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Chemical Jihad in Scotland!

Is it true that a chemical Jihad has been launched in central Scotland?
I noticed on cable that the BBC mentioned it briefly but not a lot of news about it in North America, the internet also has little details on it

I remember reading in the summer that deliberatly contaminated diamorphine was to be targeted to west Europe and north America using the heroin addicts to start a epidemic and spread infectious spores throughout the west.

How are these poor addicts located in reference to where Gordon Brown hails from? This is a real attack with anthrax yes

rocket high

Active member
yes but they said it was English gangsters that the source of the break out came from ...
but its probably tainted in afghanistan ... bone meal in the heroin !!


So... I guess the plan is to kill off all of the heroin addicts? It's killed all of, what, about eight people worldwide so far?

What an odd Jihad.


Active member
anthrax smack

anthrax smack

it came from animal skins that the heroin was wrapped in when smuggeled in to the country.
thats what i heard.:hide:

sounds about right.


rocket high

Active member
here in scotland there's not much sympathy for the heroin users ... they steal, threaten and rob ...the less of them the better .......................Their costing Scotland as much as 3.5 billion a year ....... a drain on the public purse.

if you've had a bad encounter with one you will know where i'm coming from...


here in scotland there's not much sympathy for the heroin users ... they steal, threaten and rob ...the less of them the better .......................Their costing Scotland as much as 3.5 billion a year ....... a drain on the public purse.

if you've had a bad encounter with one you will know where i'm coming from...

Tarring all Herion users with the same brush is lame at best!
Not all steal,etc,alot do not all.
Building a chemical plant is much easier when alot of the population are wacked out and dont wanna vote.
Or cant as they aint allowed too...
Is it true not all can vote?
Like if tou have benn in jail,can you still vote?
As far as them draning the public purse,im also quite sure it boosts the purse also,as there is alot of money made.
Love to know where the 3.5 drain is from?

rocket high

Active member
whats lame is sticking up for heroin user's ... just because a heroin user holds down a job does'nt make it ok .... does it?...
it funds criminals and terrorism to name but a few..


whats lame is sticking up for heroin user's ... just because a heroin user holds down a job does'nt make it ok .... does it?...
it funds criminals and terrorism to name but a few..
So does marijuana, so what's your point? Drugs are bad? Well sure, for some people some drugs are bad, I don't think there's much doubt about that, but being vehemently anti-heroin-addict demonstrates a profound ignorance about addiction and the best ways of reducing personal and societal harm from addiction.


if you've had a bad encounter with one you will know where i'm coming from...
I'm afraid I can't agree with you. I was raised by one, so I know what I'm talking about, and while I agree that addiction to heroin is one of the most disgusting and saddest things you are likely to ever see, it's quite clear that most governments haven't got even the smallest clue as to how to deal with the problem :(


Active member
Rest assured if this was a terrorist attack our government and yours would be making the most of it. No Jihad here mate.
The anthrax bacteria occurs naturally, and it can live in soil and water for up to 20 years. Anthrax commonly occurs in agricultural regions in warm-blooded animals, usually wild and domestic herbivores such as cattle, sheep, camels, goats, antelopes, oxen and other vertebrates (animals with spines). It is rare to find animals infected with anthrax in the United States. Most cases of anthrax infections in animals occur in South and Central America, Asia, the Middle East and southern and eastern Europe.



guys, we wouldnt be in Afghanistan if it wasnt a heroin producer...theres no oil, but there is morphene fields.....:nono:

isnt skag now free on the nhs??....this is because we now import the good stuff straight from source, no need to deal with middlemen in shemaghs anymore......:)

Scotland has a signnificantly less number of immigrants than england, the locals are deemed too hostile, edinburgh is an exception you dont hear the local accent very often when on the pavements..:)

Apparantly, a few years ago Mr Laden planned to lace a few pallets of cocaine with the Anthrax n sell it cheap to the tweaks in wallstreet...:)
Is heroin such a problem in Scotland and the U.K. I thought coke was the problem with the hoodie in Britain or have FOX news got it wrong again?

rocket high

Active member
2008 scotlands drug stats in graph form http://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=8769&pictureid=300422 make what you will of it


  • drugs_graph.gif
    12.3 KB · Views: 37


This is a real attack with anthrax yes

I have heard that there is contaminated Heroin circling around the UK, I heard them say that the Anthrax was a strain that is local to the UK though.

I think its a natural occurring version of it. It hasn't been added to it to kill the addicts. To be fair they wouldn't want to kill the addicts now would they, that's where most of there money comes from after all!

Apparently too, the Taliban has banned all poppy cultivation, as it doesn't fit in with Islam-most of the information you've just read in this post was of the news-soooooo you know most of it probably isn't true LOL!

Real attack or not, i really feel for those poor addicts. I hope they all recover and fight the demons within to be free from heroin

Should have known the USA would go into Afgan, Burmese heroin they cannot touch now so got to come from somewhere

Never knew Scotland was as bad as that for drugs with H at the top, I had you all down as alcoholics (got to be drunk to eat haggis yuck!)


This has got to be one of the craziest threads I've read here. Are some of you guys for real? The thought that islamic extremists would dream this ridiculous idea up is quite insane. Maybe I'm being over the top but this really has me rolling. I just can't imagine the sociological dynamics of glaswegian ghettos being understood that well by your average Mujahadeed. I've lived in UK ghettos all my life and even it was even an eye opener for me when I visited.

I'm surprised anyone is questioning if this is a 'real' attack, 9/11 really was a farce. I'd say go back and have another look at that supposed attack before analysing any others. There are many discrepancies to use as the start line.