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Best rolling machine?

A couple months ago my inlaws stopped by unannounced and my wife tossed the bud tray into the oven. Well when dinner time rolled around I turned the oven on and melted my 20yr old JOB roller. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.

I've replaced it with a raw roller, it works fine but the belt wears out fairly quickly. I remember years ago I knew someone that had a roller with a cloth belt, more durable maybe?

Whats your go to roller?

Also, I really like the raw tips, they're a game changer. If you've considered them I recommend trying um.


Well-known member
Whats your go to roller?



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Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
I let my fingers do the rolling.

The trick is to keep your index fingers out of the way. Use your thumbs and middle fingers only. Also, a pile at each end of the joint instead of one pile in the middle will keep it from getting pregnant.


Still Learning
I always hand-roll, there's nothing like it, but to the people directly telling OP to use their hands, some people don't have full mobility in their hands for rolling guys. Just saying.
If this is true (bad hands) I feel for them and the machine is best.
Like the 'boss' said "practice makes perfect". I like the fingers method.. it has taken 50+ years to perfect it and get 'what machine did you use to roll this' comments? I do need to moisturize my fingers before hand or the paper slips between my fingers and I cant get good finger traction on the paper. Rambling again, sorry.

I wood

Well-known member
A well worn dollar bill always worked for me best, usually have one in pocket ready to go without even trying. Personally never got the knack of using a rolling machine.


Well-known member
Premium user
I smoke about 300 joints a month (doesn't everyone). I use a zig-zag roller (or whatever other cheapo). They all seem to work the same. I also use the RAW tips. Definitely a game changer like someone said. And, I often use the little plastic "tar traps" to ease the impact on my throat.

The Zig-Zag rollers I bought came with a plastic sheet and one extra. What happens to mine is that the seam on the plastic sheet starts to come apart.

I roll by hand, also and there is a HUGE difference in the way a hand rolled joint and a machine rolled joint smoke. TOTALLY different. Not really sure why there is so my difference, but there is.

Those metal rollers that fold in half totally suck. Not sure why they would get good reviews.



I use my hands. I wonder why everybody needs a gizmo for everything these days.
What's next a machine to kiss your girl?


🦫 Special 🍆
for several reasons a rolling machine can be helpful,
-- arthritic hands
-- when you are fishing your hands are not really always in the best condition to roll..

i like to use the smoking rolling thing. you can put also a big filter with activatedcoal
and it fits perfectly

and very important you need to find out the way to roll with it, dry materials for example rolling grade fine cut tobacco, or whatever you use, you need to learn, the best consistency of your joint.
-wet material with finest cut tobacco for example if you put too much, it will be a pain to smoke. need to use less and roll it loose
totally dry materials usually need to be rolled rock hard, like the factory made cigarettes.
so rolling once and failing it, is not the error of the device.

Mr. J

Well-known member
I knew this thread would fill with people bragging about how they use their fingers, as if that makes them special, and would contain very few useful suggestions relating to rolling machines. I had no useful suggestions for the op so I didn't say anything but now I feel like I need to because all this poor guy wants is his old rolling machine back and all you guys do is shame him with your rolling elitism.


New member
I knew this thread would fill with people bragging about how they use their fingers, as if that makes them special, and would contain very few useful suggestions relating to rolling machines. I had no useful suggestions for the op so I didn't say anything but now I feel like I need to because all this poor guy wants is his old rolling machine and all you guys do is shame him with your rolling elitism.

Actually a few people suggested rollers and others, including myself, pointed out that there are super valid reasons for needing a roller. But okay, how's the view from your high horse?

Mr. J

Well-known member
Actually a few people suggested rollers and others, including myself, pointed out that there are super valid reasons for needing a roller. But okay, how's the view from your high horse?
Make a new thread If you'd like to fight about it, this thread is about rolling machines.


I knew this thread would fill with people bragging about how they use their fingers, as if that makes them special, and would contain very few useful suggestions relating to rolling machines. I had no useful suggestions for the op so I didn't say anything but now I feel like I need to because all this poor guy wants is his old rolling machine back and all you guys do is shame him with your rolling elitism.

^I guess you're right. Now I feel bad. I apologize, I hope that is what you wanted.
I don't mean to offend or laugh with the old or crippled, I'm just a bit wild. I know I -hopefully- get one day that old too.

I'm sorry.


ICMag Donor
I've always had a Rizla machine kicking around somewhere. They are better for the super fine papers. We vape flowers 99% of the time now.

There's always the one person who has to put on the big show twisting one up with overly extreme meticulous attention to detail. While they are busy with the big show impressing only themselves, witnesses are just patiently waiting and thinking "will you just get this over with". My other pet peeve with hand rollers is the excessive use of spit. Like sticking the whole reefer in their mouth to complete the operation. Two WTFs for that one.

The best memories of rolling were driving to high school (mid 70s) with two friends in a pickup truck and using the ezwider papers that came in a toilet paper roll. With six hands and a notebook we got some amazing stogies.


Active member
I use my hands. I wonder why everybody needs a gizmo for everything these days.
What's next a machine to kiss your girl?

Well, let's see - Whippedmeat brought up arthritis, and then there's those occasions where you need to whip up thirty joints at a time. I also prefer a roller because it integrates a filter tip so much better then hand rolling.
If you're leaving pre-rolls trayed out for a party, everyone appreciates the aesthetics of a crisp machine-rolled joint.


Well-known member
Premium user
Has anyone tried the Topps rolling machines that stuff tubes? I did a few like that but the filter got all gummed up with resin and halfway through the joint, I had to tear the filter off to get a hit.

I have rolled joints by hand forever but now that I smoke 300 joints a month, I find it easier to roll up 8 or 10 for the day and a machine makes that a quick and easy task.

Still, a hand rolled joint still smokes way different, IMO.



Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor