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A PPK for a 12 Plant Limit


Shoot me a pm if you get any time. I'd love to pick your brain. Your grafted mother sounds sick. I have a few citrus trees I've grafted over the years with local hardy rootstocks.

Maine has some pretty badass cultivation laws. We get 6 plants per adult, 12 veg plants and unlimited seedlings or clones uner 12x12x12

With this in mind I could have multiple rooms setup that would allow me to hAve 2x 9-10 weeks cycles worth of veg plant growth. I'm not sure if the 7 gallon ppk muck tubs would be big enough to handle a plant that has vegged for 18-20 weeks lol.

do you think your vert bulb arrangement is more efficient than a scrog'd gavita or other DE turned up past 1100watts?

You can do a lot with DE's. Not sure if vert is more efficient or if you can duplicate the success with a flat canopy. Especially with plants as big as you are talking!

Hope all is well with You! Happy Easter!

Thank you bro!

Excellent read SuperWeed. Lot's of good show info but the real secret to vigorous growth is in post #77.

Thank you for the Kudos bro!

Great thread this!

Thank you!


Active member
You can do a lot with DE's. Not sure if vert is more efficient or if you can duplicate the success with a flat canopy. Especially with plants as big as you are talking!

Good to see you on here bro. My wife and I took the initiative and bought a place up north. I'll have time and space up here to do some weird shit. My first experiment will be with grafting techniques. Grafting 4 vegging plant trunks together while keeping all 4 root structures and main stalks together. This will essentially be 4 plants in 1 to keep total plant count down yet creating a hulk of a single plant hahaha...


im waiting on this mainlining blog.....

Aren't we all..... Come on Super... :biggrin: Never keep a lady waiting Months... lol....

Wait a minute. What did I say I was going to do? I have put up a blog, but it's nowhere near finished!

I still haven't been able to read all of Aspenou812's thread! What is it, like 400 pages already?

P.O. came by today, still no word on whether or not the transfer is going to take... I love Oregon. In case anyone was wondering.


Well-known member
Wait a minute. What did I say I was going to do? I have put up a blog, but it's nowhere near finished!

I still haven't been able to read all of Aspenou812's thread! What is it, like 400 pages already?

P.O. came by today, still no word on whether or not the transfer is going to take... I love Oregon. In case anyone was wondering.

A lot has happened... Better get busy reading Super

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
12 plant PPK up and running!


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I live based on a couple suppositions, which one could, for the sake of argument, call secret. Because at the end of the day, most people aren't ready for the Red Pill.

1. The Force is real. The Force is knowledge and the practical application of that knowledge. Ignorance is not bliss. Knowledge is the beginning of power.

2. We live in the Matrix.

You can have anything you want out of life, if you help enough other people get, what they want.

God, Nature, The Universe, all of us, We Are One. This includes you, elite godheads, and you untouchable caste. Do unto others, and see how fast the world turns around.

The Law of Attraction is real. I don't know how it works, it's above my pay grade. What matters isn't knowing how it works, but knowing that it works and knowing how to use it. And as much as I want to know all of it, sometimes maybe I don't. This is why:

There is no Light Side or Dark Side of The Force. There is only The Force.

There is only the good side or the dark side of our own nature.

That means very wealthy and powerful people in our world have very dark natures, and until they see what is possible, then the world will stay evil. We will continue to have war and poverty and famine. In a world where we all have supercomputers in our pockets.

Choose The Light. Think about everything you say. Never hit. Hitting never works. The reason we have so much police violence is because we were taught that hitting was ok. Decades of war has ruined this country. PTSD case upon PTSD case, child abuse, domestic abuse, suicide, depression, all caused as collateral damage of a war on this or on that. Remember, you may never see that person again. And in 100 years, we will all be gone. Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. And watch what happens in your life. The Christians call it being saved. I call it, a better life.

