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At home euthanasia..

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I hope I don’t catch too much flak for this.. but I just felt like sharing what I’m going through right now on the off chance that somebody here benefits from my experience.

I.. really am wack-o for my cats. I’ve got a 20 year old tabby lookin barn cat along with her runty biological daughter.. The little bastards eat up 150 dollars of soft food every month between each other. They live a pampered life in a big house with a big yard along with plenty of neighborhood friends. One sleeps on my chest and the other between my legs, every night. We’re pals.

Momma is suffering from renal failure. Vet says it’s coming time to put her down.

I really do not want to take her the vet to have her euthanized. I’ve had to do it before and it was just.. awful. The poor cat was more terrified than I’d ever seen him. It really broke me to know our last moments together were so full of terror. It really did. It made me never want another animal. My gf had to beg me to let her adopt our current cats.

So.. Wanting to pamper my cat til the very end.. I started researching what might be the most humane way to help facilitate my dear Cammy’s departure.

From what I can gather, high velocity lead poisoning is actually the single quickest and most painless death that one can be afforded, but .. that’s not going to happen. Too scared of botching.

Next would be inert gas.. such as helium.

We went and got a tank to have, just in case she starts stroking out or something in the middle of the night or her suffering seems to overwhelm her, and I gotta say...I feel a lot better. Knowing that our last moments together will be without fear and without pain has taken a huge weight off of my heart.

Two weeks ago I would have said that I am done adopting. Knowing now that I can quietly and peacefully help my furry friends along while they slumber, seems to have all but eradicated the burden of attachment.


My vet will make house calls for at home euthanasia, maybe one near you does. A friend did this at home for his dog. It was easier for him and his pet.


Active member
Damn man ! I hadn't planned on tearing up when i woke up to smoke a joint . I miss my cat , peace .

Bobby Boucher

Active member

EKG’s show suffocation by inert gas is far more humane than lethal injection. You just.. start dreaming, right away, where as with shot, there is a prolonged period of knowing that one is dying, not to mention getting to see the needle and feel it go in, or the strangers in the room.

I’ve made it so that I can simply saturate the environment while she is asleep. Ultimate luxury.


ICMag Donor
Definitely opt for vet to euthanize. Or cuddle feline making last days bearable.

Have friends that end their family pet;s misery is by shooting them.

My 22 y.o. cat died from a stroke while in SO CO. Planted her in the back yard with a cool boulder atop.

Thank you for making your pet worthwhile, enriching your life.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I know, I'm going way out of my way here. Helium is extremely dangerous to be playing with, and without taking proper care, the operation could be botched all the same, or you could find yourself in limbo real quick-like.

After doing some research though, I know that personally, I would rather go out by inert gas than by lethal injection, bonus points if I'm already sleeping. EKG's show a panicked state for a surprisingly prolonged period of time following lethal injections.

Intentional helium inhalation is a preferred method of suicide/assisted suicide, due to the fact that inert gases do not cause the sensation of being asphyxiated. Reports by those who have suffered from near helium asphyxiation support this.

I know Oklahoma recently adopted inert gas in favor of lethal injections for all the reasons listed above. A pretty big step forward, considering how backwards that place is. Just doesn't sit right with me to have gone so far out of my way to make them comfortable in life to then have their death become such a stressful ordeal for all parties involved.

I've had my little baby clone tent set up against my headboard for a few days with her pillows and whatnot inside and she is just loving it in there, with the shade from the light and noise.. Whenever she is ready I can just zip up the tent and flood the environment. Boom.

Green Squall

Well-known member
I would opt for a vet doing a home call for euthanasia.
When I had to put my dog down a few years ago, they gave him a sedative before putting him to sleep.
I stayed by his side and it was over in a matter of seconds.
I truly believe he didn't suffer.
If you do it yourself and god forbid something goes wrong, it will be hard to forgive yourself.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
There’s really nothing that can go wrong, providing the nessecary steps are taken to ensure that the chamber maintains positive pressure for the 30-45 minutes it would take. Within the first 30 seconds or so, the animal would be completely unconscious, and within the first minute, the seizures would have ceased. At this point, the animal could be put into a smaller, more airtight chamber to continue the process much more safely and thoroughly.

