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An $89 Legal Oz


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One of the most-often stated goals when (and since) the CDN government passed the bill, is to put the black market out of business. Price is one of their weapons. It will be interesting to see if they give in on the LP demand to change the <$10/gr taxation rate - which would result in even cheaper wholesale pricing. It's doubtful imho but possible.


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Funny how I after I had I'd say 10 to 12 successful indoor grows under my belt in a I what I thought was a firm understanding of burping jars and back OG biowar really popular i ended up going from loving good flowers to being a bubble bag/trich sifting mad man.
A few years ago I moved out of a place I was in for 15 years and I've pumped out many many many grows with alternating tents in that property and my wife went on top of our refrigerator in our kitchen and I had I don't know probably 20 different magazine covers folded in half with a cyst that I had done on some flowers and could only see how I forgotten about it it was probably so good that I took one or two poles got Blaze that in my mind and for whatever reason would always put it on top of my refrigerator there was like eight years of that up there I think there was like 3 oz laughing Stoner projects dude

Rocky Mtn Squid

The going rate for BM weed is $ 5.00 / gram. Federally licensed stores operate on a 10% profit margin, which is very difficult if not impossible to pay your expenses and stay in business.

Even the LP's which for the most part are just as corrupt and incompetent as the Government can't seem to stay in business, but I digress. It's all been over taxed and over legislated to fucking death, and you can thank stupid corrupt covid loving Truedope for the entire mess.......:mad:.

The only one's profiting from all this is the tax man, along with corrupt Trudope and his chronies who are all in on it together.

Health Canada does grant special boutique small batch licenses to LP's. They are restricted in the amount of plants and square footage they are allowed to produce. As of yet, I haven't seen anything that comes close to the weed you would see here on ICMAG.


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200 for good flower is what my "friends" would pay when needed. I see that as the going rate for good homestone stash,
The places popping up in america get robbed alot.


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The people you need to find are small batch BM growers. It's been $200oz for the last 20 years, it's def not brick weed lol.. Where the best weed has always come from.

You are right. But that guy is a needle in a haystack when you are just a consumer and totally out of the scene. Hell, I didn't even know all pot had names until 5 years ago. For 40 years, I just bought a bag of whatever I could find from whatever contact I semi-trusted.


Disabled Farmer
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Most imported weed was refered to their location back in the 70's.. Naming strains started 82ish?. Our homegrown was made from those imports. We kept using location names for a long time, but rarely was any sold. Any we did was just to friends. Anytime something illegal becomes legal it will benefit those with $$ more than others.


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Most imported weed was refered to their location back in the 70's..

In the 70s, it didn't matter what they called it. Brick was brick. Mexican, Jamaican, Columbian. Some of it was good. Some was really good. A lot was mediocre. The COA was not really relevant because your dealer was only repeating what he was told from his dealer who was repeating what he was told and they would ultimately say whatever the customer wanted to hear. I remember weed improved in the 80s as local 'hydro' took over the market. Then I got a solid Trinidadian contact who sold Jamaican in the late 80s/early 90s. After that contact moved into crack :oops: I just bought whatever I could find.


Disabled Farmer
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We didn't call it brick in the 70s. There were no names other than Geo location. We didn't have dealers lol. We grow it ourselves. Back then it was all about who your friends were. It was a tight nit circle. Prob different for corner dealers but we did not deal with them.
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Well now you know why hash was so popular (and still is) in the eastern half of Canada - because the weed was so shitty in the 70s. The domestic growers didn't kick into gear until the 80s and 90s.
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Disabled Farmer
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lol, people say that all the time but is BS. There was killer homegrown weed in the 70s. Most never got to experience any as it was never sold to the public. There were also killer imports but only a few got those, also not sold to people on the street. As I said it was a tight nit small circle. If any were buying weed from the corner dealer you would have never seen the good shit.
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I believe that you are making a strong case that legalization is good. The vast majority of cannabis consumers don’t have a good grower. They aren’t ‘in the know’. They buy the shit on the street. They are far better served by buying safe reliable legal weed from a legal dispensary – even if it is an overpriced, dry and relatively bland Indica hybrid – than they are buying the shit from the guy who knows a guy down the street.

I am not saying that you don’t grow great weed. I have seen your grow pics and I would be very happy buying it and I would really enjoy smoking it. I am saying that unless someone is willing to make the time and effort to grow their own or knows a guy like you, they are probably better off buying shitty legal weed. As the legal market matures, there will always be a need for several quality tiers – just like wine. I am a wine snob and I bottom out at around $15 for a Spanish bottle. But I also have a very healthy supply of better bottles aging in my cellar. There is a place for it all and a need for it all.


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well of course Legalization is good if not great, However the Regulations and framework around that legality really really need a lot more work. Dropping one of the two taxes would go along way (ie the per gram excised tax applied to every crop, then sales tax at the till.) then relaxing some of the regulation around post harvest treatment would also go along way.. or just double the allowed moisture levels.

dude, the 'IN THE KNOW' argument doesn't really fly. MOMS are a thing, legalization made this safer. Most places in Canada are fairly close to an Indian reserve, pretty much 99% of those reserves are capitalizing on it. I don't know about other places in Canada but Ontario... Legal pot shops are rivaling Timmies in numbers. You don't have to be better off with shitty weed. I've found Legal brands that rival BM on pretty much every count, you just have to have the patience(and or wallet) to find what is good and then what is good for you.

My beef with the market is the stagnation of option. everyone pretty much sells the same shit from the same major players. finding a good Haze is damn near impossible.. the LPS used to do GTH ok but now its bunk compared to its former glory

maybe if you refused to use google and are on the East coast. sure you may have a valid point. However for the majority of the cases we are living in a good time for cannabis consumption in Canada. Long gone are the days of M39 and nothing but and rare sighting of widow.


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MOMs, illegal storefronts and the res stores only exploded in the last 5 – 6 years. I was a consumer and completely out of the pot scene and still buying through a friend. At the urging of my stepson I walked into my first illegal dispensary on Queen St W in May 2017, when the mainstream press started talking about them. I was blown away that weed was that available with the cops only playing whac- a-mole with the stores. Shortly after, I got my med docs and started growing that same year. Even though it seems much longer ago, It is all very recent history for most of us.


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My beef with the market is the stagnation of option. everyone pretty much sells the same shit from the same major players. finding a good Haze is damn near impossible.. the LPS used to do GTH ok but now its bunk compared to its former glory

The government is to blame for the genetics logjam. They refused to allow LPs to buy startup material from any illegal source. So the LP's couldn't just throw in an order to Barney's like the rest of us. I believe their startup material had to be grandfathered in from a medical grower already in the country or some shit. And the LPs were suits in a boardroom and they thought that their own unique brand name was their ticket to riches. So we get Savary from Broken Coast rather than Barney's Pink Kush - which it probably is. So stupid.


Disabled Farmer
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Any time a GOV gets it's mits involved it will not end well for most. They will tax you out of business. Here in Cali you need a min $25million to build a small dispensary. Before you can even start you need the licenses which are not easy to get. So even if you got deep pocket backers getting the licenses is not a guarantee. There is a limited number available. They're already taken. As of today, none in my county can open a dispo as there are no licenses left.
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There is a limited number available. They're already taken. As of today, none in my county can open a dispo as there are no licenses left.

In Canada the provinces and the municipality all had a say so things are different in different parts of the country. After a year of nothing but gov't online in Ontario, they went wild. We now have 1468 dispensaries open in the province with another 455 in the wings - even with some large cities opting out. The expectation is that a lot of them will die or be swallowed by chains.