Read Napoleon Hill. Read David Icke. Read Bob Proctor. Listen to Jim Rohn, "Your Best Year Ever" on YouTube. Those 4 hours changed my life. Read Dale Carnegie. Read Peter Drucker. Read Jim Rogers. Read Leil Lowndes. Read Stephen Hawking. Read Conspiracy Theories. Read Ayn Rand for the love of God. Read Rupert Sheldrake. Read Huston Smith. Read the Bible, front to back. Read The Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, The Koran, The Talmud, The Upanishads, Read, Read, Read, Read and study the sciences. Math, Geometry, Probability Theory, Chemistry. Push yourself. Your brain has an infinite capacity for knowledge. With experience, it will bring wisdom. There is so much I still want to know.

And know yourself. We talk about knowing our strains, all the time on these forums. But how often do we talk about knowing ourselves? Maybe a system isn't right for you. Maybe a technique isn't enough complexity. As I said, we live in the Matrix. I prefer simplicity, because that is what the genius of our world have told us works best. Occam's Razor. Einstein. Simplify. We weren't meant to have 5000 items in our living rooms. Simplify. Grow more.

And most of all, Think. "Think, and Grow Rich".

I have more, but the weed is wearing off.

You are an inspiration. Im sorry to hear of the things you went through, to come through it is one thing, to come through it the way you have is another thing completely.

You are a man after my own heart. This post was maybe the best thing I’ve read after spending years stalking grow forums.

One love my brothers and sisters


New member
"Brilliant, humble, helpful, kind, generous" you forgot brave, clean, thrifty, and reverent! please!

I live based on a couple suppositions, which one could, for the sake of argument, call secret. Because at the end of the day, most people aren't ready for the Red Pill.

1. The Force is real. The Force is knowledge and the practical application of that knowledge. Ignorance is not bliss. Knowledge is the beginning of power.

2. We live in the Matrix.

You can have anything you want out of life, if you help enough other people get, what they want.

God, Nature, The Universe, all of us, We Are One. This includes you, elite godheads, and you untouchable caste. Do unto others, and see how fast the world turns around.

The Law of Attraction is real. I don't know how it works, it's above my pay grade. What matters isn't knowing how it works, but knowing that it works and knowing how to use it. And as much as I want to know all of it, sometimes maybe I don't. This is why:

There is no Light Side or Dark Side of The Force. There is only The Force.

There is only the good side or the dark side of our own nature.

That means very wealthy and powerful people in our world have very dark natures, and until they see what is possible, then the world will stay evil. We will continue to have war and poverty and famine. In a world where we all have supercomputers in our pockets.

Choose The Light. Think about everything you say. Never hit. Hitting never works. The reason we have so much police violence is because we were taught that hitting was ok. Decades of war has ruined this country. PTSD case upon PTSD case, child abuse, domestic abuse, suicide, depression, all caused as collateral damage of a war on this or on that. Remember, you may never see that person again. And in 100 years, we will all be gone. Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You. And watch what happens in your life. The Christians call it being saved. I call it, a better life.

Read Napoleon Hill. Read David Icke. Read Bob Proctor. Listen to Jim Rohn, "Your Best Year Ever" on YouTube. Those 4 hours changed my life. Read Dale Carnegie. Read Peter Drucker. Read Jim Rogers. Read Leil Lowndes. Read Stephen Hawking. Read Conspiracy Theories. Read Ayn Rand for the love of God. Read Rupert Sheldrake. Read Huston Smith. Read the Bible, front to back. Read The Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, The Koran, The Talmud, The Upanishads, Read, Read, Read, Read and study the sciences. Math, Geometry, Probability Theory, Chemistry. Push yourself. Your brain has an infinite capacity for knowledge. With experience, it will bring wisdom. There is so much I still want to know.

And know yourself. We talk about knowing our strains, all the time on these forums. But how often do we talk about knowing ourselves? Maybe a system isn't right for you. Maybe a technique isn't enough complexity. As I said, we live in the Matrix. I prefer simplicity, because that is what the genius of our world have told us works best. Occam's Razor. Einstein. Simplify. We weren't meant to have 5000 items in our living rooms. Simplify. Grow more.

And most of all, Think. "Think, and Grow Rich".

I have more, but the weed is wearing off.