Maybe I’m just a sicko, but I feel a lot better about having control of the situation myself, especially on a moments notice. Seems very clean and painless. Based on the research I’ve done, it really does seem like a better alternative, and we can wait until the moment the burden of her pain outweighs the love she is being lavished with.

It’s how I’d do it for myself.

Not to condemn giving your buddies the shot, but this seem like a luxurious final gift to be able to give your furry friends, if you have the common sense to do it right without killing yourself er what have you.


Well-known member
Lost a dear little buddy over kidney problems last year.
Was able to provide him with a little more comfort via subcutaneous fluids daily.
Will always wonder to what extent the use of crap additives in the food may have precipitated similar for countless numbers of pets.
Best of wishes for both you and mom mom.

Fixed up

New member
Let go of your control issues and let a professional do it your cat deserves it. They can make house calls and do it in a setting where everyone is as comfortable as possible.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I appreciate your concern for my control issues and for my cat.

I understand this all might seem strange from an outsiders perspective, but I like to treat my animals how I would like to be treated.

In the end, I would want to have the final say in my own passing. I wouldn’t want to be put down because I was dying, I would want to be put down because I could no longer bear the pain, and I wouldn’t want to have to wait a day or more this way for a doctor to finally come take care of me.

After doing my research, I decided against lethal injection. It isn’t something that I would want for myself. Again, nothing against people who opt to put their animals down this way.

I’ve done right by her, always. I’m not the sharpest crayon in the box but I’ve got a brilliant sense of intuition, and my heart feels right with this decision.

As it stands she is very happy and purring and active. I’ve got her all doped up on tincture and fwiw she seems to be doing pretty good. Eating and pooping and drinking as per usual. She’s just.. getting old.

Sorry if this upsets you, bud. I personally find great solace in it all.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Maybe I’m just a sicko, but I feel a lot better about having control of the situation myself, especially on a moments notice.

No, your not a sicko. I was initially planning on asking the vet if I could press the plunger myself, since I felt I owed it to him to do the deed myself, but decided against it because the staff were all sincerely compassionate. I instead held his head up, while repeatedly telling him what a good dog he was, with the thought that my scent and voice would be the last thing he experiences. And honestly, I have no regrets.

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I’ll say I feel a lot less stressed out about letting my other cat outside, and just pet ownership in general.

I’ve always been worried about having to race their chewed up bodies to the vet after a scuffle outside or something awful. I have frequent nightmares about it.

I’d rather gas 1000 cats than have to go through some shit like that.

Just seems like a useful tool to have on hand, tbh. Worst case scenario, at least.


I got my old dog euthanized by the vet. He was a grumpy and mean old fuck, but when the drug (The Green Dream-Nembutal) started to course through his veins, he was the happy awesome puppy he used to be, just for a couple of seconds. This was all in his eyes and expression, and then he gently slipped away. My mate who was there saw it too. One very powerful and beautiful experience. My mum was euthanized and that was an equally beautiful death. When I get old I'll be stocking up on Nembutal.


Well-known member
a day too early is far better than a day too late. made that mistake with my calico mole killer last year. her cries still haunt me. she died in my arms waiting to get in to see the vet. horrible...


Well-known member
am still hoping to find another cat of my own. would be happy to get half the cat i had. saw one almost identically marked roaming my neighborhood w/no collar. thinking she might be a kitten from an early litter from mine. if i can catch her... :tiphat: CATNAPPED!:woohoo:

Bobby Boucher

Active member
I always worry about getting a "lesser" cat, but each one of my cats has been just as good if not better than the last.

All of my cats have been more personable than any of the other cats I've ever met. People call me "the cat whisperer". I can hypnotize them like chickens into reportin for lovin's.

Each of my cats are prescribed 100 kisses a day, along with at least 200 words of praise. It's a disgusting amount of love. People find it disgusting.

But they all turn out to be 1000x the cat I could have wanted or expected.


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