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Amazing Results: The Healing Power of Cannabis Oil On Lyme Disease and Lyme Co-infect


Active member
One girl's trip through Lyme disease, pain and suffering, and finally relief from cannabis:

"The beginning of my journey with Lyme disease is similar to most. My ending, however, is playing out quite differently than most. I found a tick behind my ear at the age of fourteen, and had various health problems for seven years before I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease, Lupus, Mycoplasma, Bartonella, and Babesia. After two years my Lupus, Mycoplasma, Bartonella and Babesia are entirely eradicated. As far as my Lyme disease goes, I now have zero symptoms. My remaining ones are a result of withdrawals from the prescriptions I so naively started taking when I was initially diagnosed. How am I already returning to a healthy lifestyle only two years after forgetting to read, write, walk and talk? Well, a wealth of credit is owed to the Buhner protocol. I would not be where I am today without it. Still, I had one last giant “hump” in healing to get over after a year on the protocol. So I took a shot in the dark which, for me, turned out to be the path to light. I decided to make my own cannabis oil and began taking it every waking hour. I now owe my life to this fascinating herb and am hopeful some of you will find strength and encouragement through this information.

For a year and a half I had over ten seizures a day. I tried every treatment I could find, exhausting outlets in both conventional and holistic medicine. Desperately searching for answers, I stumbled across what turned out to be one of the most profound facts I have ever learned. Marijuana contains one of the most potent anticonvulsants in the world. Controversy over the subject was meaningless at that point, as the herb offered a possible solution to one of my most debilitating symptoms. As it turned out, smoking marijuana not only controlled my seizures, it completely cured them. With that in mind, I moved forward with my research. If it could do for seizures what no other plant or prescription could do, what could it do for Lyme? What I found was nothing short of fascinating, and essentially lifesaving.

Cannabis has over 700 healing components which, to the best of my knowledge, is more than any other plant known to mankind. Since my Lyme disease had reacted to and benefited from literally every herb I had taken, I figured it would without a doubt react to cannabis as well. Indeed, it did. Smoking marijuana had sometimes made me feel sick in the past, and I realized this could possibly be because it caused a Herxheimer reaction from bacteria die off each time. Experimenting what thankfully turned out to be an anything but crazy theory, I smoked an exceptionally large amount one night and suffered from a massive Herxheimer reaction. The next day, when it subsided, I felt I had regained a little chunk of my brain back. Since smoking the herb out of a regular pipe also means inhaling a lot of toxins, I began using a vaporizer to get more cannaniboids. My rate of improvement significantly sped up when I did this. Naturally, this motivated me to take treatment one step further and find out what the results of taking cannabis oil would do for me. After only a month of taking it I was able to return to work and school, and began to drive and have a social life again. Now, I am finally planning to move out and be independent for the first time in years. Basically, I am returning to a lifestyle that I was once unsure I would ever see again thanks to the immense healing power of cannabis oil.

Understandably, some will negate this article due to preconceived notions regarding cannabis, ones we were all conditioned to believe from a young age. Even I once held strong beliefs that cannabis was harmful to my health, but I could not be more thankful that I was proven otherwise. For me, the tangible proof stemming from first-hand experience will always trump the mere words of others."


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New member
First, so happy for you and your healing! I hope you are still on that path of wellness. I have a quick question for you. I am on a journey to help my Daughter, whose Lyme story is eerily simular to yours, co infections and all. My question is, how important is the strain?

Team Microbe

Active member
Nate Morris (seen on Discovery Channel's Weed Country) made several discoveries about this theory being true. He dubbed it an "Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome" - theory being that since our bodies contain a vast amount of cannabinoid receptors, especially in our guts and brain (which are interconnected by our enteric nervous system); becoming sick (long story short) is a sign that we don't have enough cannabinoids in our system. This is why we see babies becoming ill after receiving milk from other sources other than the mothers breast. Breast milk contains a high amount cannabinoids in it, and is responsible for early cognitive function since over half of our brain receptors are indeed cannabinoid receptors.

Also, 70% of our immune system resides in our gut. And since all living organisms contain cannabinoid receptors, that means even the tiny minute living bacteria in our guts do as well. EATING cannabis is far more healthy than smoking it in terms of cannabinoid intake. So upon EATING cannabis, this stimulates our gut bacteria and our gut bacteria is responsible for providing chemicals to our brain and influencing it in a positive or negative way. Just like drinking alcohol suppressed this function, eating/drinking cannabinoids improves it greatly.

Nate made a big connection when he found vast similarities in the list of diseases and disorders cannabis heals and disorders of the enteric nervous system. And bam, the Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome was born. The moral of the story is to eat cannabis too!

Roxy- Each strain contains different cannabinoids. That's why we see indica and kush varietals typically healing pain and insomnia, while sativas do good on the other side of that spectrum; containing more "daytime" cannabinoids as I like to call them. Every strain is a unique gift, doing different things entirely. This is why my head explodes when people say "it doesn't matter, any strain is fine." It's like going to the pharmacy (which I don't recommend) and saying, "uhhh yeah I don't have a prescription but any pills will work". This is when we have to ask ourselves, are we using this to get high or to heal ourselves?


