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any fly fishermen/ladies out there?


Well-known member
gotta love trout fishing with a fly rod. the places you find trout are so beautiful that just BEING there is cool. to sit quietly on a midstream rock & burn one while watching them rise to the hatch is incredible... am i alone here? armedoldhippy


Love fly fishing and fishing in general. Fish florida in winter (mainly snook,& tarpoon). Summers on nantucket for blues and strippers


Well-known member
have caught lots of snook, but none on a fly rod. only hooked one tarpon, & was immediately amazed at the power they have! hooked it using a big plug while snook fishing at night w/30# test tackle. @#$% thing spooled me in less than 30 seconds, jumped & threw my plug! i didn't know Tampa Bay was full of the things! used to go for blues at Hatteras, but never fished for "strippers". what bait do they go for ? twenties? LOL! AOH


Ya!I am a die hard Flyfisherman,have been for years and years.My homewaters are the Canadian Rockies,but have fished all over N.America.I also tie Alot of flies,also into rod repair and soon to be taking up bamboo rod building!Im more than little obsessed!

Tight Lines


Hello kindred spirits.

Im not that much of a fly tier, ive fiddled with it a bit but havent discovered my talent yet :D

We have great trout waters around here, ive been hooked since childhood. I never stood a chance lol. Its right around widwinter now, everything is frozen over and i have that horrible itch. We fish for trout on the ice in the winter here aswell, I think ill plan on an icefishing trip some time soon.

You will all have to take some blame on me freezing my ass off on some godforsaken desolate ice soon as this thread surely didnt help my itch :D Its dark and cold where i am, summer seems too far away :freezing: My rods are mocking me in my hobby room, 3 months until the seatrout start gathering in the inlets and fjords.

sigh... 3 months


Any kind of fishing is great fun! The mention of ice fishing takes me back to my childhood, -30F in North Dakota, the sound of the ice cracking like a bomb going off, northern lights shining, still haven't seen stars shining that!


Its nothing like a sky lit by the aurora borealis for sure, thats almost a religious experience every time. We see them just about every time the sky is clear in the winter where i live because its so far north.

Just thought id share my weapon of choice, bought this set this summer. It set me back some major dough. But its so well balanced and sensitive to cast with that I dont regret it for a second. I love the break system on the reel aswell.


Ill upload some action pictures of troutfishing on the arctic tundra for you later.

-Tight lines :santa1:


Fly fished on english chalk streams,scottish lochs,and in Pakistan and india for trout,wouldnt mind fishing in Bhutan and New Zealand,supposedly the meccas for trout fishermen.


  • Rainbow trout,2008..jpg
    Rainbow trout,2008..jpg
    53.6 KB · Views: 95


wow mate, thats an impressive catch.

Give me a while and ill show you one more place you can add to your list of trout meccas.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
anyone do any salmon fishing in alaska? i lived and worked on an island up there and got to salt water fish for salmon quite a bit,even got a nice little silver from a sea kayak on a fly rod!! rigged a rowboat up with a downrigger and trolled the local 'secret' hole and got towed around by a fat king salmon! why this one time i hooked a fish that was soooo big....LOL


You dont catch 50lbs arctic salmon without a weighted heavy sinking leader and a size 1 tubefly so i wouldnt call that cheating really, more like reality check hehe. Its not quite my idea of flyfishing really, so I usually use 50-100gram lures on the salmon, but im no huge salmon fisher either. Im more into the one handed, dry fly fishing, but i have much to learn. Hell when we were kids we used to make our own rods from long thin trees and just use them, I still do that if i pass a stream or pond with trout innit and dont have a rod. I find troutfishing more rewarding, its more action and not those endless hours waiting for the salmon.

Tundra Trout:

Often then wind conditions on the tundra dont allow for flyfishing so the old spinner equip comes out. Last pic is the illusive arctic charr, a fish in the salmon family.


ICMag Donor
Nice photos,,,

Yeah,, we spend as much time fly-tying as we do fly-fishing,,, both are relaxing pastimes :joint:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
most of my fly fishing was for sea run dolly varden and the occasional trip for lake trout.sometimes the salmon fishing was very exciting,one place we went the water was crystal clear down to about 20-30 feet so you could see the schools of king salmon swimming around,watch them come right up on the lure.the dollys i fished on pretty light gear,all the guys would say i was going to toss money into the bay as i lost alot of lures and leaders on the reefs. i agree that trolling is pretty boring,right until you hook into a fat winter king and you watch him strip your reel three times and barely bring him back each time,i would say 30+ lb fish on 18 lb test line is still pretty sporting!!


I spent a bit of time around Terrace B.C.Landed a nice 36 pound King and a few smaller ones,also some chum's and pinks.Living somewhat close to the ocean now,I have had the oppertunity to fly fish for mackeral,wich are pound for pound the strongest fish I have caught on a fly rod.Also some sea run Browns and brookies.Two things I live for are Flyfishing and Guitar Pickin'..ok I live for Three things really,but no need to explain the 3rd and it aint :artist:.



Pre-fishing for a sailfish tournament here in so. Fla this week caught a sailfish on fly( not my first). 12 weight sage w/ sage reel. large black and pink streamer
gorgeous 'bow, Satch! dry fly, streamer, nymph ? garden hackle ?:whistling: just kidding, beautiful fish! AOH

Thanks armedoldhippy! :D But it's not a Rainbow, it's actually a West slope Cutthroat Trout. These Cutthroats are very similar to Rainbows in many regards though, so much so that they will often hybridize with Rainbows when found in the same waters.
This particular Cutthroat in the picture fell for a Dry fly, a #6 Stimulator.


Well-known member
ya know, i wondered about that after i posted. have seen pix of cutts that looked quite similar. heard they are having troubles in some areas due to hybridization with 'bows. might have to protect them like they are trying with our Appalachian Native Brook trout. build dams, etc, & electro-shock to remove the bows. AOH