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Coco SuperSkunk

35 12/12

PH 6.1
EC 1.8




Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
Nice looking pix man, if it were me, I would flush at 5.8 ph'd water for two weeks str-8....or rather until you start to see alot of yellow leaves.

Nice looking pix man, if it were me, I would flush at 5.8 ph'd water for two weeks str-8....or rather until you start to see alot of yellow leaves.


Thx Mate. I have a cool brother and superb coco grower who I talk with and after some experiments he found that watering plants in later stages with PH 6.2 increases flavour (P, K). So the stuff is in beginning of flower PH is 6.0 and increase it till 6.2 for the last 3 weeks.

I'll make a side by side grow next time doin the same PH regime in some plants and in others I'll start with 5.8 and finish with 6.0 to compare the diff myself.

Measured the runoff and it was 0.5 and my tap water is about 0.4-0.3 which means nutes are almost out. If plants show yellowing pretty soon I'll flush them only for 10 days then wait 3-4 days then chop. I hope this happens coz watering coco by hand fries my brain. At least it's way better to flush coco than soil. IMHO coco is way better than soil in everything. No fucking comparison. Only bad thing is if you don't have an auto watering system you have to water them plants everyday. Started to check up some good drip systems already. Any advise?

Today's day 50 ish of 12/12 and took some pics of my plants but not with the same cam so not worth of posting them.

More news as they come :joint: