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Brewing beer with cannabis


New member
What's up guys? I am experienced in brewing with beer And I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge on brewing cannabis into home brew? here's the kicker I do not want the brew to have any psychoactive effects of the high just flavors and aromas. I know THC can be extracted from high % alcohol so my question is if I dry hop or "dry pot" my weed into my beer do you think it will extract the THC? Iv made tinctures and whatnot before so I know how that process works. Thanks let me know!


Comfortably numb!
IMO, I was a brewer as well, days ago. I don't believe you will get all the THC out but, yes you can extract the THC with alcohol, let is sit for a good soak. Squeeze your mash and let dry. Unfortunately, what about the chlorophyll taste. Have you taken that into consideration?


Well-known member
The one time I brewed cannabeer as an experiment, I replaced some of the hops in the recipe with a half-ounce of flower, and I added it mid-boil. I could detect a subtle relaxing effect in the finished beer (distinct from what one would expect from alcohol alone), and maybe a little bit of a pleasant, deep, but also subtle, grassy bitterness on the taste.

In theory, adding cannabis during the boil would at least partially decarb some of the cannabinoids, although the temperature is still a bit low. In practice, this probably caused a lot of the volatile terpenes to disappear.

So, dry hopping is probably the way to go for flavor, while optionally adding a bit of THC tincture post-boil for effect, if desired.

Please let us know how it works out! I'm itching to make another batch...


Well-known member
Extreme Danger Experimental Brew
100 minute Boil

6.5# Light Malt
1# Belgian Candi Sugar (Amber)
4 oz. Primo Nug
2 oz. Nugget Hops ( 1/2 at boil, sprinkle every 5 minutes)
2 oz. Green Bullet Hops ( sprinkle every 5. min.)

1.055 initial gravity
1.016 finished

It was ridiculously Bitter. Gave a decent Buzz from 2.


Well-known member
The dude that invented Blue Moon has a book about it, his doctorate is in fermentation from the University of Brussels


mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Usually hash works better than flower.

But if you want to not have it psychoactive just don't decarboxylate the THC.

It will still be present but not psychoactive.

Dry ice or sift or even bubblehash will dissolve in your secondary or just after a while in your primary, don't add it while your wort is hot.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites

I have very specialized batches.

It can be a necessity to have one for the rare occasions.

One of my favorites is a mixed case of stout, either being "time to pace about whilst philosophizing" or "get glued to the couch and find yourself passing out on the couch hungry due to your inability to get off of the couch unable to speak let alone do basic math"...

But you don't really want to play with that case at a party.


Well-known member
Premium user
I used to make canna beer all the time. The only way I could get the cannabis oil to mix with the water was to use maltodextrin. I used maltodextrin for most of my water based cannabis stuff.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I wouldn't think oil would mix well into beer and would be likely to spoil the head retention.

I haven't used maltodextrin in decades of brewing, but it most certainly is available.

I'll look into it, but I recall some fear or hesitancy being valid in my mind in the past.

The alcohol in the finished beer should be enough to dissolve orally active (decarbed) trichs if they were just steeped or sprinkled in.

I wouldn't try it on lower proof beers.


New member
Brewing with cannabis is an interesting twist! I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard of folks experimenting with it for flavor and aroma without the high. Dry hopping with weed could potentially extract some THC, so it might be worth a shot. Just remember to keep it legal and safe. Here you can find all you need for brewing https://www.wineonlinestore.cо.uk/. Good luck!
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Well-known member
I've made cannabeer before. We wanted it to be psychoactive so we added it to the carboy after the beer was brewed. The idea was that the alcohol in the beer would extract the THC from the flower. We used 3-4 oz for a 5 gallon batch. It was nice, not super potent but you could smell and taste it. Feel the effects after 2-3 beers. Wasn't super psychoactive but gave a nice body high.

If I didn't want psychoactive effects I'd replace part or all of the hops with the cannabis for the boil. Boiling cannabis in liquid doesn't extract much THC. I'd probably boil some for the full hour for 'bittering' and use some for 'aroma' in the 5 minute boil at the end. I'd use a much light hop and not use much. Or even completely replace the hops with ganja. It would probably turn out great. I'd test it first before bringing it to a party, to find out if it's psychoactive. My guess would be maybe a small body high and not much else. Cannabis requires a solvent like fat or alcohol to fully activate it.


ICMag Donor
Long time ago there was a brewery near my old location he loved weed and he always wanted me to bring my trim so he could brew with it


Active member

I was somewhat amused to read the comments about all the fears or reservations about hemp beer.

Our local microbrewery has been making organic hemp beer for over 20 or 25 years and it is very popular.

Of course, the recipe is secret, so even if you get the brewer drunk like a sailor on shore leave, he won't tell you anything. ;)

Cannabis as a bitter hop is just a bad idea, otherwise you would have to determine the alpha values. Therefore it is suitable for temperatures below 80 degrees as an aroma hop or, as someone else noted, as a cold hop.

There are also recipes but with the selection of hops available today, I think brewing with cannabis is a bit of a waste. Terpenes are very volatile and a top-fermented beer should be drunk relatively quickly otherwise the cannabis taste will quickly disappear.

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