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Aussies (or kiwi's) In Amsterdam!


New member
Hey peps,

Just wondering if anyone out there (either Aussie or Kiwi) who call the Netherlands home?

I'm locaed in Leiden about 20 min south of A-dam... It's one of the nicer dutch cities, relaxed and plenty of good green around. The coffee shops here have a real local pub type feel about them. Unlike A-dam they have strict hours they can open. 4pm-10pm and the local piggies tend not to like people hanging around outside these place..... I'm now selling my warez to a few of these fine establishments and the locals are really supportive of the xpat seeds project...... if any of you aussie are in holland.. pm me and we'll go for a spliff.....


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Active member
Hey mate,

I went to AMS for the first time in my life earlier in the year....what a blast....

Now I'm just wondering whether you grew up there or went ther for work or maybe even for the pot?

After returning home I have had this idea to just pack up and move to the NL....is this possible? I read Aussies/Kiwis don't have to apply for a MVV visa...does this mean we can stay 90+days at a time with no issue?

Do you sell your weed or seeds to the coffeshops?

The thing that I worried about the most is moving to a place where you know no one...but if theres some Aussies/Kiwis there it makes it more interesting.....what do you do for food? When I was there me and my friend found everything to be great EXCEPT the food...

Sorry for all the questions, but I'd love to join you for a spliff over there one day...


New member
Hey Xbx,

I grew up in Melbourne where i lived for the first 25 years of my life.
I came to the Netherlands because my wife is Dutch believe it or not...
I've always been a grower and interested in growing so i decided to start a seed project over here....

>After returning home I have had this idea to just pack up and move to the >NL....is this possible? I read Aussies/Kiwis don't have to apply for a MVV >visa...does this mean we can stay 90+days at a time with no issue?

Yeah it's possible but hardly.. We don't need an MVV but the rules on getting a working visa here for non-eu nationals are really fucked. You have this situation in holland right now really similar to the Pauline Hanson situation in Australia. They had this Right wing loser here who held xenophobic ideas, he got wasted by some guy and it seems just like Johnny and his mates who took all the ideas of "One Nation" the conservatives here have done the same. The result is a really harsh immigration policy which is targeted at people from non-eu states. Interestingly enough it seem now Australia has come to the realization that it was driving everyone away and they are slowly reversing the policy without trying to lose face. Lucky for those in Europe who want to move down under...

The procedures offered by IND (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) are so narrow it's just stupid.

It's really hard for me to not get all nationalist on the Dutch. When i first came here i had a nightmare dealing with IND. It was really stupid. Australians are treated as anyone else from a Non-EU state. Which considering our history and our connection to Western European culture in my mind it's a little stupid. I think we should be given more access to Europe... But the way things are going the world is being split along geographical lines and Australia is 20,000kms from Europe which basically leaves Oz and Nz on our own in South East asia...

>Do you sell your weed or seeds to the coffeshops?

Yeah a few of the stores and coffeeshops in the Zuid Holland province have picked up our seeds and we have been really surprised by the support we have received by local smart stores around the place. Really cool bunch of people who have been really supportive of our ideas. We have a really great relationship with some of these places and we work closely with them to give them what they need......
I don't sell weed.... It's something i don't really want to get into myself but best wishes to all those who do...

>what do you do for food? When I was there me and my friend found >everything to be great EXCEPT the food...

Yeah man... hehheee... No offence to the Dutch but your food is just crap...
It's one of my major gripes apart from the Weather.. I cook allot for myself and I know a Greek guy from Melbourne who runs his own Greek Snack bar where i go an eat allot.. Get the old Skool Suvlaki's ....ect...
You can't beat Oz for food.. Cheap, good and healthy (most of the time)

Well next time your over send me a PM and we'll smoke up.. hehehe

Take care


XbX said:
Hey mate,

I went to AMS for the first time in my life earlier in the year....what a blast....

Now I'm just wondering whether you grew up there or went ther for work or maybe even for the pot?

After returning home I have had this idea to just pack up and move to the NL....is this possible? I read Aussies/Kiwis don't have to apply for a MVV visa...does this mean we can stay 90+days at a time with no issue?

Do you sell your weed or seeds to the coffeshops?

The thing that I worried about the most is moving to a place where you know no one...but if theres some Aussies/Kiwis there it makes it more interesting.....what do you do for food? When I was there me and my friend found everything to be great EXCEPT the food...

Sorry for all the questions, but I'd love to join you for a spliff over there one day...


Active member
Man thanks for taking the time to answer all myquestions so thoughtfully....

I will be there again next year and will be sure to PM you before my visit!


yo xpat im also from australia and keen to get into the bean biz
but i wanted to know a little more is it possible to help us out dude
pm cause im very interested maybe we could help eachother out cheers

Joe Hawkins

Active member
haha xbox, what a top observation, I know many a grower from blacktown, out there and the druitt.
I fuckin Love Australia, 2nd best place in the world, 2nd to who 2nd to none!

As for amsterdam,` most respected breeders are/were Australian pioneers seeking asylum, alot are dutch too, dutch and aussie engineering are the best the west can get, well just that the dutch have it over the aussies when it comes to dykes LOL.
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