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California to raise taxes on cannabis


Well-known member
Jan 1 California is going to raise taxes on cannabis sales in the legal market. Part of the reason there was so many busts in Cali this year was to wipe out the black market so you would have to buy cannabis from a store and pay taxes. In prop 64 cities can opt out from having cannabis stores, which a lot of cities have done, making access to cannabis difficult for a lot of people, add in more tax and the black market is going to flourish. If you live in a city where you have to drive some distance to get your cannabis and pay more tax, and your friend down the street has cannabis for a cheaper price and no tax where are you going to go to get your cannabis. Not to mention it puts more pressure on the legal stores to break even let alone make money. The only benefit to this is it will help people in the black market make more money. That’s what happens when you get the government involved. They need to reclassify cannabis and sell it as a supplement, and quit trying to get cannabis to pay off the national debt...


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Last time I was out in SoCal the sole local store was closed down. Looked up a delivery service on the web and now they are on my speed dial. I doubt that stuff is tested, taxed, or reported. Better than nothing.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I don't remember supply and demand being very strongly included in my schooling. I guess it was also true in Cali growing up. Shame.


if it smells like fish
Fun em..If they tax it like tobacco its gonna backfire on the greedily bastards..The black market will grow..Lots of illegal shops and delivery services..Yeehaw..I had a bunch of places to go ,call no prob..Hell even the ice cream trucks got weed..Lol

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