is really harsh. My mother thinks that marijuana is not so different from heroin or any other drug. She hasn't done any research and believes only what she "sees" and hears from other people. Recently i tried talking to her about marijuana's medicinal effects and she looked at me like i was a junkie or something. Terrible feeling. She didn't respond when i asked her about her opinion...she was just silent. She already knew i was smoking...but she never asked me or csught me redhanded. The thing is...i don't want to be hiding in my closet waiting for my parents to get to work so i can enjoy a smoking session. I want to break free as Freddie said. But i am kinda terrifyed of what their reaction will be...or my mother's reaction as my father used to smoke and is more reluctant.

Did you guys experience any similar situations like mine? I really want to show them that smoking won't ruin my life, won't make me a junkie or anything bad. I would be really greatful if you could help me out on this one! Light one up for me! Cheers!

Educate them m8. Theire resolve will move to your side.
LEGAL in lots of us states ( n ALL of Canada ! ?)
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Hey everyone! Iam kinda new here so excuse me if i have posted this on the wrong sector. Anyways...I am not from USA. In fact i am from Greece but i want as much help as i can get...and the Greek forum isnt so active.

Let's get straight to the point. I have been smoking for three years now ( i am 19). I know a lot about marijuana and it's positive and negative effects. The thing is that here in Greece the stigma you get if people know you are smoking is really harsh. My mother thinks that marijuana is not so different from heroin or any other drug. She hasn't done any research and believes only what she "sees" and hears from other people. Recently i tried talking to her about marijuana's medicinal effects and she looked at me like i was a junkie or something. Terrible feeling. She didn't respond when i asked her about her opinion...she was just silent. She already knew i was smoking...but she never asked me or csught me redhanded. The thing is...i don't want to be hiding in my closet waiting for my parents to get to work so i can enjoy a smoking session. I want to break free as Freddie said. But i am kinda terrifyed of what their reaction will be...or my mother's reaction as my father used to smoke and is more reluctant.

Did you guys experience any similar situations like mine? I really want to show them that smoking won't ruin my life, won't make me a junkie or anything bad. I would be really greatful if you could help me out on this one! Light one up for me! Cheers!
Καλημερα :)You goddam right about the Greek thread.Dead!I actually stopped posting, but,thanks to you I am back.My growing knowledge is limited, but,at 19yrs actions more than words will probably get out of your dilemma.What do I mean by that?Free means independent,and so long you live under your parent's roof, that will never happen, especially when you're dealing with a greek mum.


Καλημερα :)You goddam right about the Greek thread.Dead!I actually stopped posting, but,thanks to you I am back.My growing knowledge is limited, but,at 19yrs actions more than words will probably get out of your dilemma.What do I mean by that?Free means independent,and so long you live under your parent's roof, that will never happen, especially when you're dealing with a greek mum.
Red23 στο Ελληνικο το thread,αμα θες να μοιραστεις τις σκεψεις σου.


Well-known member
Tell them it is a fine capitalist cannabis product from land of Ronald Regan.


Practice being a good neighbor in your community. If you are a good hard working person, what can they say?
Change minds by your actions.
This guy smokes the devil weed, but is an upstanding citizen??

They will learn