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Califlorication = High Finance


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Here is a short Doco which was shown in Australia.(Thanks Craven)
There is a Video link at Top left of page

Let’s call it Califloracation.

Or supplier-side economics.

Groaning under the crushing weight of a multi-billion dollar deficit, California is dreaming up novel ways of paying its bills. And like a slacker’s cry in a Judd Apatow stoner film or a punch line in Cheech and Chong sketch - a bright idea: What about drugs!


An authorised cannabis trade already operates in California. A medical-use system which has grown and grown into a defacto mainstream trade.

"I’d be dead without it. I don’t get high from cannabis at all. It’s really boring.
I really honestly don’t like using it. I do it because I have to." ANGEL RAICH Pain sufferer, cannabis user

But later this year Californians will vote on a proposition to legalise marijuana altogether - enabling anyone over 21 to possess an ounce of the drug and grow it themselves. The payoff: the state get its hands on urgently needed tax revenue.

"Maybe two or three billion for the State budget. Now that’s not going to resolve a 20 billion dollar deficit but it would go a long way towards many things people are seeing being pared down." TOM AMMIANO Democrat legislator

Reporter Eric Campbell goes up country to meet a man we’ll call – with apologies to the incumbent Governor – The Germinator. Matt Cohen is one of the country’s premium cannabis horticulturalists with a pristine organic seed bank.

‘La Confidential, Casey Jones, Blue Cheese …’ Matt reads a seemingly endless list of varieties with counter-culture names certain to change if and when California choose to Legalise It.

The Cannabusiness has its supporters but naturally there are detractors.

"It’s a major cause of substance dependence in the United State. It’s a leading cause of going into treatment in the United States. It’s a leading cause of highway fatalities that rivals alcohol in the United States. It’s a very serious health problem - and especially I would say, for youth." DR ROBERT DU PONT Head of Drug Policy (Ford/Reagan)

Full link here

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Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
This was very Interesting to see on Australian TV. Its not the first program like this but they are becoming more frequent on Oz TV. Lets hope we are making the right steps forward in Australia and its not taken/perceived the wrong way as lately all movements have gone backward in Oz

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