Beautiful brain dump my brotha. For real!

What!? No Buckminster Fuller? Haha...I figured you for the Ol' Buckminster Fuller type for sure. I kid.

Great thread so far. Thank you! If you are still looking for an investor reach out, though I dont know if I can either send or recieve private messages yet.

I am very interested in your design and, like many others, have some more questions.

I am sincerely disheartened by your temporary failures and hardships. I only word it that way to remind you that these situations need not be the end of you, nor a permanent life long "ball and chain". You cannot control then wind...but you CAN control your sails. And do not let what you cant do, stop you from doing what you CAN do.

It sounds like you have been through the ringer brother. Family, legal, and financial problems. But as hard as it is to remember when you're in the middle of the storm...remember "
Every*adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."

As someone who has been through it and come out on the other side, I can relate.

I hope all is well. I hope you are free. I hope your family has begun to heal from all of this. And I hope to hear from you soon.



A lot has happened... Better get busy reading Super

I have been busy. I am sorry that I drop off. I most recently took a gig (with 10 other people) growing 7500 plants in the Nevada Desert, a few miles outside Death Valley on an Indian Reservation. My boss was 24, with a few Grass Valley outdoor grows under her belt. The plants were delivered 4 feet tall, in 4 inch pots. I tried to help, but got in trouble for speaking up about the idiocy of the whole situation. This show failed before it began; I'm not sure it was legal. I was lucky to get out with most of my pay.

I finished my Bachelors and I'm working on my Masters in Business Psychology, so that keeps me busy too. I'm finally learning a few things from all the money spent in student loans, so that makes me happy.

12 plant PPK up and running!

Good Fucking Work!!!

You are an inspiration. Im sorry to hear of the things you went through, to come through it is one thing, to come through it the way you have is another thing completely.

You are a man after my own heart. This post was maybe the best thing I’ve read after spending years stalking grow forums.

One love my brothers and sisters

Namaste my friend. My awakening has only just begun. I just found out I have "Aphantasia", so I am working on that.

just read entire 14 pages. awesome stuff!!

Thank you, I hope it was worthwhile.

"Brilliant, humble, helpful, kind, generous" you forgot brave, clean, thrifty, and reverent! please!

Beautiful brain dump my brotha. For real!

What!? No Buckminster Fuller? Haha...I figured you for the Ol' Buckminster Fuller type for sure. I kid.

Great thread so far. Thank you! If you are still looking for an investor reach out, though I dont know if I can either send or recieve private messages yet.

I am very interested in your design and, like many others, have some more questions.

I am sincerely disheartened by your temporary failures and hardships. I only word it that way to remind you that these situations need not be the end of you, nor a permanent life long "ball and chain". You cannot control then wind...but you CAN control your sails. And do not let what you cant do, stop you from doing what you CAN do.

It sounds like you have been through the ringer brother. Family, legal, and financial problems. But as hard as it is to remember when you're in the middle of the storm...remember "
Every*adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit."

As someone who has been through it and come out on the other side, I can relate.

I hope all is well. I hope you are free. I hope your family has begun to heal from all of this. And I hope to hear from you soon.


“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” ― Robert A. Heinlein

I want to say that I am woefully incapable of a few things on this list. That is to say, I have goals.

Thank you for all of your kind words. Without this community, I would never have grown anything. I love you all.

I am looking for investors or partners. If you are serious, I am putting myself out there: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sixsigmacannabis
Last edited:


Where the heck are ya Super Weed
Medford Oregon, running a 12,000 square foot indoor facility. I was just on Charlie McKenzie's CropTalk Podcast! https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=a...mFmYjIzYTY5NGE5ZGI4NDM3NTZiMzRhNjcyYWQ=&hl=en

just read the whole thread.good read.hope you have everything going well in your life now!
Things are going well! Thank you!

Wow Super Weed, Sad and inspiring all at once. I hope things are going well now.
Top of the world right now!

Thank you all for checking in!



Active member
Holy Shit! I too have been screwed by the system, man all the best wishes! Awesome with that grafted super-mother! headed back to read more now!