New member
@Team Microbe, thanks for all this info!

I am in a State that is still in another century, so sadly I have no idea what strain I even have. I can tell you it takes away her body pain, but does nothing for the headache. This is all new to me and all I have done so far is make tea and she obviously benefits in some regard. A lot of other Lymies do the oil for long term healing and the tea for the immediate pain. Are you of the opinion that oil is better then cooking with it?

Is it common to adjust to a dosage and need to increase the amount? She is not getting quite the relief she had in the beginning. I thought it may be that I grineded a small batch for several uses. Maybe I should grind fresh each time?

Sorry, can you tell I am clueless...lol

Thank you, Roxy

Team Microbe

Active member
@Team Microbe, thanks for all this info!

I am in a State that is still in another century, so sadly I have no idea what strain I even have. I can tell you it takes away her body pain, but does nothing for the headache. This is all new to me and all I have done so far is make tea and she obviously benefits in some regard. A lot of other Lymies do the oil for long term healing and the tea for the immediate pain. Are you of the opinion that oil is better then cooking with it?

Is it common to adjust to a dosage and need to increase the amount? She is not getting quite the relief she had in the beginning. I thought it may be that I grineded a small batch for several uses. Maybe I should grind fresh each time?

Sorry, can you tell I am clueless...lol

Thank you, Roxy

Oil is hard to come by, most of the stuff you'll find in your state is made by your average joe and cleanliness may not be of concern. If someone grows the crop with chemical nutrients, those chemicals will become concentrated when the oil is made. So clean medicine to start with is the most important part, because people with compromised immune systems may truly be harmed by dirty meds. It's tough because of where you live, if moving to a legal state is out of the question then I would suggest either sourcing out a grower through word of mouth, or begin growing yourself. My guess is that you won't want to do anything too illegal though, so growing and even out-sourcing her medicine may be out of the question but I can tell you it is possible and that many people do indeed do that...

And regarding tolerance and ways to store the cannabis -

She will need more as time goes by, my tolerance is really high since I smoke multiple times a day. I smoke between a gram and 3 grams a day, depending on mood/needs. I wouldn't be surprised if she needed that much after a while. Vaporizing is healthier than smoking, and eating cannabis is healthier than vaporizing. You can learn on YouTube how to extract thc & cbd from her cannabis and into a butter or oil, then you simply use that instead of normal butter/oil in a cooking recipe.

Use a glass mason jar to store the nuggets, and keep them whole until theyre needed. This keeps the medicine fresh and from drying out too much. It could also be the strength of the new batch she bought, different strains have different qualities to them. The key to treating illnesses like Lyme is sourcing clean medicine. It may take some asking around, some uncomfortable conversations, maybe even some rude responses but it's worth it to see what you can find in your area. I can't tell you how vital it is to have organic meds compared to stuff mass-produced sold by the ton to each state for pennies on the dollar... it's night and day when it comes to healing properties. This stuff is full of chemical fertilizers, mites, mite poop (e coli), and foliar products they use to eradicate their pests during flower production. This stuff is BAD news. If it burns black it contains inorganic fertilizers, if it burns white that means it's clean smoke. "If it doesn't burn white, it ain't right." as they say


Registered Non-Conformist
Simpson Oil is amazing. One drop, or two (which can be sort of a confusing day wrecker) really have positive effects, easily administered in any method. A gob of organic almond butter, spaghetti, whatever contains some fats. 15 mins later ya feel it quite obviously. No anxiety though.

Lyme is confusing. Even more so due to the fact that the Medical Community is not clear on it. I was bit a couple times on the Mendo coast and mushrooming that I knew about and probably many times that I didn't.

Regardless, I recommend everyone get a handle on the endocrine system, Thyroid, pituitary glands. Thus Liver and intestine - and thus yet again, the immune system. This will carry one through almost all the time. Feeling great and a little high as well. Gluten-free. Iodine rich foods, but no supplemental iodine - that's poison to the endocrine system. Get it naturally from seafood and seaweeds.


New member
You have been an amazing help! Thanks!

I started on this about a month ago and I am willing to risk what it takes. I did find out that Philadelphia turns a blind eye unless you are actually selling. I am north of there and I heard PA is on the cusp of legalizing, but in general they conservative as a rule.

What I am using was given to me and clean. I am going to do the research today on cooking with it. I hooked into The Stoner's Cookbook. We eat organic, gluten free. Also, we have an amazing Doc who treats homeopathic. She just can't help with the Cannabus, of course.

I do have another friend who can possibly help with the oil. We are trying to meet up.

Thank you again for all this help and taking time to reply back to me! I may need to pick your brain again!!!



New member
I have been reading a lot about Simpson Oil. I have not figured out if it is attainable as of yet. My Daughter has had Lyme for 27 years and we are very fortunate to have an amazing world known Doc who treats homeopathically near us. We eat organic and gluten free. Thanks for the reaffirm on the oil. I am going to work on this a little harder since you recommend. Thank you so much for the tip.

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